Archive for 2018

PODCAST: John Hawkins Interviews The Insta-Wife. The only podcast with bikini pics? Well, one bikini pic of the Insta-Wife. Plus discussion of Kavanaugh, men’s rights, #MeToo and more.

GERARD VAN DER LEUN lost everything in the fire. He’s got a PayPal button, on the upper right.

HOW JIM ACOSTA KILLED #METOO: “This is an important cultural moment. There is now a comic meme about being physically violent to a woman. Notice how it’s upping the violence that makes it funnier and funnier.”

HUNTING MAKES US HUMAN: The world’s oldest figurative drawing depicts a wounded animal. “It’s a large animal of some sort, outlined and colored in with reddish-orange pigment, but after 40,000 years, parts of the image are missing. Griffith University archaeologist Maxime Aubert and his colleagues say it appears to be a large hoofed mammal with a spear shaft sticking out of its flank.”

WAIT, IF RICH GUYS USE THEIR MONEY TO CONTROL POLITICS, WHY DO THEY LOSE SO OFTEN? Good question. And Capital Research Center has the answer, based on the biggest spenders being the biggest losers in every national election since 2004. Great history and a great video.