Archive for 2017

BIG BADDA-BOOM: U.S. Cruise Missile-Carrying Sub to Visit South Korea This Weekend.

A nuclear-powered submarine that can launch more than 150 precision-guided cruise missiles is due to visit South Korea this week. The guided missile submarine USS Michigan will visit the port of Busan this weekend for the second time this year, in what is a clear warning to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The Michigan last visited Busan in late April of this year, at which time North Korean state media reportedly warned “the USS Michigan won’t even be able to rise to the surface when it will meet a miserable end and turn into an underwater ghost.”

The Michigan’s visit comes at a time when the United States is putting increasing pressure on North Korea in response to nuclear and long-range missile tests. Analysts now believe Pyongyang can strike as far as New York City with a nuclear weapon—maybe. In addition to the submarine visits, the U.S. Air Force has repeatedly flown B-1B heavy bombers near North Korea, with the latest flight occurring earlier today.

Years ago, the Navy converted four Ohio-class submarines from carrying 24 nuclear-armed Trident ICBMs to carrying 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles. One of the quietest subs ever constructed, the Michigan and her sister boats can sneak in very close, then very quickly unleash a whole lot of hell — before sneaking back away.


Where are the elite’s achievements? Our betters have been running things and yet they are the ones crying loudest about how awful things are. It’s another scam, of course. Things are awful, but not for them – do you think the Westside Los Angeles folks I dwell among are hurting? No, let the good times roll – on the backs of the people east of I-5. Things are hard out there in actual America (but improving under Donald Trump, the quintessential Anti-Better), and our ruling class is demanding action. That action is to direct more money and power to the ruling class. That’s the answer to every policy question. Yeah, they’ve failed, but if you reward them, well, then they’ll totally start succeeding.

Iraq, the 2008 financial meltdown, health care…the hits keep coming, and the answer for the last failure is always the same. Trust us, and double down. Accountability? That’s for us suckers.

The bipartisan ruling class knows what’s up; it’s just deeply cynical and thinks we’re too stupid to spot the scam.

Yeah, I linked this yesterday, but it’s worth quoting again.


The Catholic Church, whatever temporal problems it may have, is the keeper of one of the world’s great faiths. Faithful Catholics remain largely faithful Catholics, whatever disgust they may feel for the Church’s very real problems.

But if Hollywood is self-destructing, as Roger L. Simon and now Chris Hayes believe, what will keep audiences coming back for more? Blade Runner 2082? The fourth young man to play Spider-Man in my adult lifetime? An Ishtar reboot? Audiences have been shrinking for years before we learned about Weinstein.

Tinseltown is in trouble, and it’s not clear they understand just how much trouble.

LAWS ARE FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE: Thompson Staffer Still Employed After Tax Conviction. “A spokesman for the Mississippi Democrat confirmed Thursday that Isaac Lanier Avant, who served as Thompson’s chief of staff, was still employed by the office. Asked if Avant would remain employed following the new charges relating to his security clearance form, the spokesman said he believed Thompson would be making a statement on the subject soon.”

WHEN EVEN SLATE AND FIVETHIRTYEIGHT ARE CALLING YOU ON YOUR ANTI-GUN BULLSHIT: Media conflate data on mass shootings to inflate number, blame white men. “CNN mined through the Gun Violence Archive data set and applied the definition of ‘mass shooting’ from the Congressional Research Service. The number of shootings dropped from 273 to nine.”


THE PORG COLLECTIVE: YOUR SANITY WILL BE ASSIMILATED. As a full-service news aggregation Website, I suppose we are forced (pun not intended) to discuss and attempt to make sense of the otherwise unspeakable moment that occurs 1:31 into the latest Star Wars trailer. If you’re in the .5 percent of the population which hasn’t seen the clip yet, believe me, you’ll know it when you see it.

Harrison Ford was the only thing that made Episode VII watchable – and filling his seat in the Millennium Falcon is an interstellar space gerbil, an Ewok for the 2010s. The horror. The horror.

GOOD LORD: FBI Reviews Allegations Of Puerto Rican Officials Withholding Hurricane Relief.

“People call us and tell us some misappropriation of some goods and supplies by supposedly politicians, not necessarily mayors, but people that work for the mayors in certain towns,” FBI Special Agent Carlos Osorio told The Daily Caller Wednesday.

Osorio explained, “They’re supposedly withholding these goods and these supplies and instead of handing them out to people who really need them, [there are claims] that [local officials] are assigning them to their buddies first–people that have voted for them or people that contributed to their campaigns or what not.”

He added, “So what we’re doing is looking into these allegations. That I can tell you is happening. Again, I cannot say that we have any ongoing investigation. We’re just corroborating these allegations.”

I would hope there’s nothing to these allegations, but if there is: Tar, feathers.