Archive for 2018

REALLY, IS ANYONE SURPRISED TO HEAR THIS? Warren Neglected Harvard Native American Group As Faculty Member. “Dr. Gavin Clarkson, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation who received both a doctorate and a law degree from Harvard while Warren was a professor, says he ‘personally invited’ her three times to visit with Harvard’s Native American Law Student Association (NALSA), which he headed while attaining his dual degree. Warren, who had identified as a minority in law professor directories and was touted by Harvard as a Native American hire, never accepted his invites.”

MICHAEL BARONE: Justice Ginsburg and Secretary DeVos agree.

Guess who is in agreement that the Obama administration Education Department Title IX “guidance” needs to be changed? Two women who have raised families, done distinguished work in the nonprofit sector and now hold important jobs in the federal government: Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Well, unlike today’s Tumblr feminists, they’ve seen the real world.

FAKE NEWS: Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave Me “Scripted Question” After Denying Question About Armed Guards.

I didn’t see the CNN show, but the reviews don’t make it sound like much:

Forget it, Greg, it’s CNN.

But there was a bright side: NRA Spokeswoman Dana Loesch receives MAD KUDOS from BOTH sides of the gun debate.

Related: WATCH: Student Emma Gonzalez is dumbfounded when Dana Loesch explains NICS reporting guidelines. “It was obvious from Gonzalez’s facial expressions that she had no idea about this information.”

I have an idea: Trump should propose legislation that exactly replicates existing gun laws. Most people, including the vast majority of vocal gun-control supporters, would think he was proposing something new and draconian.

YES. NEXT QUESTION? Is there a double standard for Nashville’s adulteress liberal mayor? “The irony in this story, too, is the ethical bona fides the two claim. Barry was ethics and compliance officer at Premier Ethics and Compliance. Forrest signed an ethics agreement to keep his private life as ‘an example to all’ and pledged not to discredit the agency. Oops.”

REALCLEARINVESTIGATIONS: Mueller Still Relying on Discredited Steele Dossier. That hardly seems professional. Plus:

And a detail previously reported last fall – that Mueller’s investigators traveled overseas last year to debrief the dossier’s London-based author, Christopher Steele, a former British spy – takes on a new cast with the disclosure this month that FBI agents abruptly stopped using Steele as an informant in late 2016 after concluding that he had lied to them.

“The FBI’s reliance on Steele’s past credibility was misplaced, since he concealed from the FBI unauthorized media contacts with numerous outlets and his anti-Trump bias,” according to an addendum to the so-called FISA memo released Feb. 2 by the Republican majority on the House Intelligence Committee.

Special Counsel’s Office spokesman Peter Carr told RealClearInvestigations, “We will decline to comment” on Steele and the dossier.

Mueller’s use of the dossier – opposition research described by former FBI Director James Comey as largely “salacious and unverified” – was reported by several news outlets last year. But word that Mueller has continued relying on it despite the House memo and other disclosures raise new questions about the special counsel’s investigation as it expands beyond indictments last week of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies.

While those charges highlighted an ineffective operation to spread fake news stories on social media platforms, the dossier, largely based on unconfirmed reports from Russians with suspected ties to the Kremlin, may have been a far more consequential tactic for sowing American national discord.

Ya think?

IT’S THREE-QUESTION THURSDAY!!! Click the links on this trio of inquiries and you will know three times as much as your buddies. Or at least you will have the answers to three more questions that will enable you to dazzle and befuddle them. Okay, would you believe knowledge is its own reward? So start clickin,’ folks:

1.) True or False? Rev. Billy Graham helped integrate the American South in the 1950s and 1960s?

2.) Is France one of the multiple governments investigating Clinton Foundation corruption?

3.) Who said Jeff Sessions is “a small man in a big moment in history”?

A. Mary Blackshear Sessions

B. GOP Attorney John Jordan

C. Critical Theory Professor Elmer Fudd


CURING A COLD WITH CYANIDE: My Op/Ed on government attempts to restrict/control political speech, at The Daily Caller.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: U.S. Colleges Are Separating Into Winners and Losers: Schools that struggle to prepare students for success losing ground; ‘The shake-out is coming.’

For generations, a swelling population of college-age students, rising enrollment rates and generous student loans helped all schools, even mediocre ones, to flourish. Those days are ending.

According to an analysis of 20 years of freshman-enrollment data at 1,040 of the 1,052 schools listed in The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education ranking, U.S. not-for-profit colleges and universities are segregating into winners and losers—with winners growing and expanding and losers seeing the first signs of a death spiral.

The Journal ranking, which includes most major public and private colleges with more than 1,000 students, focused on how well a college prepares students for life after graduation. The analysis found that the closer to the bottom of the ranking a school was, the more likely its enrollment was shrinking. . . .

“In the same way the bookstores fell when Amazon took over, now it’s higher education’s turn and it’s been coming for a while,” said Charles Becker, Concord’s vice president for business and finance. “The shake-out is coming. It’s already here.”

Demographics and geography have some influence on which side of the fault line a school lands, but quality is also a big factor. The Journal uses 15 metrics to determine quality and rank. They include return on investment, student engagement and academic resources.

At Clemson University, the Journal found, graduates on average earn $50,000 a year 10 years after entering college and the default rate on student loans is 3%; the average Concord graduate earned $32,000 and the default rate is 15%.

Richard Vedder, the director of Center for College Affordability and Productivity and a teacher at Ohio University, believes dark days are ahead for the nation’s poorest ranked schools.

And it will be no picnic for those higher up, except perhaps for the very top.

All is proceeding as I have foreseen.

WEIRD, I WONDER IF IT’S BECAUSE THE “CALLS” ARE BASED IN DUMB EMOTIONAL BULLYING: The Hill: Calls for new gun laws are falling on deaf ears.

Renewed calls for stricter gun controls following a school shooting in Florida that left 17 dead are falling on deaf ears.

Legislators in states across the country have delayed, defeated or refused to take up new measures to prevent more gun violence — despite the impassioned calls of victims from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla.

In Florida’s legislature, House Republicans blocked a Democratic effort to revive debate on a measure to ban assault weapons with student survivors from Parkland watching in the gallery. . . .’

Students from Parkland who have blanketed the media to call for gun reforms have expressed incredulity at the lack of action.

I think it’s more that the media has blanketed them, in yet another effort to generate the political results the media wants.