Archive for 2017

CONSEQUENCES: Facing Title IX discrimination suit, Penn settles with student accused of rape. “The man, who is black, filed a lawsuit calling the investigation a ‘sham’ and alleging it was racially biased. The accuser is white, and the man argued that the school’s investigation relied an image of him as the ‘young African-American male as aggressor.'”

That’s the dirty secret of these. The feminists are always aiming at Haven Monahan, but they wind up hitting a black guy. Maybe because “Haven Monahan” doesn’t exist, except in the frenzied mind of a crazy woman.

I’M SO OLD, I CAN REMEMBER WHEN HE WAS HITLER: Is Donald Trump, of All Presidents, Devolving Power Back to the Legislative Branch? “President Trump has proved to be a full-spectrum deregulator. His administration has been punctilious about the institutional prerogatives of Congress and the courts. Today there is a serious prospect of restoring the constitutional status quo ante and reversing what seemed to be an inexorable regulatory expansion.”

More from Josh Blackman: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

REQUIEM FOR A HIT MAN: A doomed hired gun unburdens himself in a jailhouse interview that sheds light on the shadow battle between Russia and Ukraine.

In a jailhouse interview with The Wall Street Journal in February, Mr. Makhauri expanded upon the murky world he inhabited, politely answering questions about his life for two hours while handcuffed in a hallway. He worked as an agent, he said, wherever there was a fight against Moscow’s influence, including Chechnya, Georgia, Turkey and Syria. Ukraine, his last place of employment, would turn out to be more hazardous than he reckoned.

Ukraine has become a magnet for hired guns as Kiev tries to fight its former master Moscow’s bid to reassert control. With a stalemate on the battlefront between Russian-backed rebels and the government, Moscow and Kiev appear to have turned to contract killings to settle scores and winnow the ranks of commanders in the war, Western diplomats say.

Most of those killings have been carried out far from the almost daily volleys of artillery in eastern Ukraine, turning Kiev into a hotbed of spies and hit men.

Victims have included the head of a Ukrainian special forces unit, Maksim Shapoval, who was blown up in his car at an intersection in downtown Kiev in June, and a former Russian prosecutor and parliament member, Denis Voronenkov, who had recently fled to Kiev for protection and was shot dead on a chestnut tree-lined boulevard in March.

This one is behind the WSJ paywall, but maybe you can find away around it here.

#PANIC: Ron Klain: Conservatives have a breathtaking plan for Trump to pack the courts.

Conservatives have a new court-packing plan, and in the spirit of the holiday, it’s a turducken of a scheme: a regulatory rollback hidden inside a civil rights reversal stuffed into a Trumpification of the courts. If conservatives get their way, President Trump will add twice as many lifetime members to the federal judiciary in the next 12 months (650) as Barack Obama named in eight years (325). American law will never be the same. . . .

Trump is wasting no time in filling the 103 judicial vacancies he inherited. In the first nine months of Obama’s tenure, he nominated 20 judges to the federal trial and appellate courts; in Trump’s first nine months, he named 58. Senate Republicans are racing these nominees through confirmation; last week, breaking a 100-year-old tradition, they eliminated the “blue slip” rule that allowed home-state senators to object to particularly problematic nominees. . . .

But even this plan — to fill approximately 150 judicial vacancies before the 2018 elections — is not enough for conservatives.

Enter the next element of the court-packing turducken: a new plan written by the crafty co-founder of the Federalist Society, Steven Calabresi. In a paper that deserves credit for its transparency (it features a section titled “Undoing President Barack Obama’s Judicial Legacy”), Calabresi proposes to pack the federal courts with a “minimum” of 260 — and possibly as many as 447 — newly created judicial positions. Under this plan, the 228-year-old federal judiciary would increase — in a single year — by 30 to 50 percent.

So I guess we’ve made the turn from “Trump is Hitler” to “Trump is an incompetent boob” to “Trump is scarily competent at things I don’t like.” Just as Scott Adams predicted. . . .