NOW? THE LEFT HAS CONSIDERED PATRIOTISM BAD SINCE IT DECIDED TO BLAME IT FOR THE LONG WAR OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: They were always for “internationalism” which mostly translated as “Russian Nationalism” but never mind. Patriotism is Now Evil.
Archive for 2017
September 15, 2017
NAH. LEFTISTS HAVE NO SENSE OF HUMOR: Germans have no sense of humour.
GOOD THING TOO. I’VE BEEN LOSING SLEEP WORRYING ABOUT THIS: Finally some good news for regular coffee drinkers.
BROKEN WINDOWS SCHOOLING: The secret of Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy.
THE CULTURE HITS BOTTOM, KEEPS DIGGING: Rapper “lynches” young white boy in music video.
September 14, 2017
HE WAS HONEST, ONCE: Medicaid for All Would ‘Bankrupt the Nation,’ Warns Bernie Sanders—In 1987.
DON SURBER: What Trump Gets Out Of The Deal.
I THINK THAT’S RIGHT: “I tend to think Schumer wants us to have this quote. It helps him, right?”
IT’S A BAD IDEA TO PISS OFF AN OLD MAN: Elderly man pushes suspect off roof, ends police standoff. “Sgt. Joseph Morales tells the Los Angeles Times that the elderly resident became tired of the situation that lasted about five hours. The man climbed onto the roof and pushed the suspect off.”
PLANETARY RADIO: Science Fiction Greats On Humanity’s Future In Space.
AT AMAZON, save in Tools and Hardware.
READ MY LIPS: SCHUMER IS PLAYING YOU FOR A FOOL, MR. PRESIDENT, KURT SCHLICHTER WRITES. “Remember Little Marco Rubio? He got in bed with Chuck Schumer on immigration and in the morning he found that Chuck had left and that his car keys, wallet and political future were gone too.”
Read the whole thing.
HARVARD HAS POOR JUDGMENT: Former acting CIA chief Mike Morell resigns from Harvard in protest of Chelsea Manning invitation.
THIS IS A GOOD IDEA, IF IT CAN BE IMPLEMENTED: U.S. Senate passes bill that would make cellphones work on other networks amid natural disasters. It might also be worth revisiting the FCC regulations — killed by the industry — requiring backup power at cellular nodes.
YOU STAY CLASSY, CNN: CNN Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Poison Trump’s Food.
KURT SCHLICHTER: Liberals Surrender to the Awesome Power of Conservative Sexiness.
It’s pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that the future belongs to conservatives – after all, it’s we conservatives who are reproducing. And the liberals? Well, just look at them. They make the gang at The Weekly Standard look butch.
Nearly buried beneath all the stupidity of the last week was a delightful admission by a young progressive woman that if you’re lookin’ for lovin’ you shouldn’t bother looking to your left. In Glamour magazine, which apparently still exists for some reason, lib scribbler Korey Lane, if that is her real name, confessed that “ I Can’t Stop Hooking Up With Trump Supporters.” Of course she can’t – once you go red, you won’t stop ‘til you’re dead.
Um, it’s #science. You don’t hate #science, do you?
Look, it’s pretty clear that women naturally respond to men whose idea of initiating a romantic encounter doesn’t involve crying or abject, craven apologies for bearing the biological hallmarks of manhood. But that’s what liberal women have sculpted out of the already soft clay of liberal males. Their coastal elitist mommies and daddies, or other mommies, plop them down in some leftist college where the pierced and piercing fascist feminists get to work on them. These shrill harridans, aided and abetted by university administrators who have volunteered to go full Theon, then commence to mercilessly nag the poor femboys about toxic masculinity and accuse them of imposing patriarchy – as if these weenies could ever impose any kind of –archy on anyone. Pretty soon, these broken-spirited biomales have renounced their manly heritage and are sipping Chuck Shaw chardonnay spritzers and adopting cats.
The only way to save these lost souls is a massive infusion of guns and Guinness and V8 engines, stat.
Read the whole thing.
SPRAYING FOR MOSQUITOES IN TEXAS: A US Air Force Reserve C-130 will conduct aerial spraying missions in Harris County, Texas. Harris County is where Houston is located.
The U.S. Air Force Reserve’s 910th Airlift Wing will fly a modified C-130 cargo plane to conduct the aerial sprays. The plan is to spray 600,000 acres, mostly outside of the City of Houston limits.
The mosquito threat is serious. The spray insecticide is named Dibrom, which is also called naled.
For you pearl-clutching Social Justice Warrior and anti-fa types who start off icked and riled and teeth gnashed about insecticides, here’s some info on mosquito-borne diseases.
If you don’t know what a C-130 looks like, here are several flying in formation. Here’s a C-130 training for an aerial firefighting mission. It’s expelling water. This photo shows two modified C-130s that fly with the Hurricane Hunters.
FLASHBACK: As U.S. Modernizes Nuclear Weapons, ‘Smaller’ Leaves Some Uneasy. “Adapted from an older weapon, it was designed with problems like North Korea in mind: Its computer brain and four maneuverable fins let it zero in on deeply buried targets like testing tunnels and weapon sites. And its yield, the bomb’s explosive force, can be dialed up or down depending on the target, to minimize collateral damage. In short, while the North Koreans have been thinking big — claiming to have built a hydrogen bomb, a boast that experts dismiss as wildly exaggerated — the Energy Department and the Pentagon have been readying a line of weapons that head in the opposite direction.”
THE WORLD’S OLDEST PHOTOGRAPH: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce took the photo in 1826. It’s now at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas. The Ransom Center has a very good short video about the photo that is available on youtube. Read the article then watch the video: “View from the Window at Le Gras.”
GOD’S IN HIS HEAVEN AND ALL’S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD: Gregg Easterbrook’s Tuesday Morning Quarterback is back – now at The Weekly Standard, because apparently writing entertainingly about football is verboten at sports sites. And Gregg’s back to hiding op/eds within the text, something for the policy wonk fan to enjoy. He’s also right that Kirk Cousins should have taken the money.
BUILD THAT WALL! Berkeley Puts Up Concrete Barriers All Over Town To Stop Antifa At Shapiro Speech.
As Iowahawk tweeted last month: