Archive for 2018


PROGRESS: Hemophilia may be curable.

After trying for decades to develop a gene therapy to treat this disease, researchers are starting to succeed. In recent experiments, brief intravenous infusions of powerful new treatments have rid patients — for now, at least — of a condition that has shadowed them all their lives.

There have been setbacks — years of failed clinical trials and dashed hopes. Just last week, a biotech company reported that gene therapy mostly stopped working in two of 12 patients in one trial.

But the general trajectory has been forward, and new treatments are expected by many experts to be approved in a few years.

No one is saying yet that hemophilia will be cured. Currently the gene therapy — which uses a virus to deliver a new gene to cells — can only be used once. If it stops working, the patients lose the benefits.

For now, “we are anticipating that this is a once-in-a-lifetime treatment,” said Dr. Steven Pipe, director of the hemophilia and coagulation disorders program at the University of Michigan and a lead investigator of a clinical trial conducted by the biotech company BioMarin.

The successful treatments are so recent it is hard to say how long they will last. But for the few patients who have been through the clinical trials successfully, life after treatment is so different that it’s something of a shock.

More stories like this, please.

NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defends banning press from campaign event.

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Friday defended banning the press from a public town hall held last Sunday.

Replying to a reporter who questioned why the event was closed, she tweeted, “Our community is 50% immigrant. Folks are victims of DV, trafficking, + have personal medical issues. This town hall was designed for residents to feel safe discussing sensitive issues in a threatening political time. We indicated previously that it would be closed to press.”

Millenials sure need their safe spaces.

ROBESPIERRE LEARNED TOO LATE: First Amendment Rights and the Lesson of Robespierre

So, with Twitter and Facebook “social justice” mobs, it’s not too much to say that we’ve got another reign of terror, in which people can be driven from public life and have their lives and livelihood destroyed by the Robespierres of the mob. When someone protests that their First Amendment rights have been violated, the common answer is that these are private companies. But “first amendment rights“ is something that’s become a convenient shorthand for the natural rights of free speech that the First Amendment exists to protect from government interference. The right is not provided by the First Amendment, it’s guaranteed — however imperfectly — against the government by the First Amendment.

I’d say “read the whole thing,” but that would be immodest.

DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE: Sorry, mum and dad – Indian shooting star bans parents from foreign trips. “Teenage shooter Manu Bhaker said she’s told her parents not to accompany her to tournaments abroad as she struggles to adapt to life as one of India’s best known sportswomen. The 16-year-old has brought home World Cup and Commonwealth Games gold medals this year in a sudden rise to fame, and is one of the favourites at the Asian Games in Indonesia.”

HIGH CARBS, LOW CARBS, WHAT’S BEST? Diet moderate in carbs could be key to longer life. “Researchers followed more than 15,000 people in the United States for a median of 25 years and found that low-carb diets (fewer than 40 percent of calories from carbohydrates) and high-carb diets (more than 70 percent of calories) were associated with an increased risk of premature death. Moderate consumption of carbohydrates (50 to 55 percent of calories) was associated with the lowest risk of early death.” It’s an observational study based on self-reporting, though, which means it’s probably junk.

TSA TO THE RESCUE:  It was reported this week that a TSA agent in Austin missed a passenger’s loaded gun.  On the other hand, yesterday TSA agents took great pains to chemically analyze the small bag of kitty litter I had packed for the kitten I was transporting.  I honestly don’t mind.  They were nice.  It took only about five minutes.  And for all I know, there is some explosive substance that can be easily disguised as kitty litter.  (Maybe readers can enlighten me on whether this procedure made sense.)  But I couldn’t help but laugh my head off.  If somebody had told me 30 years ago that one day I would have to stand and wait while federal officers chemically analyzed my kitty litter, I would not have believed them.