Archive for 2018

MORE YALE STUDENTS DEMAND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMALS: Federal law says universities have to make “reasonable accommodations” for students who claim emotional trauma.  But if anyone believes this can be reasonably contained, they are being naive.  I had a student a couple of years ago who was gleefully upfront about how he was taking advantage of the law just to be annoying.

Your constitutional right to free speech may not be secure on campuses these days. But your roommate’s right to bleating, pooping aardvark may be. Not that there’s anything wrong with that …

JOHN HINDERAKER: Why Trump Tweets. “If true, it is 1,000 times bigger than Watergate. But until now, wild horses couldn’t have pulled the facts that have been steadily emerging about the real scandals of the 2016 election out of the AP. Why does the AP grudgingly cover them now? Because they were tweeted by President Trump. Democratic Party outlets like the Associated Press know that millions of people understand quite a bit about the brewing Obama FBI/CIA/Fusion GPS/Clinton campaign/FISA scandal–not just the eggheads who read National Review, but the great many who follow the president on Twitter, or see accounts of his tweets elsewhere. More than anyone else, it is President Trump who has stood up to the swamp in the person of Bob Mueller, and is forcing the Democratic Party press to begin covering the real story of the 2016 election.”

ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF PLESSY V. FERGUSON: Don’t Blame The Railroad. “One thing that some people don’t know is that the railroads were rooting for Homer Plessy.”

If Harlan’s dissent had instead commanded a majority, America would be in a much better place today.

CHANGE: Former Never Trumper Glenn Beck Jumps on The Trump Train. “When explaining his MAGA-conversion, Beck gave two main reasons for potentially voting Trump in 2020: the president’s supposed successes in office, and a distaste for how he is covered by the media.”

I see a lot of Trump supporters dumping on him, but you should never dump on someone who’s decided to join your team. And Mediaite’s efforts to cover for the press on the MS-13 matter are just embarrassing.

OPEN THREAD: You know what to do.

YES: “I think there’s a major fallacy in focusing on the 2016 election without understanding the bigger part of the picture: *why* bad actors in intel community were so desperate to not have Trump elected. It’s about what could be discovered about the past 10-20 years. Not just 2016.”

“SHE’S A HIGH-FALUTIN’ CATHY NEWMAN:” The New York Times Runs a Comprehensive Hit Piece On Jordan Peterson. It’s Dishonest, Malicious Crap.

The piece is a disaster area. But it’s likely to become the point-to-it-see-I-told-you-so profile for people on the Left seeking to dismiss Peterson out of hand. Which, of course, was the point, no matter how much dishonesty it took to achieve it.

Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime, as they used to say in the Times’ favorite country.

SCIENCE, IF PEOPLE CARE: More Wind and Solar Power Perversely Locks In Fossil Fuel Generation: Skip renewables for zero-carbon electricity and go directly to nuclear.

Many folks concerned about climate change are seeking to mandate the deployment of solar and wind power as replacements for the coal and natural gas currently used to generate most of the world’s electricity. Will this work? No, argues Michael Shellenberger, President of Environmental Progress, over at Forbes. Contrariwise, he explains that the inherent variability of solar and wind will perversely “lock-in” fossil fuels making it harder and more expensive to “save the climate.”

Why? Basically because power generators will have to build and maintain a parallel set of fossil fuel plants to supply energy to make up for shortfalls in renewable energy when the wind falters and the sun goes down. It’s not quite the same thing as having to pay for and build two separate power generation systems, but it’s closer than most advocates for renewable energy would like to acknowledge.

The thing is, environmentalism is a religion, not a policy package.


“The Cuban state-run newspaper Granma reported that the plane, a Boeing 737-200 leased by the national airline, Cubana de Aviación, was carrying 104 passengers and a foreign crew,” the Washington Post reports, adding that the state-run airline, “has taken many of its aging planes out of service in recent months because of mechanical problems.”


In 1965 Tom Wolfe visited Princeton University for a panel discussion of “the style of the Sixties.” The author of The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, published that year, was scheduled to appear alongside Günter Grass, Allen Ginsberg, and Paul Krassner. Grass spoke first. The German novelist’s remarks, Wolfe wrote later, “were grave and passionate. They were about the responsibility of the artist in a time of struggle and crisis.” And they were crudely dismissed by Krassner. “The next thing I knew,” Wolfe wrote, “the discussion was onto the subject of fascism in America.”

Wolfe was flummoxed, Grass silent as their co-panelists described the nightmares and injustices taking place outside the hall. “Suddenly,” Wolfe recollected, “I heard myself blurting out over my microphone: ‘My God, what are you talking about? We’re in the middle of a … Happiness Explosion!”

That was not what the crowd wanted to hear. A “tidal wave of rude sounds” drowned out Wolfe. But he found an unexpected ally in Grass, who spoke up once more. “For the past hour I have had my eyes fixed on the doors here,” he said. “You talk about fascism and police repression. In Germany when I was a student, they came through those doors long ago. Here they must be very slow.”

How little our intellectual climate has changed between that evening in the sixties and Wolfe’s death on May 14.

“Progressivism” – where time stands still.