Archive for 2017

HMM: Turkey tones down criticism of Trump’s Syria policy.

Ankara strongly objected to a US decision to directly arm Syrian Kurds who are regarded by Turkey as a threat to its security.

But, in an interview with the Financial Times, Binali Yildirim, prime minister, indicated that Turkey had been reassured by James Mattis, US defence secretary, whom he met in London on Thursday.

“Turkey’s concerns are understood but on the ground this was a tactical alliance and they had no choice,” said Mr Yildirim, referring to the US argument that the Syrian Kurds — which Turkey regards as a terrorist group on its border — will be vital in the battle to capture Isis’s northern Syria heartland of Raqqa.

“The defence secretary on numerous occasions made very, very clear, an unequivocal commitment that they would never allow those weapons to be turned against Turkey,” he added.

Or it could be now that the Kurds will be better able to defend themselves, Ankara has suddenly remembered the importance of cooperation with Washington.

HOW’S THAT MIDDLE-AMERICA OUTREACH PROGRAM GOING, DEMS? Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk, USA.’

A Democratic lawmaker from California referred to Middle America as “Podunk, USA,” during a committee meeting last week, several sources inside the meeting told the Washington Free Beacon.

Remarks by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D., Calif.) during a closed-door Energy and Commerce Committee meeting with Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai raised eyebrows from those present. . . .

Eshoo’s office declined to comment.

Democrats have been criticized for being out of touch and representing only the interests of coastal elites since suffering significant losses in the 2016 elections. House Democrats opted to reelect Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco as their leader rather than Tim Ryan, who represents Youngstown, Ohio.

Why so hateful, Dems?


THE POWDER KEG: Tense Times.


But some people are out there to correct the record:

WELL, ONE OF MY FRIENDS SEEMS SMITTEN WITH HER NEW PICKUP TRUCK, SO WHY NOT? Will We Fall In Love With The Sex Robots That Are Definitely Heading Our Way?

My own thoughts on the uncanny-valley problem is that it could be overcome by sex robots modeled on anime characters. Which would seem to fit the target market pretty well, too.

(And to the reader who “requested” a sex robot story in the comments, you’re welcome.)


WHY THE FBI KEPT HAVING TO CLEAN UP OUR POLITICAL MESSES: “You say Donald Trump sometimes sounds like he’s nuts? If he is, he’s not even in the top five nuttiest figures to get elected recently.”

And this fellow didn’t even make the list:

Related: “My job is to be so persuasive that if there’s anybody left out there who is still not sure whether they will vote, or is still not clear who they will vote for, that a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany…and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama.”