Archive for 2019

SO I FINISHED Kurt Schlichter’s Collapse, yesterday and enjoyed it very much. The brief appearance by a “potato-like” General Stelter was just a plus. I think it’s his best yet, and I’m already looking forward to the sequel. My suggestion to him: Hire Sabo to stick up some “People’s Republic” style propaganda posters around LA as a publicity stunt. (Bumped).

OPEN THREAD: Be thankful for one another.


● Shot: Jamie Lee Curtis calls on voters to elect more women: ‘We here in America are Luddites*.’

The Hill, today.

● Chaser: Alec Baldwin and Jamie Lee Curtis Bash Palin at HuffPo.

NewsBusters, September 7th, 2008.

But she Curtis can make amends. As Stephen Miller tweets, he looks forward “to her unconditional support for Nikki Haley 2024.”

* I know, I know. Was it over when the Luddites bombed Pearl Harbor?

WEIRD — DON’T DELIVER THE TESTIMONY THE DEMOCRATS WANT, suddenly get slapped with a MeToo assault. The presumption that this is bullshit isn’t irrebuttable, but I’ll bet it won’t be rebutted.

TONI AIRAKSINEN: EXCLUSIVE: Autistic college student clears name after frivolous allegations.

UPDATE (Charlie): Toni is back to journalism after her illness, and hopes to get Patreon support. She says:

Hi readers, friends, and strangers!. After nearly a year-long hiatus from journalism, I’ve decided to finally start a Patreon to help fund my freelance journalistic endeavors & support my reporting.

Over the past five years, I’ve broken nearly three thousand exclusive news articles for websites like USA TODAY, PJ Media, The Post Millennial, The Daily Caller, Quillette, and numerous others.

My original reporting has been cited in publications including the Washington Post, PBS, Reason, The Daily Wire, Business Inside, at least six published academic books, and others places.

As a young women who typically reports on the issues that male students face from Title IX accusations, about Jewish students who are attacked for pro-Israel beliefs, and about students who are attacked for expressing their First Amendment rights, there aren’t many news outlets interested what I write about, and almost none of them offer payment.

So, I’m pivoting to independent work — supported solely by my readers — to bring the news to you.

I signed up, and I urge you to consider it.

MEANWHILE, OVER AT VODKAPUNDIT: Two Cheers for Capitalism (And Another for Black Friday).

If we’re being totally honest, part of the thrill of Christmas is the pure material joy of all the stuff.

I just don’t mean the presents, either. I’m talking about the decorations, the lights, the sparkly tinsel, the gift wrap, the food, the drink… Oh my, the food and the drink. I can’t get enough of the Christmas music, either, especially the totally commercial, secular stuff written mostly in the ’30s, ’40s, and ’50 by America’s greatest songwriters. The most famous of them all, “The Christmas Song,” was co-written by Mel Tormé — a Jew. If all that doesn’t warm your heart, then you sir are worse than Hitler.

Christmas, as any good Grinch knows, doesn’t come from a store, and none of the ribbons and tags and packages, boxes, and bags are actually necessary to the Christmas spirit. In fact, it’s all a rather recent innovation for a 2,000-year-old holiday, because for most of human history, humans were too poor to hope to do much more than somehow survive the long winter.

But then a marvelous thing happened: Capitalism.

This one is for PJMedia’s VIP members, and come to think of it, a membership might make a lovely Christmas or Chanuka gift. And that VODKAPUNDIT promo code is still good for a nice little discount, if you’d really like to celebrate all the capitalism.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Why is there more intellectual freedom in Bucharest than Cambridge? “The students in Bucharest were doing what students are supposed to do: hearing each side of the argument. They didn’t show any of the symptoms of intellectual decay that I often encounter among students in the Anglosphere.”

Donald Rumsfeld’s comments on the superiority of “New Europe” to “Old Europe,” though mocked at the time, now seem prescient.


There were more than 600 students enrolled at the university, which was created a few years ago by federal law enforcement officials with ICE. Records filed with the state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs show that the University of Farmington was incorporated in January 2016.

Curiously, CTL-F “Obama” brings up no results on the Detroit Free Press/USA Today article.


DISPATCHES FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE AND THE MEMORY HOLE: Educational Earthquake: ‘Disappearing’ the Great Writers From Schools.

It is hard to overstate the alarming implications of this educational earthquake. Deliberately withholding Shakespeare from young minds is a form of aesthetic starvation, but depriving them of Orwell is a moral crime. It is from Orwell’s “Animal Farm” that young minds first grasp the nature of totalitarian evil, whether it arises from the left or the right, and understand the preciousness of their freedoms.

Evil arising from the right today, such as the neo-Nazi movement, is instantly recognizable and universally deplored. But the collapse of the Soviet Union did not shame left-wing intellectuals into embarrassment for their ideology. The utopian dream of human perfectability and equality of outcome under an all-powerful state persists and grows in the West. Today, on the 70th anniversary of its 1949 publication, Orwell’s novel “1984,” which exposes the inherent perils of Marxist ideology, is as worthy of study as it was at the height of the Cold War.

“1984” was not meant as prophecy, but as warning. “I do not believe that the kind of society I describe necessarily will arrive,” Orwell said, “but that something resembling it could arrive.” Has “something resembling it” arrived in the West? Is progressivism that “something”?

Yes. Next question?

ANALYSIS: TRUE. “I seethed and boiled with disbelief at this narcoleptically inane puppeteer and his just-regaining-consciousness-post-coma manner of speaking. I did not yet know the word ‘condescending,’ but the way Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood talked down to children as though we were stroke victims made me want to set cars on fire. I’m not saying Mister Rogers was so boring that he inspired the The Warriors generation of marauding youths to go out wilding, but I’m not not saying that. Ten years of watching this guy, and a taste for mayhem might be the only logical response.”