Archive for 2018

SO I’M READING AUSTIN BAY’S Cocktails From Hell, and it is, like all of his work, clear, well-written, highly informed, and insightful.

YOU CAN SEE THE INSTA-WIFE — DRAMATICALLY LIT! — ON THE OXYGEN CHANNEL TONIGHT AT 7 AND 9 PM, doing her turn as an expert for the show Killer Couples. There’s a preview here.

LOADING SABOT: An M1A2 tank crew loads sabot rounds for a training exercise a Fort Hood, Texas.

WHAT EVERYONE NEEDS: A Steampunk Electric Motorcycle. “The lack of a guard for the chain makes me nervous, though.”

21ST CENTURY PROBLEMS: Fear Of Being Without A Mobile Phone. Well, it’s like losing part of your brain, really, isn’t it? On the way out of DC yesterday, as Siri routed us around road closures in real time, Helen and I were commenting on how much more you can do with mobile devices now than just a few years ago. Of course, there’s a price.

STACY MCCAIN: The TrigglyPuff Party: How Democrats Created Insane ‘Social Justice’ Mobs.

Commenting on the irrational female rage unleashed by the Kavanaugh confirmation circus, Stephen Green remarks: “The Democrats have worked hard to lock down the Trigglypuff vote, but at what cost of even slightly more moderate voters?” But do such voters really exist?

We are more than 25 years into a cycle of increasing polarization that arguably began with Bill Clinton’s election as president. Clinton’s radicalism — remember the so-called “assault weapons” ban? — sparked a backlash that cost Democrats the control of the House that they’d held for 40 years. Everything thereafter increased the partisan divide: The budget standoff that led to the government shutdown, the Lewinsky scandal and the impeachment crisis, the Florida recount in 2000, the Iraq War, the recapture of Congress by Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats, Obama’s election in 2008, the Tea Party movement, on and on.

It is not the case that America’s politics have become more divisive because the Republican Party has moved further right. Liberal pundits, commenting from within their ideological cocoons, habitually apply labels — “far right,” “extremist,” “white nationalist,” etc. — to depict the GOP as beholden to a dangerous fringe, but this is just paranoid propaganda. The typical Republican voter in 2018 is actually no more “extreme” than his father was in 1988. Nor is the policy agenda of the GOP now any more “far right” than it was in the presidency of Ronald Reagan. The cause of the increased partisan divide is not that the Republicans have moved right, but that Democrats have moved left. . . .

This is what the Kavanaugh confirmation circus confirmed: Democrats are now the party of TrigglyPuff, of angry college girls driven to fits of insanity — a deranged mob clawing at the doors of the Supreme Court — by the irrationality of their “progressive” belief system.

Even the angry women are noticing how crazy they’ve gotten.

DON’T GET COCKY, KID: Pollster Zogby: Dem House win ‘far from certain, elusive,’ Senate ‘nearly impossible.’

But if it turns out that way, this is why: Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping.

Related: Marc Thiessen: Trump could be the most honest president in modern history. To be fair, that’s a low bar to clear. “For better or worse, since taking office Trump has done exactly what he promised he would do.”

COCAINE MITCH WEIGHS IN: How McConnell finally came around on Trump: ‘I look at the results.’

Just two years ago, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was looking for a way to defeat Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary, and told colleagues they would “drop him like a hot rock” if the flamboyant real estate mogul won the nomination.

Two years later, McConnell is impressed with Trump’s results, which include ushering in the most important Republican initiatives in a generation, and shifting the Supreme Court in a conservative direction for the first time in decades.

“This Congress has been the best two years of my time here,” McConnell told the Washington Examiner in a Capitol interview before the Senate left town to campaign ahead of the Nov. 6 election.

He does look like he’s having fun.