Archive for 2018

SLATE: ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS THAT NOBODY IS ASKING. My Niece Wears Her MAGA Hat to Family Parties What should I do?

But why would she be wearing a MAGA hat in the first place? Slate is owned by the Graham family, which used to own the Washington Post and Newsweek, and who once assured us that:

(Link safe, goes to Red State.)

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Gender Follies at the University of Minnesota.

Using the wrong pronoun could turn into a firing offense at the University of Minnesota.

The U is considering a new “gender identity” policy that would assure transgender men and women, as well as others, the right to use whatever pronoun they wish on campus — whether it’s he, she, “ze” or something else.

And everyone from professors to classmates would be expected to call them by the right words or risk potential disciplinary action, up to firing or expulsion.

Related: Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life remains #1 most read on Amazon.

TIM TEBOW CONFOUNDS HIS CRITICS, AGAIN: The guy only won the Heisman Trophy as a college sophomore, then led the Florida Gators to the national collegiate championship, then led the Denver Broncos to the playoffs, but, because he insisted on thanking God for his success in a public way, his critics have derided, mocked and insulted him ever since.

Now, he appears to be headed to becoming a major league baseball player, too, which would put him in the rarified atmosphere occupied by Deion Sanders, Jim Thorpe and Bo Jackson, among a very small company. LifeZette’s Tom Joyce has more.

By the way, if Tebow makes it to the Bigs, it will be as a New York Met. Too bad he’s not in the Washington Nationals’ organization because then he would be joining Daniel Murphy, another guy with conspicuous talent and faith who also happens to be a former Met.


The creepiest witness to ever grace a Congressional hearing, minced in his seat and evaded questions for hours on end Thursday. His name? Peter Strzok (pronounced “Struck” for the Democrats on the committee who kept mispronouncing it). The general impression from his testimony? What a complete weirdo. It is astonishing that someone so strange, supercilious and seemingly evil reached so high a position in law enforcement.


HEH: Bernie Sanders Rails Against ‘Greedy Rich People’ From Third House.

Senator Bernie Sanders delivered a passionate monologue to a dozen lunch guests in the ornate living room of his summer vacation home on Lake Champlain Monday, railing against the evils of unbalanced capitalism, wealth accumulation, and the upper class, sources reported.

“We will never survive in this country while so few greedy rich people own so much!” he reportedly exclaimed inside the $600,000 lakeside home he and his wife recently added to their real estate portfolio, which already included homes in Burlington, VT and Washington, D.C. “How many cars, boats, and houses do these people need? Don’t they know there are people who have nothing? How can they even sleep at night?!”

It’s a parody site. But is it, really?

DOES FAITH OR SCIENCE BEST EXPLAIN MORALITY? Knowing there are many regular Instapundit readers who will be instantly (quick pun!) attracted to this question (on both sides, too!), it occurs to yours truly that this post on my “other” blog, HillFaith, may be just the thing for a Sunday. Would that all public policy debates these days were as civil, entertaining and educational as this one.

THE “RUSSIAN HACKING” STORY IN A NUTSHELL: “The Obama left couldn’t recognize the threat Russia posed as it attacked American systems, helped America’s enemies build nukes, massacred civilians, and stole countries. The Obama left did however recognize the threat Russia posed when it helped cost the Obama left an election.”