Archive for 2017

“ANARCHISTS” ARE JUST THE LEFT’S (BARELY) DENIABLE MUSCLE: Police clash with anarchist protesters in downtown DC. “The protesters smashed windows at a bus stop and businesses in the downtown area before congregating in mass in front of the American Health Care Association building on L Street Northwest.”

In an actual anarchy, people who behaved this way would be killed, or enslaved until they paid off the damage they did.

More: Inauguration protesters vandalize city, try to disrupt Trump’s oath, police arrest nearly 100.

Do you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.

AND SO, AS HE FLIES THE BLUE LADY OF THE SKIES INTO THE SUNSET, WE SAY “ALOHA!”, FIVE O’CLOCK BARRY, AND RETURN TO OUR DUTIES.  Let me remind you, the Weblog is open twenty-four hours for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Former President Barack Obama waves as he boards a Marine helicopter during a departure ceremony on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, after President Donald Trump was inaugurated. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
Former President Barack Obama waves as he boards a Marine helicopter during a departure ceremony on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, after President Donald Trump was inaugurated. (AP Photo and caption.)

YEAH, WE’RE LIVING THIS IN MY FAMILY RIGHT NOW: Who Will Care for the Caregivers? My Dad’s in hospice, Helen’s mom is being rehabbed from a fall, Helen spent two days at UT Hospital for neurological tests (everything fine, thankfully) and, well, I’m overfamiliar with the local healthcare infrastructure. And all of these places basically assume you’ll have a knowledgeable family member to run interference around the clock. And even with a big, extended family many of whom have flexible jobs, it’s hard. But who else can do that, and will know enough and care enough to do it well?

SPENGLER: Donald Trump, American Hero. “The protagonists of American popular culture are outsiders with scant patience for authority. . . . They don’t betray their friends and they don’t exploit the weak. They don’t aspire to entry into the elites, and they don’t apologize for their vulgarity.”

“CONGRATULATIONS, MR. PRESIDENT.” And it’s done. A surprisingly good and somber ceremony, with a real 19th-Century flair, from the second verse of America the Beautiful (“and crown thy soul with self-control, thy liberty in law”) to even Schumer’s reading of a letter from a heroic (Republican?) Civil War soldier.

Note that Trump’s supporters didn’t boo Obama, as Obama’s booed Bush 8 years ago.

UPDATE: Well, that speech shows that Trump is still Trump. Barack and Michelle Obama didn’t look like they enjoyed it. Bill Clinton’s reaction seemed more . . . calculating.

MORE: “A Hunger Games inaugural address.”

STILL MORE: Here’s the text of Trump’s speech.

TAXPROF PAUL CARON: The IRS Scandal, Day 1352: The End Of My Daily Coverage. “With Donald Trump’s inauguration, I am ending my daily coverage as the scandal again has gone mostly quiet. I will continue to sporadically blog the scandal when there is news about it (indeed, I have a post in the queue for tomorrow). But I will no longer provide coverage each day.”

There hasn’t been sufficient accountability for the IRS’s gross misbehavior here, but I think that Caron has done a tremendous service by keeping the issue alive for so long. I remain deeply disappointed at how many of his fellow tax professors criticized him for doing so, because they didn’t want Obama and the Democrats to look bad.

BUT OF COURSE: Drunkblogging the Dawn of the Trump Administration.

Well, I’m having Bloody Marys, but I presume my co-bloggers will remain sober.

Relatively, at least.

UPDATE (From Glenn): For now, Stephen. For now.

LIFE IN A FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED AMERICA: Coming Out, This Time For Trump: Hiding my support for him felt the same way as keeping my sexual orientation secret. “Until now, I have not shared this with anyone other than my partner. All I see around me is hate for the president-elect. My Facebook friends post links deriding him. The president of the university where I teach sent an agitated email putting down the election results and announcing a town-hall meeting for those who felt afraid of Mr. Trump. . . . Worse than Mr. Trump’s inconsistencies, however, are those of his detractors. They cite his lack of inclusiveness yet discount that tens of millions of Americans voted for him, and he won 30 states. I am as afraid about acknowledging that I voted for Mr. Trump today as I was about being gay yesterday. There seems to be as little understanding of my political views as there was about my sexual orientation. His detractors yell that he is not their president, but many did not even vote. They say he is all about divisiveness, but they can’t acknowledge opposing points of view. I hope the opposition can grow to be accepting and join in wishing that great things happen over the next four years.”

When I went into work yesterday, one of the secretaries paused in the stairwell, glanced around to be sure no one could hear, and said “I’m really excited about tomorrow!”

SIX KILLS: A U.S. Army anti-aircraft gun crew with six Nazi aircraft kills. Today’s StrategyPage Battle of the Bulge photo. Dig the six swastikas painted on the weapon. The photo was taken December 31, 1944.

MAKE JOURNALISM GREAT AGAIN: Make The Establishment Obsolete. “With this approach, we can create a media outlet that can profitably investigate even small-market local races by targeting our content precisely to the formerly hard-to-reach voters most interested in it.” This has big implications for 2018 and beyond. I’ve donated.

FRACK, BABY, FRACK: Geology Helps Shale Boom Anew in Texas Basin.

Don’t look now, but there’s a shale rebound underway, and it’s being powered by Texas’s Permian Basin. The U.S. has added 482,000 barrels of oil per day since mid-October, an increase of more than 5 percent that’s been driven in large part by burgeoning output out of that west Texas shale formation. This resurgence can partly be put down to an uptick in oil prices, itself a result of the recent petrostate production cut that’s helped add more than $10 to the price of a barrel of oil. But, as the New York Times reports, the real driver behind the Permian’s prowess lies in its geology (or, more accurately, its stratigraphy). . . .

Geology is one of the (many) reasons American shale producers have enjoyed such wild success over the past decade while their counterparts abroad have struggled to get any sort of commercial production off the ground. Tectonic movement often “crunches” rock layers into uneven, tangled messes, which can be problematic for drillers looking to hit a specific layer to extract hydrocarbons. Here in the continental United States, our rock layers are relatively evenly layered, so much so that they have even been compared to a wedding cake. That makes it much easier for producers to drill the horizontal wells into productive zones, frack the shale rock, and then extract the oil and gas trapped within.

But in the Permian’s case, multiple shale layers are stacked on top of one another, which makes rigs plumbing plays in the region that much more productive. That in turn has helped to bring down the region’s breakeven costs well below current prices, which helps explain why west Texas is leading the shale rebound.

I’m old enough to remember when President Barack Obama mocked Sarah Palin and said that we couldn’t “drill our way out of” our energy problems.

THE LEFT’S FAVORITE BILLIONAIRE: Connoisseur of Chaos, a profile of George Soros in City Journal. Stefan Kanfer details his efforts to build a world without borders run by philosopher-kings like himself.

As the postpresidential fever abates, Soros’s work carries on. In a New York City luxury hotel, Soros recently huddled with other devastated operatives in the so-called Democratic Alliance, including former House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, and Congressional Progressive Caucus cochairman Keith Ellison. According to Politico, they discussed strategies to combat President-elect Trump’s “terrifying assault on President’s Obama’s achievements.” Not all Democrats were pleased with the occasion. “The DA itself should be called into question,” said one attendee. “You can make a very good case it’s nothing more than a social club for a handful of wealthy white donors and labor union officials to drink wine and read memos, as the Democratic Party burns down around them.”

Read the whole thing.