Archive for 2017

Polls show Americans distrust the media. But talk to them, and it’s a very different story”: Former New York Times public editor and WaPo columnist Margaret Sullivan goes to the trouble of actually doing the legwork that so many pundits promised but failed to do post-election. The takeaway is crisply honest, and isn’t going to make many friends in newsrooms still in denial:

“We need to heed complaints about the blending of news and opinion, and to make it clear which is which. We need to focus more intently — and more engagingly — on subjects that matter most to ordinary people’s lives, and to calm down about White House intrigue and Trump’s every tweet. And we need to stamp out the snarky attitude that seems to brag, “I’m smarter than my audience.” Perhaps most important, we need to be much more transparent — willing to explain our work, and own up to our inevitable mistakes.”

Fortunately, Sullivan is an old school journalist who doesn’t put popularity ahead of honest analysis.

ANOTHER OPEN THREAD: Talk amongst yourselves.

MARC THIESSEN: Trump’s Little-Noticed War On Hidden Taxes. “He worked with Congress to repeal 14 major regulations implemented under Obama, and withdrew or delayed more than 1,500 others by executive action. Most importantly, he issued Executive Order 13771, which directed government agencies to eliminate two existing regulations for each new one issued, and to ensure that the net costs of any new regulations are zero. Last Thursday, Trump announced the first results of this effort: His administration achieved $8.1 billion in lifetime regulatory savings — and is on track to achieve an additional $9.8 billion in savings in fiscal 2018. Since excessive regulations are a hidden tax on American workers and businesses, that amounts to an $18 billion tax cut.” It’s a good start.


BREAKING NEWS – MUST CREDIT MASHABLE! Dwayne Johnson confirms men will also wear black to the Golden Globes in protest of sexual misconduct.

Gentlemen, you can’t wear black tuxedos here – this is an awards show!

Update: “The idea, I assume, is that they’ll be wearing black shirts with their tuxes this year instead of white ones,” Allahpundit writes. “Better still, they could have outed some of the degenerates who are still being protected by a conspiracy of silence. Because you know and I know that plenty of people in that audience know those names. But no, they’re going to do the absolute metaphysical minimum by holding their big party as scheduled and dressing to the nines for it but adding a tiny element of darkness to suggest that they’re introspective and contrite. It’s so feeble, it’s worse than those colored lapel ribbons they used to wear to signal their virtue. And it’s so vain, in every sense, that it feels worse than not protesting at all.”

HERE COME THREE HUGE,  UNEXPECTED SURPRISES FOR THE “EXPERTS” IN 2018: If yours truly has learned anything living in Washington, D.C. since 1976, it’s that when you need to know where the country is headed in the near future, check the conventional wisdom among America’s political, academic and media elites, then expect the opposite to occur. Here are three major examples. And boy are there going to be some dumbfounded swamp creatures in coming months.