Archive for 2019

BIAS BY OMISSION. Impeachment Obsessed: Chuck Todd Fails to Grill Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) on Her Anti-Semitism.

Speaking of NBC and the dog that didn’t bark: WashPost’s Hypocrisy on Pete Buttigieg and Condemning Racism:

What did The Washington Post reporter not bring up to Mayor Buttigieg in response to that answer? After all, “If you do racist things, and say racist things”, according to the mayor, well —  it’s almost academic to note that you are a racist.

Strangely unmentioned was this story from last month in another Post, The New York Post. The headline: “Pete Buttigieg, Al Sharpton talk politics during lunch in Harlem.”

Not only did Buttigieg dine with Sharpton, saying afterwards how much he “valued the conversation” but he also went out of his way to speak at Sharpton’s National Action Network conference.

Now recall that this would be the very same Al Sharpton who…

Veteran followers of Sharpton will know some of the things that are coming next, as the Corbynization of the Democratic Party continues apace.


Time Magazine columnist Ian Bremmer on Sunday tweeted a quote from President Donald Trump about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that quickly went viral but it wasn’t real.

“President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.’” Bremmer wrote on Twitter.

While Trump did praise the North Korean dictator’s insult of former Vice President Joe Biden, the president never said what Bremmer quoted him saying because Bremmer made it up.

Bremmer left the false post up for several hours before conceding he made up the quote and deleting the tweet, which he defended as “plausible.”

Bremmer’s tweet was retweeted (and eventually deleted) by both CNN’s faux-Republican Ana Navarro and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), among others. Bremmer is also a “Global Research Professor” at NYU.

IN THE TWILIGHT ZONE: Harvard’s dismissal of Roland Sullivan et ux. still bothers me [clarification:  they were dismissed as “faculty deans” at Winthrop, not from Harvard altogether]. There have been a lot of craven actions to satisfy crybullies lately, but the l’affaire Sullivan may be the worst.

I can’t help thinking about the Twilight Zone episode, It’s a Good Life. In it, the adults will do anything to please Anthony, a child with god-like powers to read minds and to punish wrongthink by turning people into unpleasant objects. Once someone is so punished, the other adults beg Anthony to banish him “to the cornfield” to spare themselves the horror of being reminded of his fate. The difference—and it’s an important one—is that at least Anthony really was powerful. Harvard crybullies are only powerful because others respond to their demands.

Here’s a heavily edited version of the episode. Here’s the jack-in-the-box scene, and here’s a radio version.

SCOTT JOHNSON: 17 thoughts on Power Line turning 17 years old this weekend. Including:

10. Andrew Heyward was president of CBS News at the time of Rathergate. He hadn’t spoken much about the scandal for public consumption, but he talked about Truth [in which Robert Redford(!) played Dan Rather — Ed] to the New York Times when the Times celebrated the film at a TimesTalks event with Redford, Blanchett, Rather and Mapes. Heyward told the Times that the film “takes people responsible for the worst embarrassment in the history of CBS News, and what was at the time a grievous blow to the credibility of a proud news organization, and turns them into martyrs and heroes. Only Hollywood could come up with that.”

One might say that truer words were never spoken.

Needless to say, read the whole thing.

PHONY BETO MANIA HAS BITTEN THE DUST: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Lobs Softballs to Beto: “What can we do better as those of us trying to cover your candidacies from very far away from where the first votes will be cast in Iowa and New Hampshire? Don’t hold back.”

Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with lavalieres and Chyrons, and Wallace’s fawning interview makes perfect sense.

(Classical reference in headline.)