Archive for 2018

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO LIE: Reuben Foster’s ex: ‘Lied a lot’ about domestic violence incident.

Elissa Ennis, the former girlfriend of San Francisco 49ers linebacker Reuben Foster, testified Thursday in a preliminary hearing that Foster never put his hands on her and that she “lied a lot” to authorities about an alleged domestic violence incident.

Ennis, who testified against the advice of her attorney Stephanie Rickard, said she made up the story because she wanted to ruin Foster’s career and sue him for money after he broke up with her on the morning of Feb. 11. She also admitted to falsely accusing a former boyfriend of domestic violence in Louisiana in 2011 after he attempted to break up with her.

Ennis said she felt she needed to tell the truth because she “had to do the right thing,” even if it meant admitting to previous lies to the police and to stealing money and two Rolex watches from Foster in the days after their breakup.

Well, kudos for the contrition, anyway.

BUFF TAKEOFF FROM GUAM: The “Continuous Bomber Presence” is still there and still prepared to visit Pyongyang.

HOW TO GET THE LEFT TO CONDEMN HAMAS: (1) Charter a flight to Charlottesville for Hamas’s leaders; (2) Give them a march permit; (3) Have them say what they always say about Jews. Because apparently shouting anti-Semitic slogans in Charlottesville is far more egregious than running a terrorist army in Gaza dedicated to genocidal anti-Semitism.

FAKE CHARITY CLINTON FOUNDATION IS THE NEST EGG BUILT FOR CHELSEA: Let us count the ways Bill and Hillary have abused philanthropy law and regulation to create and control a billion-dollar family slush fund that’s tax-exempt and seemingly immune from accountability. And who knew Charles Ortel is a Dire Straits fan!

SARAH SANDERS DESERVES A MEDAL: For two things — Daily hand-to-hand combat with a half-dozen or more liberal ideologues masquerading as journalists in the White House Press Corps and, as LifeZette’s Kathryn Blackhurst lucidly reports, insisting on cold, hard facts about, for example, what the animals AKA MS-13 routinely do to their victims.