Archive for 2019


There’s just one problem. The video not manipulated. It is not doctored or altered or fake. Whatever word you want to use, it doesn’t matter. It wasn’t even deceptively edited. No matter what Trump’s opponents claim, one thing is undeniable: Nancy’s speech is not altered in the video. The video is a series of clips made into a montage—a common method for saving time. The video Trump shared is a clip from Lou Dobbs Tonight on Fox Business from the same day. Greg Jarrett (filling in for Lou Dobbs) aired the montage from her press conference and discussed it with his guest, former Reagan White House political director and Fox Business political analyst Ed Rollins.

You can watch the segment by clicking here and scrubbing over to 6:55 (cable subscription and login required) to see the portion of the segment that Trump tweeted.

Despite the fact that Trump did not share a video that deceptively altered Pelosi’s speech, social media was buzzing over this false narrative, from the left and Never Trump right.

Shades of the media’s old “selectively edited” trope. So does this mean anytime the media uses a montage, we can call the video “doctored” or “manipulated?” Team America has had it!

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Why Hollywood Is Weaponizing Nostalgia Against Trump—from ‘Laugh-In’ to “All in the Family’ to ‘The Jeffersons.’

Today’s stars leverage everything in their arsenal against President Donald Trump. They flex their social media accounts, incorporate anti-Trump rants into films and TV shows, and turn awards shows into Democratic pep rallies.

Robert De Niro alone spends more time cursing out President Trump than starring in movies worthy of his talent.

So it’s only natural to look to the past to hit Trump anew. The “Laugh-In” special allowed progressive stars to do just that. The sitcom recreations, though, offered a more subtle approach to the same model. The shows leaned on the original scripts with only minor modifications.

Laugh-In was so long ago it had what is now that rarest of Hollywood Unicorns: a Republican comedy writer/producer.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): We watched the first 15 minutes of this and had to turn it off. It was just terrible. Woody Harrelson was nonstop smarmy mugging as Archie, Marisa Tomei had the screechy Edith voice, but that was all, and the rest of the acting was pedestrian at best. The script was the original, but honestly, if you watch the original show it doesn’t hold up very well either. All those “timely” shows from the 1970s have aged much worse than the silly non-topical shows from the 1960s.


Macron has talked of creating networks of European universities, schools and cultural institutions to ensure that “every European recognizes their destiny in the figures adorning a Greek temple or in Mona Lisa’s smile,” as well as similar networks of European police forces and militaries to keep Europeans safe in an era of radical Islamist terrorism, Russian espionage and U.S. disinterest.

In other words, counter nationalism with a kind of super-nationalism and throw in a dose of anti-Islamist rhetoric. Mimic the caricature you have developed of your opponents, and beat them at their own game.

It’s a clever response. However, there are problems with it. First, staffing a network of universities that preaches a European destiny and extols Greek temples and Mona Lisa’s smile won’t be easy.

To be fair, this wasn’t the EU’s first attempt at a version of Whig history, where, instead of all of history being a prelude to the classically liberal England of the 19th and early 20th century, all of European history leads to the glorious founding of the transnational “progressive” EU. Recall the outrage in 2012 when the EU opened a museum focused on “The European Civil War,” or as sane people like call it, World War II. As Bryan Preston wrote at the time:

That’s a rather provincial attitude to take, regarding a conflict that saw action from Guam to Alaska and the Philippines to North Africa. For a continental civil war, it was a very far-flung conflict. I’ve personally stood atop Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima, and walked the streets of Paris, France. They’re…pretty far apart.

If this is to be Europe’s revisionist attitude going forward, then on behalf of everyone outside Europe, I ask the continentals from now on to keep their “civil wars” to themselves.

Indeed. In the meantime though, if Macron wants to shift how European history is taught in the classrooms of EU nations after decades of academics teaching victimhood-steeped “black armband history,” have fun storming the castle.

ANDREW SULLIVAN: Good-bye, Theresa. Hello, Boris?

But there’s no sign yet that the center has been able to marshal arguments anywhere nearly as potent as the nationalist right’s. In fact, some of the Brussels plutocrats and Eurocrats seem intent on making things worse. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, and hate-figure in Britain, declared to CNN this week: “These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries. They don’t like those coming from far away, I like those coming from far away … we have to act in solidarity with those who are in a worse situation than we are in.” He somehow avoided calling them all deplorables.

But he’s right of course. People do tend to be in love with their own countries, just as they love the borders that allow their countries to exist. Those who turned the E.U. into a kind of megastate incapable of summoning real patriotism never quite grasped this, and still don’t.

If you want to know why neo-fascism is resurgent in Europe, this is why. The European project overreached, and has never recovered from the financial crisis a decade ago. Europeans have always been more attached to their own national identities than to some abstract edifice like the E.U.

Read the whole thing. To be fair though, this isn’t the first time that Andrew has seen neo-fascism resurgent somewhere in the world.

CHANGE: “Now that the Russia collusion allegations have evaporated, the long knives are out and the president’s antagonists are watching their backs. They have moved from accusing President Trump of treason to pushing revisionist narratives that try to shift the blame for the debunked probe onto others.”

Ultimate conspiracy theory: It was actually Trump who caused the Steele Dossier to be commissioned, as a poison pill that his Deep State adversaries would be unable to resist, ensuring their destruction and his eventual ascendancy.

Wilford Brimley voice: “Mr. Trump, are you that smart? . . . Never mind, you ain’t gonna tell us, are you?”

SO I MENTIONED OCCUPATIONAL LICENSING THE OTHER DAY, BUT LET ME GO A STEP FARTHER: I don’t think even driver’s licenses should be issued by the state. Instead, you should just have to show proof of insurance. The insurance companies have a better incentive to monitor your driving than the state does, since they have skin in the game. And they won’t be tempted — as legislatures constantly are — to revoke your driving privileges because of unrelated items like unpaid student loans or child support.

INDIAN OCEAN NAVY POWER PHOTO FOR MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND: The U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer USS William P. Lawrence sails with ships from the Royal Australian, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, the French Navy aircraft carrier FS Charles de Gaulle and its escort ships through the Gulf of Bengal. The caption says the allied fleet was participating in an anti-submarine exercise and enhancing interoperability between the U.S. and French navies.