AT AMAZON, markdowns on Men’s Shoes.
Archive for 2017
September 15, 2017
As I said the other day, “All ESPN had to do, a couple of years ago, was say ‘we do sports, politics are for those other cable channels.’ That would have drawn in the many Americans who are sick of 24/7/365 politics. Instead, ESPN decided to do politics, but with less balance than MSNBC. Shockingly, this has not drawn more people in.”
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Vegans Suck At Science.
SON OF JERRY SANDUSKY PLEADS GUILTY TO SEX CRIMES: Jeffrey S. Sandusky, the 41-year-old son of convicted child-sex abuser Jerry Sandusky, pleaded guilty Friday in Centre County to attempting to convince two teenage sisters into sexual acts.
ELIZABETH SCALIA: A Memoir: “Why I Am the Way I Am” or, “WHAT HAPPENED?”
A NYC professor has been placed on administrative leave after several shocking anti-cop tweets came to light, prompting the city’s largest police union to call for his firing.
Professor Michael Isaacson, who teaches, ironically, at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan, tweeted last month that “it’s a privilege to teach future dead cops.”
Awesome circa-1990 Eric Clapton/Tears for Fears guy hairdo, however.
Gunsmoke. Kelly’s Heroes. The Godfather Part II. Alien. Escape from New York. Repo Man. Pretty in Pink. Two and a Half Men. Big Love. The Avengers – and 189 or so more roles. What an incredible career as a character actor.
—As spotted by Mediaite earlier this afternoon.
● Don Lemon to Kathy Griffin on CNN’s New Year’s Eve broadcast: ‘Nice Rack.’
—Mediaite, January 1st, 2016.
Also, in case you missed it yesterday: CNN Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Poison Trump’s Food.
Update: The Insta-Professor’s take on Constitutional Law aspects of Travis’ statement, with assists from Ben Shapiro, the Honorable William J. Le Petomane, and his highly skilled executive secretary.
Heh, indeed.™
More: “Fox Sports Radio host Clay Travis shocked CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin on Friday by declaring on live television that he believes ‘in only two things completely: the First Amendment and boobs.’ But the network really shouldn’t have been surprised by Travis’s crass remark. He has used the line before,” the Washington Post notes tonight. “When Baldwin appeared stunned and disgusted by Travis’s quip on Friday, he replied, ‘I say it live on the radio all the time.’ This is who Travis is. CNN ought to have known what it was getting.”
Why are Democrat-monopoly television networks such cesspits of vaporish scolds?
I’VE BEEN MEANING TO START A PROSCRATINATORS’-RIGHTS ORGANIZATION: The Secret Life of Procrastinators and the Stigma of Delay. “In actuality, racing the clock emotionally stimulates those who procrastinate. Since emotions serve to direct one’s attention, we might consider such deadline stimulation highly adaptive as well. Moreover, procrastinating enables some people to perform at peak efficiency, and their task delay enables them to work diligently and attain optimal efficiency. Professionally successful procrastinators report that when they try to get something done ahead of time, often they are compromised in terms of both motivation and concentration. Thus, for procrastinators, the energizing quality and focus provided by emotions that are activated upon nearing a deadline are essential.”
I’VE BEEN SEEING THESE HEADLINES MY ENTIRE LIFE, BUT HEY, MAYBE THIS TIME THEY’RE RIGHT: Male Birth Control Might Be Right Around the Corner, And It Sounds Pretty Damn Cool.
FROM THE DAILY SIGNAL: Do We Need 641 Penalties for Nonviolent Drug Crime After Punishment? Federal laws and regulations impose more than 600 post-prison restrictions that may be applied to people convicted of “nonviolent drug offenses”, according to a new GAO report. These rules cover individuals convicted of a nonviolent drug offense, defined as any federal drug offense that doesn’t involve the attempted, threatened, or actual use of physical force. The Op/Ed points out that:
“[T]hose rules cover so many parts of a person’s life—from employment and housing to the constitutional rights to vote and carry a firearm—that if administered arbitrarily, some may needlessly frustrate reintegration into society and encourage a return to crime”
The analysis concludes that:
“It is not in anyone’s best interests to consign ex-offenders to a permanent second-class status. Doing so will only lead to wasted lives, ruined families, and more crime.”
A REVIEW OF KEN BURN’S VIETNAM PBS SERIES: “To me, in order to determine who won and who lost the war, one needs to answer three fundamental questions: (1) what was the goals of the involved parties. (2) What price did they have to pay? (3) The overall assessment of the war.”
Read the whole thing.
Related: Victor Davis Hanson at Prager U on Why Did America Fight the Vietnam War?
IRMA WASN’T AS BAD AS EXPECTED IN FLORIDA, BUT IT WAS AWFUL ELSEWHERE: ‘For the first time in 300 years, there’s not a single living person on the island of Barbuda.’
AT AMAZON, save in Arts, Crafts, and Sewing.
FLASHBACK: Bernie in 1987: Medicaid for All Would ‘Bankrupt the Nation.’
His position has merely evolved leftward, as always seems to be the case.
21ST CENTURY HEADLINES: Improved Magnetic Sail presented at Mars Society Conference.
CREATIVE BANKRUPTCY: Here Are All of Disney’s Upcoming Live-Action Remakes.
You may have noticed that Disney, not content with the success of its Pixar releases, Marvel movies, or massive Star Wars universe thanks to the Lucasfilm purchase, has started remaking its classic animated films in live-action form. It sort of began with Maleficent, the pricey retelling of the Sleeping Beauty tale from the villain’s point of view with Angelina Jolie taking on leading lady duties. The film was a sizeable success, but instead of continuing to put twists on older films, Disney instead started straight-up remaking them.
Big budgets, safe bets, shrinking audiences.