Archive for 2019

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Michigan Court of Appeals Has Reversed the Felony Assault Convictions of a Gun Owner Who Acted in Self-Defense.

Related: A Michigan Court Case Shows the Right of Armed Self-Defense Is Broader Than You Might Think. “It justifies the brandishing of a gun as pre-emptive measure to block the use of unlawful force. . . . Police officers, for example, sometimes point a weapon at an individual as a means of preventing unlawful force even when they don’t have the legal right to fire a shot. . . . A contrary rule places civilians in an untenable position. They could not even pull their weapon until the threat of death is actively upon them. They would be forced to maintain maximum vulnerability right up until the point of maximum danger — a legal position that would be most threatening to people of slight physical stature who lack alternative effective means of self-defense.”

JUST THINK OF THE MEDIA AS DEMOCRATIC PARTY OPERATIVES WITH BYLINES AND IT ALL MAKES SENSE: The Press in Iowa Caught by Surprise they Were Participating in a Bernie Sanders Fundraiser.

It was recently announced that Major League Baseball will be playing a regular season game at the famed Field Of Dreams stadium, in Dubuque Iowa. This is the now famous landmark location where the titular baseball motion picture was filmed, and the Sanders campaign officials were struck with an idea to hold a softball game at the location. Not much of a problem so far; these are just the kind of photo-ops campaigns stage to get publicity, and to raise more money.

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It is that last detail that emerged, much to the surprise of the journalists covering the Sanders campaign. See, it turned out the game being played for the Sanders campaign was a contest between his staffers, and members of the media on the opposing team. It was only “at the last minute”, according to Politico, that members off the CNN and ABC News organizations who were going to play in the game backed out. This was due to a fundraising email the Sanders team sent out regarding the game.

Baseball seems a little too on-point for Bernie. Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.


The New York Times is going to devote itself to radicalizing the United States along racial lines. It will propagate the narrative that the engine driving American life is the efforts of white people to maintain supremacy, and the resistance of People of Color, and their allies, to white supremacy. Everything the paper reports will theoretically be filtered through that distorting lens, because the leadership of The New York Times believes it to be true. I don’t know this for a fact, but knowing newspapers as I do, I’d bet that there are professional journalists within that news organization who do not share these beliefs, and who in fact are worried about the direction of the newspaper. Not conservatives, but old-school liberals. And I bet they are now afraid to speak out, afraid that they will be denounced as fellow travelers of white supremacy if they do.

This isn’t, ultimately, about slavery. Not at all. This is about a great and vital American journalism institution surrendering its integrity and its reputation to the radical left. What has started at the Times will not remain at the Times. You need to understand that. Within the relatively small world of American journalism, senior newsroom leaders, in print and broadcast, are looking at what the Times is doing with this project with admiration, even envy. As usual in American journalism, where the Times leads, its acolytes around the country will follow.

Including television news readers, outside of Fox News. As CBS and HBO journalist Bernard Goldberg wrote in his 2003 book Arrogance: Rescuing America from the Media Elite:

But powerful as print is in general, and as powerful as the wire services are in particular, nothing—absolutely nothing —carries nearly as much weight in network television newsrooms as the New York Times. There are too many examples to count where television reporters appropriated (read stole) story ideas from local newspapers in their region and pitched them to their bosses, the executive producers of the network evening newscasts in New York, who turned the stories down, until . . . until they ran in the New York Times, the wall scratcher of record. 

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“Once the Times runs a story on page one,” that veteran cameraman told me, “we’re told to run out and do it!” If the Times decrees a story important, by definition it is important. And when the Times ignores a story— or a book or a social trend or an idea—then it is invisible. As the syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock puts it, “The cult of the New York Times . . . holds journalists, politicians, and other opinion makers in a Svengali-like trance. If the Times says the sun will rise in the west, then by golly it will!”

On a typical morning, this is how assignment editors and producers at the network news divisions begin their day. Step one: They open up the New York Times. Step two: They scan the paper for stories to put on their nightly newscasts. Step three: They get one of their high-priced reporters (who is in his or her own office also reading the New York Times) on the phone— a reporter who may not have come up with even one original story idea in his entire network career (I mean that literally)— and tell him or her to go out and do the New York Times story. Step four: He or she does, and that evening a video version of the Times story is on the air.

And Dean Baquet, A.G. Sulzberger, and the rest of Times ozone layer of management knows this, which is why the sea change in how the founding of America is viewed likely won’t remain bottled up in its own editorial bullpen for long.

CHANGE: I got my hip replaced at 39. Here’s why that might get more common. “Ultimately, everyone is trapped in their body until they die. But when body parts start to fail, if it’s the right part, you can get a new one: Doctors can also swap out knees, shoulders, elbows, ankles, wrists, even the discs in your spine.”

NEWS YOU CAN USE? Every Noise at Once.

Every Noise at Once is an ongoing attempt at an algorithmically-generated, readability-adjusted scatter-plot of the musical genre-space, based on data tracked and analyzed for 3,330 genre-shaped distinctions by Spotify as of 2019-08-21. The calibration is fuzzy, but in general down is more organic, up is more mechanical and electric; left is denser and more atmospheric, right is spikier and bouncier.

Click anything to hear an example of what it sounds like.

Click the » on a genre to see a map of its artists.

This is maybe the biggest and best soundboard ever, and easy to get lost in.

BUT THE TECHNOCRATS PRAISED THE “ONE CHILD” POLICY AS A BRILLIANT SOLUTION TO THE “POPULATION BOMB:” Bride prices in China have shot up, bending the country’s society out of shape.

Related: The marriage marketplace connection to China’s ghost cities. “There is a strong speculative component to the phenomenon, as the apartments in the empty buildings are being purchased for astronomical prices by highly leveraged chinese citizens, especially chinese men who are looking to signal their suitability to marry by owning ‘property’.”

RE-RE-ENTER THE MATRIX: Keanu and Carrie-Anne Are Back for Four.

Can they turn it around after the twin disasters which were “The Matrix Reloaded” and “The Matrix Revolutions?” Hell, I don’t even know what Moss is doing back for a fourth installment, after her prolonged death scene in the third movie.

True story. Trinity’s death was so drawn out, so over-the-top, and so speechified by both Moss and Reeves, that when I went to see it theaters in 2003, someone shouted at the screen, “JUST DIE ALREADY!” And then the entire theater erupted in cheers and applause for the shouter.

No, it wasn’t me.

But I still kind of regret that it wasn’t me.

TUCKER TACKLES BIDEN’S ‘EMBELLISHED’ BIOGRAPHY: “He’s got a million stories like that and he’s the hero of every single one of them. Take a seat and he’ll tell you. And as you listen, remember that this man, this former coal miner and civil rights leader is the single sanest person running for president as a Democrat this year. Meditate on that for the minute.”