Archive for 2019

RETURN OF THE PRIMITIVE: Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles.

Related: As Two LAPD Officers Are Treated for Typhus, Here’s How LA City Gov’t Helped Create the Problem. “The politicians Pinsky blames for the crisis accuse him of hyperbole, blaming the massive homeless population for the ‘adverse conditions’ and claim that they just need more money (more money!) to help the homeless. But, it turns out that the city political machine’s insatiable appetite for grift and control has played a big part in creating and perpetuating this problem.”

OPEN THREAD: Make it special.

ENDORSED: Nation Approves Plan To Push Hollywood Into Pacific Ocean.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new law passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump Thursday approves a plan to push Hollywood into the Pacific Ocean, sources in Washington are reporting.

The new law calls for federal officials to build or acquire a giant hand saw and make a rough incision along the outside of the central district of Los Angeles, leaving a large enough buffer so as to be sure that none of Hollywood would remain, allowing the scandal-ridden Tinseltown and its occupants to simply drift out to sea.

The plan comes amidst a continuous string of sexual scandals and horrific crimes that have come to light, perpetrated by some of the biggest Hollywood stars.

Note to Snopes: This is the Babylon Bee, so it’s satire — or is it?

WHY YOU SHOULDN’T TRUST YOUR FOOD CRAVINGS. Your gut bacteria may be manipulating you.

STEPHEN KRUISER: Having Achieved World Peace, UN Turns Its Attention to Alexa and Siri—Symbols of the Patriarchy.

The grievance peddlers around the world live in a fictional world. They see oppressive shadows everywhere, none of which exist. That’s right, I said “none.”

Look, I am the patriarchy. I’ll admit, it’s fun most of the time. We really don’t have the vision and reach that we’re given credit for, however.

Most of us are also smart enough to differentiate between a disembodied, programmed voice and a real live woman. A huge, relaxing part of being the patriarchy is that we never, ever overthink things. None of us are listening to Alexa’s weather update and spinning that into a “My Hot Secretary” fantasy.

Well, with the exception of Raj Koothrappali, of course.

JAMES LILEKS: Meet the skyway’s Lazarus of Leather — Minneapolis shoe rehab owner can repair anything, including the broken man he once was.

When you leave the shoe-rehabilitation establishment run by one Robert Napoleon Steele the Third, you will walk a bit taller, stride a bit quicker. You’re guaranteed to be well-shod and shiny, for you’ve just visited the Lazarus of Leather. The man who can bring the most battered, hopeless, despairing shoe back to its showroom state.

You might say he did the same for himself. Ask Napoleon about his life story and he might ask which part you want — the stand-up comedian days, or the 19 years on the street, homeless?

“I remember when I was homeless, sleeping in an alley on a stinking mattress, didn’t matter, when you’re homeless, you don’t care how it is,” he said.

“I saw this family coming back from church. I was praying — God, get me off crack. Get me off drugs. And I did! And now I got kids, and it’s ‘Sit down! Boy, leave your brother alone! Don’t set the cat on fire!’ And I think, ‘God, get me back on crack.’ ”

He grins. Got you. Of course, he wouldn’t trade fatherhood for anything.

It’s Lileks and a great human interest story, so needless to say, read the whole thing.

ANALYSIS: TRUE. Harvard Is An Embarrassment To American Higher Education. “Students who feel so traumatized by thoughts differing from their own obviously do not belong at a serious university and should be encouraged to transfer elsewhere.” Like a nursery school.

CAR & DRIVER’S JOHN PEARLEY HUFFMAN: Enthusiasm Matters, and Mine is for Cars and Magazines.

Of all the things that could have grabbed my enthusiasm, I’m at a loss as to why it was cars and car magazines. Or why Bill Gates was obsessed with writing code, Michael Jordan spent more time in the gym than anyone else, Wynton Marsalis could spend all those hours practicing the trumpet, and Quentin Tarantino would train himself by watching every movie ever made. Why do we love what we love?

Adam Alter, an associate professor of marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business and the author of the books Irresistible and Drunk Tank Pink, has some ideas. “A huge part of this is accidental,” he wrote in an email. “Malcolm Gladwell has written about this in Outliers where he explores why so many tech titans, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, were born within a few years of one another. He suggests they happened to be born at a time when they had access to large-stack computers at universities and so had time to develop competencies that ultimately made them billionaires. Born five years earlier or later, they may have explored very different pursuits.”

There is a “moment in time” aspect to all this. If nothing else, my early years are saturated with advertising for cars at a time when being unapologetically in love with cars was an okay thing. Plus, I was six when Mattel introduced Hot Wheels cars with a massive marketing blitz aimed right at me in 1968. And that was a prepubescent gateway drug for car nuttery if there ever was one.

Heh, Indeed. Read the whole the thing.™


Related Twitter thread: “It seems like many people on the right do not understand the concept of a political battle. The left understands it. That is why when they lose a battle, they just regroup and try again and again and again until they win. The left lost the political battle for gun control decades ago. Yet, they are still out there trying to push their gun grabbing ways after every shooting. They are still trying to get businesses to stop doing business with gun sellers and/or pro 2nd amendment people. It’s unrelenting not just on the gun issue but every issue. Due to this constant pressure the right has fallen into a defender role to conserve the status quo so to speak. It’s easy to understand how this defender role came about but it’s harder to change from defense.”

Read the whole thing.