Archive for 2018


“The cable guy was there to work on her box and while waiting for it to reset as he was sitting on a couch, she came over, grabbed his hand and forcefully placed his hand on her own breast,” Strepay said.

The unidentified technician, in his 30s, tried to resist Newsome’s “unwanted sexual advance,” but she persisted and performed oral sex on him, Strepay said.

Newsome then told the man that she would “turn the story on him” if he reported the alleged assault to police, saying she would tell authorities that he was the aggressor, Strepay said.


ONCE AGAIN OBAMA CLAIMS ‘I DIDN’T HAVE SCANDALS:’ Why is the media still not challenging Obama’s absurd claims of being “scandal-free?”

Just think of the media as Democratic operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Google in deep doo-doo from environmental wackos over feeding stray cats. “As you might imagine, the leftists over at Google are cat people. And since they feed themselves, they feed nearby cats, too – tons of stray feral cats on their corporate headquarters grounds, known as the Googleplex. They call that not feeding strays, but more grandly: “colony care.” And according to this New York Times report, that’s a problem, because the cats are now doing what cats do, which is eat birds, specifically, the local owls, which has gotten the equally powerful local environmentalists up in arms.”

THUNDERBOLTS OVER MIAMI: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs in formation over Miami Beach. The photo was taken May 26. The aircraft were participating in a Memorial Day weekend air show.

PAUL BEDARD: Warning: 2018 political ‘civil war’ threatens, fueled by media.

More and more voices are raising concerns that the 2018 elections will ignite a terrible clash between supporters of President Trump and his increasingly agitated critics in a partisan battle that has been brewing for years.

Stanley Greenberg, former President Bill Clinton’s pollster, is warning of a “civil war.”

Purdue University President Mitchell E. Daniels, former President Ronald Reagan’s political director and a two-term Indiana Republican governor, sees the nation dividing into feuding “tribes” that gravitate to tyrants who “bludgeon” opponents.

In two separate reports, the two opposites come to a similar conclusion that the nation and even families are terribly divided and that the media has played a big role in creating the split.

When do you think the press will start asking itself, “are we the baddies?” Just kidding, we all know it’s not capable of such reflection.

A SHOCKING CALL FOR diversity at Harvard. “Shocking because it comes from the editors of the Harvard Crimson, and because the diversity they call for is ideological.”

Plus: “Many public high schools–most, I fear–are now dominated by the wacky left. Thus, a student may easily arrive at an institution like Harvard without ever having encountered conservative ideas. If Harvard really wants to stand out from the crowd, it should give Western civilization, classical liberalism, social conservatism, and the free markets that have done more for humanity than anything else in history a fair shake.”