Archive for 2019

BRR: Around the world, miles of rock are missing. Could ‘Snowball Earth’ be the culprit?

“There must have been some sort of special event in Earth’s history that led to widespread erosion,” said Steve Marshak, a geologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who studies what has come to be known as the Great Unconformity.

New research suggests it was something special indeed. Scientists propose that several freak episodes of global glaciation scoured away miles of continental crust, obliterating a billion years of geologic history in the process.

The idea was first proposed back in 1973 by a geologist named William White, but no one took him seriously, said C. Brenhin Keller of the Berkeley Geochronology Center, who led the study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“It’s an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence,” Keller said.

Today, however, researchers have come to accept the outlandish notion that, a few times in its 4.6-billion-year history, the planet froze over and became a “Snowball Earth.” Now Keller and his colleagues hope to convince their peers that the glaciers that crawled across the continents between 720 million and 580 million years ago were responsible for the Great Unconformity.

I certainly hope that doesn’t happen again.


1) Find an unimportant and non-influential dope who tweeted something dumb;
2) Assert or imply that said idiot speaks for an entire party or movement; and
3) Feel satisfied you have managed to discredit tens of thousands of people with one meme.

The AOC dancing video and the phantom argument that “conservatives used it to smear her” was one example, and sorry to say this is the same bloody thing, only coming from the Right.

The 21st Century strawman.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Well, I thought about that very thing before posting a link below. But the account in question isn’t a random anonymous popup, but an established one with over 36,000 followers, and Steve Scalise himself weighed in with several other examples. So I’m not sure this is comparable to the dance-video kerfuffle.

UPDATE (FROM CHARLES): Glenn makes a very reasonable point. Still, I find similarity in ascribing bad motives to an entire group based on a few tweets. Remember, the Tea Party “were all racists” because the MSM could find at least a handful of yahoos to quote.


UNDER CAPITALISM, THE RICH GROW POWERFUL. UNDER SOCIALISM THE POWERFUL GROW RICH — AND EVERYONE ELSE GROWS POOR: Rich kid of Communism: Fidel Castro’s model grandson flashes his wealth and love of the high life on Instagram as he travels the world. “On an island where bread, eggs and other basic foods have become scarce – an issue the current regime blames on the United States government imposed embargo – Tony Castro showed off his taste for fine liquors and foods during an uncle’s birthday celebration.

DESTRUCTIVE PARTISANSHIP: White House warned Dems gunning for ‘anything and everything Trump.’

“Look, bold, new majorities overreach. We did, and they will. This is especially true in wave years like 2018, with 63 — I think it is — new Democrats. They will definitely have this problem, especially with the progressive-socialist wing of their party. They’ll have to satisfy their hardcore base. So what does that mean? It means that they have to take quick action on things like Net Neutrality, the Green New Deal, and Medicare for all, or their base will go into complete meltdown,” Walden explained.

And that, he added, could help Republicans in the next election in 2020.

“The American people will want results. If the Democrats yield too much to their progressive activists, then how will their grand plans ever make it through the Republican Senate or across the president’s desk? You need to legislate and enact laws. To succeed at legislating, one does have to do more than satisfy the most extreme in the crowd,” said Walden.

“If they go too far, 2020 might look a lot like 2010. After all, some 33 Democrats are now in seats that President Trump won. And while the Democrats did a marvelous job at recruiting candidates, most rode the wave named ‘check and balance.’ They’re going to need legislative results — not government shutdowns,” he added.

Well, stay tuned.