Archive for 2018
September 7, 2018
DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH: Instructors claim first female enlisted to earn Ranger tab actually quit, given special treatment.
NON-FICTION: Romance novelist Nancy Crampton-Brophy arrested in murder of her chef husband. “Daniel Brophy was fatally shot in June; his wife, whose books include one titled ‘The Wrong Husband,’ was arrested this week.”
HEALTH: Olive Oil May Be More Effective For Erectile Dysfunction Than Viagra, A New Study Says.
The study, led by cardiologist Christina Chrysohoou at the University of Athens School of Medicine in Greece, looked at 660 men who averaged 67 years old. Some ate a Mediterranean diet — eating a robust amount of fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and of course, olive oil — and those who did reduced their incidence of ED by up to 40 percent. That nine tablespoons per day translated to elevated testosterone levels, which can help restore phallic functioning. But that’s just part of olive oil’s penis magic.
On top of testosterone, olive oil consumption appears to be heavily associated with improved cardiovascular health. Researchers suspect that this beneficial fat helped participants achieve and maintain erections by encouraging the dilation of the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow into the penis and surrounding tissue.
Maybe there’s something to this.
A friend of my grandfather’s attributed his good health to a tablespoon of olive oil taken every night at bedtime. And as a teenager, I couldn’t help but notice his girlfriend was much younger and better looking than he was.
AN IDEA SO CRAZY IT JUST MIGHT WORK: Experts: Protect yourself from the flu by getting vaccinated.
It would help, though, if the flu vaccines were more effective than they’ve been lately.
DAVID SOLWAY: The University Is Ripe for Replacement. “Higher education is enemy-occupied territory.”
AT AMAZON, Fall Deals on Hunting and Outdoor Knives.
SCRAPPLEFACE: Unknown Township Man: I’m Part of Office Resistance.
FASTER, PLEASE: One-dose flu drug shows promise in trials.
SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “This Obama speech makes me realize just how much I don’t miss him.”
IT’S COME TO THIS: Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s Campaign Requests VFW Hall Take Down American Flags Before His Rally There.
UPDATE: Not surprisingly, O’Rourke campaign spokesperson denies they were the young people who asked the VFW hall to remove its American flags.
FLASHBACK: A Living Constitution On The Right? Be careful what you wish for, lefties.
ANALYSIS: TRUE. Erdogan has limited options to save Turkey from financial crisis.
Actually, Erdogan has just one big option, but I doubt he’s likely to “Get the hell out of my way!” as the wise man once suggested.
ONCE WE HAVE ROBOCARS, we’ll have sleeper cars.
SENATORIAL STURM UND DRANG. The Brett Kavanaugh Hearings: Theater of the Absurd.
I THINK THIS IS SATIRE… The Babylon Bee Explains: Common Racist Hand Signals.
THE NEW CIVILITY: Over 200 protesters arrested during Kavanaugh hearings.
Plus: And the Women’s March is footing the bill.
That’s Linda Sarsour’s group, FYI.
Flashback: Senate approved Antonin Scalia 98-0.
CONGRESS WON’T ACT – TIME FOR SCOTUS: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, better known as the CFPB, is blatantly unconstitutional, as Brett Kavanaugh wrote [PDF link] for the DC Circuit court (his verdict was overturned on review). Congress (more precisely, the Senate) has failed to pass the necessary reforms. So today my organization, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, filed for cert. with the Supreme Court in our case against the Bureau. You can read more about it here. I’ll try to keep you up to date.
THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE TRIES TO STOP “PATIENT DUMPING”: Will the new law have the unintended consequence of accelerating the alarming trend toward hospitals’ closing down their emergency rooms?