Archive for 2017

THE HACK LIST: Iconoclast and professional contrarian reporter and editor Ken Silverstein has started on his WashingtonBabylon blog a compilation of hacks in DC and elsewhere who deserve a good calling out. The heads alone are worth the price of admission:

“Hack List 2017: Why the New Yorker Sucks, in One Annotated Story”
“David Brooks: Gabagool By Any Other Name”
“Release the Transcripts! “Journalist”/Clinton Surrogate Ezra Klein Nets $30,750 For a Single Speech”
“The Lassie Chronicles: In New Book on Bill Clinton, Joe Conason Finds His Inner Lapdog.”

Ken is a preternaturally cranky guy, and deserves a place in the Pantheon of Journalists Who Despise All Politicians. As it ought to be.



MATTHEW CONTINETTI: How Class Realignment Broke the Democrats.

I live in the bubble. Always have, even if I have come to disagree with what my college professors would call the “hegemonic discourse” of postmodern liberalism, and to gag at the vanity and solipsism of many of my fellow residents. But never, especially after the 2016 campaign, would I mistake the confines of the bubble for the whole of reality. That is the mistake Hillary Clinton made when she decided that she could win the presidency without the support of a white working class mangled by economic stagnation, family breakdown, and drug addiction. And it is the same mistake the Democrats at the Obama Foundation and on Capitol Hill are making now, in real time, as they wrap themselves in the illusions that growing minority populations will carry them ineluctably to power, and that identity politics is somehow an electoral winner.

As racially and sexually diverse as the crowd at the Obama Foundation summit may have been, everyone at the breakout session on “Who Narrates the World?” had, I’d wager, the following in common: a college or postgraduate degree, the mark of distinction and privilege and wealth in our society today. Yet most Americans do not possess such credentials, and live very different existences from those who do. Recently I asked an elections expert to describe the modern analogue to the “Dayton Housewife,” the prototypical swing voter of the late ’60s and ’70s behind the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. My friend told me the median voter is a believing Catholic woman with children who works part time, attends Mass sporadically, dropped out of college, lives in a household earning between $50,000 and $65,000 a year, votes in general election years, and resides in the Columbus exurbs.

Do you suppose that our hypothetical Westerville mom would write on a chalkboard that she hopes her son will be rescued from “toxic masculinity”? Or cares in the slightest about José Andres? She probably voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 because he talked a good game, has a nice family, and sympathized with the challenges of working people. But then Obama’s second term brought no real improvement in her prospects, and a lot of ancillary cultural and social upheaval besides.

I’d argue that the “cultural and social upheaval” was far from ancillary, but instead was the deciding factor in making enough Obama-to-Trump voters to tip the election. The Democrats could get away with disdaining or even hating white and/or male voters for so long before they went somewhere else.

NULLIUS IN VERBA: Debunked scientist sues National Academy of Sciences for debunking him. As Alex Berezow of the American Council on Science and Health (a great group, by the way) says:

To say that this is unusual would be an understatement. The lawsuit is completely obscene.

Let’s set aside the scientific arguments in this debate, which revolve around the feasibility of 100% renewable energy. Smart people can disagree about whether that is a technologically and economically achievable goal. The way smart (and mature) people handle their disagreements is in the pages of a peer-reviewed scientific journal. But, apparently, that’s no longer how things operate in our litigious society.

There may have been a court decision that helped him along the way.

YOU SPELLED DEMOCRAT ACTIVISTS WITH BYLINES WRONG: “Americans Are Officially Freaking Out Almost two-thirds say this is the lowest point in U.S. history—and it’s keeping a lot of them up at night,” claims an, umm, slightly hyperbolic Bloomberg headline this week.

But didn’t the equally “objective” AP already write this story back in mid-2008 as battlefield prep for presidential candidate Barack Obama, when it was titled “Everything Seemingly is Spinning Out of Control”?

Of course, the freakouts and the out-of-control spin-outs  depend upon your point of view. As an article by the Agence France-Presse wire service earlier this week notes, “For many in Trump’s America, a year to crow about.”

Not least of which is this simple fact: Hillary Clinton is not in the White House.


In 2010, the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute aptly described North Korea’s peculiar situation as “criminal sovereignty” unique in the world’s “national security arena.” The Kim regime “uses state sovereignty to protect itself from external interference in its domestic affairs while dedicating a portion of its government to carrying out illicit international activities in defiance of international law and the domestic laws of numerous other nations.”

Check it out.