Archive for 2019

GOD AND MAN AT SOUTH BEND: Progressive ‘Christian’ Pete Buttigieg Doesn’t Seem to Understand His Own ‘Faith.’

More here: The breathtaking arrogance of Pete Buttigieg.

Buttigieg’s abortion sophistry was too much for his evangelical brother-in-law, Pastor Ryan Glezman. He told the Washington Examiner:

I feel a sense of responsibility and stewardship of my faith to stand up and say something, to say, ‘No, that’s not true.’ God places a very high value on all human life. Everyone is created fearfully and wonderfully in the image of God with intrinsic value. That doesn’t start at the first breath, it starts when we enter our mother’s womb.

Glezman expressed concern that Buttigieg is making increasingly outlandish claims about the Bible and Christianity, all for political expediency:

What we see is a modern-day Pharisee. Buttigieg is a person who’s making up [his] own rules and regulations and, basically, if we don’t celebrate and endorse [his] interpretation of Scripture, our religion is fallible. And that’s just not true.

If, as some say, Pete Buttigieg is the face of the future Democratic Party, then that Party will be even more insufferable and intolerant than the current incarnation.

Related: House Democrat Explodes On Liz Cheney For Defending God.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: University of Wisconsin-River Falls official tells conservative student with ‘free speech ball’ to move or face the cops. “Salmon was confronted by UW-River Falls Conference and Contract Services Manager Kristin Barstad outside River Falls’ main building, University Center. The official informed the student that she lacked the proper permissions needed to exercise her free speech on public university property and needed to take the ball elsewhere.”

Petty tyrants. Who don’t know anything: “Barstad said that if the student declined to leave the areas, then campus police would be summoned ‘based on the university policy that you’re violating,’ although Barstad said ‘I’m not going to know that [policy] off the top of my head’ . . . Neither Barstad nor Rubis responded to Campus Reform when asked which policy Salmon was allegedly violating.”

It’s the policy that conservative students should shut up and keep their heads down if they know what’s good for them.


And of course, CBS is there to assist in damage control after her gaffe with this headline:  An insult was lobbed at Trump at a Kamala Harris event. She says it was “offensive” and “hurtful.”

Harris told CBS News’ Caitlin Huey-Burns in an exclusive interview that she did not register the offensive term used in the moment, saying she did not “hear or process or in any way condone” it.

“It’s an incredibly offensive term,” Harris said in an interview. “It’s offensive and you would think that in the year 2019, people would have a much better understanding of how hurtful a term like that can be.”

“I heard him talk about the other stuff and then that came later and it was not something that I really heard or processed … or in any way condone, that’s for sure,” Harris continued.

Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with Chyrons, and CBS giving her a do-over all makes sense.

Flashback: Kamala Harris seems to have invented a stock nonanswer for any question… and I think you can tell she doesn’t believe she can get away with it.