Archive for 2018

WE NEED MORE SUCH PINS, PLEASE: Meet the pin to Seattle’s liberal bubble: Attorney Ethan Blevins. “In the past two years, three city ordinances have been struck down by judges for being unconstitutional or overreaching. In all three, Blevins and his two-lawyer Bellevue office of the Pacific Legal Foundation were involved in suing the city.”


If I were a governor, my response would be to roll out a big online education initiative, and push vouchers in the legislature.

THE FBI, HOIST ON ITS OWN PETARD: In trial of Pulse shooter’s widow, the missing recorded ‘confession’ was the biggest flaw.

If you believe the prosecution, the case against Noor Salman should’ve been a slam dunk.

Authorities said the widow of Pulse shooter Omar Mateen confessed to being complicit in the attack.

They claim she flat-out admitted to being aware of the planned massacre, saying: “I knew.”

What more could a jury possibly need to hear?

Except here’s the thing: The jury never heard that.

The FBI never recorded the alleged confession … nor any part of the 11-hour interrogation.

And that was the single biggest flaw in the case.

The feds claimed they had a smoking gun, but couldn’t prove it.

In fact, there were parts of the alleged confession contradicted by other evidence.

So when Salman declared that the federal agent who claimed she confessed was “a liar,” the feds didn’t have a single piece of concrete evidence to prove she was wrong.

And why? Why didn’t authorities record the interrogation?

“I honestly never thought about it,” testified FBI Special Agent Christopher Mayo.

Frankly, I find that incredibly odd. Apparently, so did the jury.

Incredibly, this is standard FBI practice. But it’s harder to swing when people trust the Bureau less, and when recording is so common. It’s the Bureau that looks like it has something to hide.

SUZANNE VENKER: Feminists are to blame for the plight of boys and men.

The relentless feminist narrative Americans are exposed to every day, and have been for decades, is that women live in a “patriarchy” designed to hold them down and back. That egregious analysis of men is simply false. “There isn’t a shred of hard evidence to support that Western society is pathologically patriarchal; that the prime lesson of history is that men, rather than nature, were the primary source of oppression of women,” writes Jordan Peterson in 12 Rules for Life.

This lie has been hugely destructive, yet it persists. Which means if you’ve fallen for feminist propaganda, you’re not likely to sympathize with the plight of men. If you haven’t fallen for it, you will sympathize with men. Problem is, there are far more feminists in power than there are nonfeminists in power. Thus, we never hear anything in media other than male bashing.

In this and in other areas, we’ve given a small angry group of people with dubious mental health way too much control over the culture. Unsurprisingly, it’s working out badly.

THE ODD COUPLE:  The great Heather MacDonald, a conservative’s conservative, clerked for the recently-deceased Ninth Circuit Judge Stephen Reinhardt, who was decidedly left of center.  She has written a beautiful obit for him.  I understand the feeling.  I, too, clerked for a judge who was considered a liberal’s liberal–Justice Seymour F. Simon of the Illinois Supreme Court.