Archive for 2018

PROJECT WE MUST! How Much Are Chris Matthews and the Rest of MSNBC Talking About “Wag the Dog”? (Video.)

Once they’re called on it, they’ll try to ex post facto nuance it up, but what they believe they’ve already said. And their fans and viewers are saying it on social media and in blogs and articles. It is in the early stages of becoming a Known Fact.

Just watch. In a year it will be treated as “common knowledge” that three world powers launched a military attack following a chemical weapons horror all for the sake of distracting the American population from a Trump scandal that he himself constantly draws attention to.

Because that is how dumb sh** is these days.

As T. Becket Adams wrote last week, “The 2016 election broke some people in media.”

SIENNA COLLEGE CONSERVATIVES MEETING TODAY DESPITE THREATS: The Turning Points USA and Students for Liberty chapters at the Upstate New York campus are hosting a Let Freedom Ring conference today despite receiving multiple threats in recent weeks. Those threats — some subtle and others not subtle at all — came not just from Antifa-wannabes but also from a professor and an administrator. LifeZette’s Michelle Blood has details. The speakers lineup includes Roger Stone and James O’Keefe.

MORE DEEP-DIVING FROM REALCLEARINVESTIGATIONS: Broward School Violence: Cruz’s Massacre Is Far From the Full Story.

Broward County, Fla., school officials portray as a great success their Obama administration-inspired program offering counseling to students who break the law, instead of having them arrested or expelled. They insist that it played no role in February’s school massacre by Nikolas Cruz. They also claim that in fact juvenile recidivism rates are down and school safety is up, thanks to the program.

The evidence tells a far different story.

Broward County juvenile justice division records, federal studies of Broward school district safety and the district’s own internal reporting show that years of “intensive” counseling didn’t just fail to reform repeat offender Cruz, who allegedly went on to shoot and kill 17 people at his high school. Records show such policies have failed to curtail other campus violence and its effects now on the rise in district schools — including fighting, weapons use, bullying and related suicides.

Meanwhile, murders, armed robberies and other violent felonies committed by children outside of schools have hit record levels, and some see a connection with what’s happening on school grounds. Since the relaxing of discipline, Broward youths have not only brazenly punched out their teachers, but terrorized Broward neighborhoods with drive-by shootings, gang rapes, home invasions and carjackings.

But the policy makes the schools’ numbers look good, which is all they care about.

TODAY IS THE 124th ANNIVERSARY OF NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV’S BIRTH: Khrushchev was all too willing to assist with Stalin’s infamous purges and was Stalin’s enforcer in Ukraine.   But at least later in life, he came to understand that Stalin was a dangerous maniac. After Stalin’s death, he emerged (hands bloodied) as the Soviet Union’s leader from 1953 to 1964 and pursued a policy of De-Stalinization.

Khrushchev’s grip on power was never as tight as Stalin’s.  On the night of his ouster (engineered by Leonid Brezhnev), he is reported to have told a friend:

“I’m old and tired. Let them cope by themselves. I’ve done the main thing. Could anyone have dreamed of telling Stalin that he didn’t suit us anymore and suggesting he retire? Not even a wet spot would have remained where we had been standing. Now everything is different. The fear is gone, and we can talk as equals. That’s my contribution. I won’t put up a fight.”

Khrushchev is famous for having told a room full of Western ambassadors, “WE WILL BURY YOU!” Instead, he is buried at Novodevichy Cemetery. Brezhnev refused him a state funeral or Kremlin burial. To Brezhnev, he was just an annoying squish.  Take a look at his monument at the cemetery. It’s in black and white–a fitting metaphor for the man.

ROGER KIMBALL: Robert Mueller’s Excellent Adventure. “While we wait for answer, ask yourself this: what does all this have to do with the central reason a special counsel was appointed in the first place, namely, ‘to investigate any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump’? Well might you ask.”


Lee Smith explains that, too. “[B]y using the justice system as a political weapon to attack the enemies of the country’s elite, Robert Mueller and his supporters in both parties are confirming what many Americans already believe. That in spite of all the fine rhetoric, we are not all equal under one law. There is in fact a privileged class, a ruling class that sees its own interests as identical with the public good, and never pays a price for its failures, its abuses, and its crimes.”


GUESS WHICH BOOK HAS CHANGED MORE GOVERNMENTS THAN ANY OTHER: Dr. Sean McDowell explains that and a dozen or so other factors that make this one unique beyond all others. And, no, it’s not Das Kapital.