Archive for 2019


The capitulation of the Democrat transient majority — thanks, Paul Ryan! — to a minority of three radical females (Omar, Tlaib, and AOC)  is a weather vane indicting the direction the Democrat wind is blowing. I am in concordance with my friend and colleague Roger Simon in his assessment of the political situation. The instant capitulation of Pelosi and the rapid rewriting of a resolution meant to deplore anti-Semitisim — that is, Jew hatred — into a generic condemnation of all forms of “bigotry” tells you who has the power now. It’s not Pelosi and her sidekick, Steny Hoyer, but the young turkettes.

Read the whole thing.

Related: “America rescued Ilhan Omar and her family, but to hear her tell it, we are the ones who should be grateful.”

HMM: Dry eyes, migraines might be linked: Study. “The 10-year study of almost 73,000 people cared for at ophthalmology clinics in North Carolina found that — after accounting for certain medication use and other factors — people with migraine had a 20 percent higher risk of having dry eye disease.”

TERRY TEACHOUT: The Lesson of Satchmo.

Speaking of, I highly recommend this essay by my old lawprof Charles Black, about how seeing Louis Armstrong play when he was in high school led him to work on the Brown case.

EIGHT AMERICANS AMONG 157 DEAD AFTER ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES FLIGHT CRASHES AFTER TAKEOFF: “The 4-month-old Boeing 737-8 MAX plane crashed six minutes after departing on its way to Nairobi, Kenya, plowing into the ground at 8:44 a.m. local time, 31 miles south of Addis Ababa. The cause of the crash was not immediately known. The pilot sent out a distress call and was given clearance to return, the airline’s CEO told reporters. The plane had routine maintenance on Feb. 4 and had flown just 1,200 hours, the airline’s CEO said. The pilot had nine years of seniority with the airline. Overall, the airline’s safety record had been on par with other major world airlines.”

THE NEW YORK TIMES DISCOVERS AFRICAN-AMERICAN GUN CULTURE. “In the tumultuous civil rights era of the 1950s and ’60s, black activists and community organizers openly took up arms. And not just those in the more explicitly militant Black Power movement. Martin Luther King Jr., several N.A.A.C.P. officials and other leaders perceived as much more dovish, still carried or stored weapons to defend their households and communities from potential attacks.”

Welcome to the party, pals. Here’s my interview with Prof. Nicholas Johnson of Fordham University Law School, about his book Negroes and the Gun: The Black History of Arms.

I think we should recognize this phenomenon properly:

IT’S NOT SURPRISING THAT HE’S A HIGHER-ED APPARATCHIK: Berkeley assault suspect’s higher ed employment history more extensive than first thought. “Zachary Greenberg, the 28-year-old man facing three felony charges and one misdemeanor charge in connection to the incident involving Leadership Institute Field Representative Hayden Williams, has worked, volunteered, and studied at numerous institutions of higher education in California for the better part of a decade, a Campus Reform investigation has found. Greenberg has pleaded not guilty to each of the charges. . . . Several schools were listed on the page, including San Francisco State University, University of California-San Francisco and the University of California-Berkeley.”

GREAT AGAIN: 1,954-mile ‘energy park’ would pay for border wall, create economic boom.

Essentially, the plan would string a train of energy panels, wind turbines, national gas pipelines along the border bookended by desalination plants, creating what the experts said would be a highly protected energy industrial park.

And because the facilities need to be protected, it would bring in tight security.

Along with that, it would be an “economic driver, both in the construction of the facilities themselves and in the businesses that would be attracted to the region by cheap electricity,” said the experts.


ROGER KIMBALL: A Tight and Tangled ‘Collusion’ Web. “You really have to give it to the suits in Barack Obama’s intelligence services and Department of Justice (many of whom, of course, are still strutting about in Donald Trump’s administration). It was quite a web they wove, and tangled with complexity. Yet their prodigious practice also made it nearly impenetrable to anyone not inside their charmed circle.”

STORMY DANIELS AND THE DEATH OF JOURNALISM: “The ultimate irony is that in its zeal to hang Fox News for journalistic malfeasance, the media tossed journalistic standards in the trash can and gave readers the 100% wrong impression of Fox and the Stormy Daniels story. Journalists: these are the reasons why half of America believes Donald Trump when he calls us ‘fake.'”