Archive for 2019

RUSSIA’S NEW FLOATING NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SETS SAIL FOR THE ARCTIC: “Developed by the Russian state nuclear company Rosatom, the plant, known as ‘Akademik Lomonosov,’ set off on a 5,000 km (3,100 mile) journey through Arctic waters to reach the Chukotka region, which lies across the Bering Strait from Alaska. The plant, loaded with nuclear fuel, will replace a coal-fired power plant and an aging nuclear power plant supplying more than 50,000 people with electricity in the town of Pevek.”

IN OTHER WORDS, SOD OFF, SWAMPY: Pipe down, Elton, you eco-snob: Elton John’s defence of Harry and Meghan was hilariously elitist. “Poor Elton John. He’s ‘deeply distressed’. What’s happened to the filthy-rich national treasure? Well, some people were mean about his posh, rich mates using his private jet to fly to his swanky pad in the South of France. Can you believe the indignities celebrities have to endure? Us plebs with our once-a-year jaunts on Ryanair could never understand the awfulness of being mocked for swanning about on an airplane swilling with champagne. . . . People have called Harry and Meghan massive, ridiculous hypocrites because just a couple of weeks ago they were lecturing the masses from the pulpit of Vogue magazine about the need to cut carbon and save the planet and yet now they’re farting out more CO2 than most of us do in a year by jetting back and forth across the south of Europe. Elton, like an obsequious courtier protecting his princes from the barbs of the dumb masses, says these criticisms are ‘distorted’, ‘malicious’, ‘relentless’ and ‘untrue’.”

As Ed would say, classical reference in title. I still love this story.

HERE’S WHY DEMOCRATS SHOULD BE SCARED OF A SUPREME COURT VACANCY IN 2020: “The Biden Rule of 1992 may have come back to bite the Democrats in the rear in 2016, but that doesn’t mean the GOP has to cave to their tantrums and rule changes that only serve their short-term political needs. Democrats should be very scared of a potential vacancy on the Supreme Court in 2020. There is literally nothing to stop Trump and the GOP from filling the seat.”

ROBBY SOAVE: How Antifa’s Apologists Fell In Love With Street Violence. The left favors violence only under certain circumstances: When it’s out of power and feels frustrated, and when it’s in power and feels unstoppable.

Related: Ben & Jerry’s Unveils New Antifa-Inspired Flavors. “The new flavors include Vegan Coconut Milkshake with Real Concrete Mix, Blood of the People You Disagree With, and Antifa Protester B.O. All the flavors are made with real ingredients, whether that’s blood harvested from people that Antifa threw a brick at or actual sweat from Antifa rioters.”


I was able to track down a picture of the protest of Sarsour’s speech in Hillsborough from the local newspaper. No Klansmen. No Confederate flags. The “right-wing Zionists” appear to be one women waiving an Israeli flag, and someone holding up a sign that says “Women Against Antisemitism.” Neither this nor any other story about her speech mention any KKK presence, nor the presence of Confederate flags.

UPDATE: A Twitter friend sent me a Facebook link to video of the protest and counter-protest. No KKK, no Confederate flags. Shocker. And just to clarify: the first set of pictures are from Rep. Meyer’s tweet of yesterday about events of yesterday. Sarsour is claiming the the KKK and Confederate flags were present at her speech in March, for which I have provided contrary photographic evidence. She is lying.

THIS IS CNN: Andrew McCabe’s Unjust Deserts. “McCabe was also a central figure in the get-Mike-Flynn operation and, later, the Great Trump Hunt that occupied Andrew Weissmann’s Howdy Doody dummy Robert Mueller for some two years. McCabe leaked information about an investigation to a Wall Street Journal reporter and lied about leaking in casual conversations with superiors as well as under oath. Yet he will soon be reporting for duty at CNN…McCabe joins a CNN stable that includes former Obama national intelligence director James Clapper, who is best known for lying to Congress about the government’s bulk collection of telephone metadata . . . and for discussing Steele dossier information with CNN shortly before the network published a report about it . . . and not long before it hired Clapper as a commentator. CNN missed out on former Obama CIA director John Brennan, who falsely denied to the Senate that his agency spied on the chamber’s intelligence committee. Brennan, who said he was really sorry, was inked by MSNBC. There really is not enough contempt to go around for these creeps.”

OSPREY ALLIES IN ACTION: A USMC MV-22B Osprey and a Japan Ground Self-Defense Force V-22 Osprey conduct aerial maneuvers at Marine Corps Air Station New River, North Carolina, July 9, 2019.

DON SURBER: Japan backs USA in Red China trade war. “Japan just agreed to buy all our surplus corn. This is its way of backing us in our trade war with Red China. . . . President Trump is taking on Red China and I believe Japan is not the only nation that wants him to succeed. As timing is everything in politics and comedy, President Trump knew he had this deal heading into the G-7. This allowed him to slap tariffs on Red China ahead of the summit. But remember, his tariff moves come with a deadline, which allows the tariffed nation time to avoid them. Tariffs are a negotiating tool. The idea of a rogue president is a journalistic fantasy to help reporters cope with the reality that President Trump is doing a whale of a job.”

It’s certainly true that the notion of an irrational Trump who lashes out petulantly with no strategic plan is a comforting illusion of his critics, not supported by the record.

ROGER KIMBALL: David Koch’s ‘dark money’ was misunderstood.

It tells us a good deal about the moral complexion of the reflexive left that someone like Bill Maher, whom the herd of independent minds clusters around when it wants to indulge some particularly ungenerous impulse, should have greeted the death of David Koch with the remark that ‘he and his brother have done more than anybody to fund climate science deniers for decades, so fuck him. The Amazon is burning up. I’m glad he’s dead.’

‘Climate deniers.’ ‘The Amazon is burning.’ ‘I’m glad he’s dead.’ A better example of stupidity fired by heinous moral obtuseness would be hard to find. It almost goes without saying that Maher’s television audience erupted in applause and titters at his ignorant and shameful observation.

In another bit of news yesterday, it was reported that Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg had just completed yet another round of radiation to treat the recurrent cancer she has been suffering from. The venue for her treatment was Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York.  Only a few stories noted that in 2015 David Koch donated $159 million to Sloan Kettering, thus plausibly salvaging the life of one of the left’s hoariest icons.

Read the whole thing.