Archive for 2017

FLASHBACK: You Can Give a Boy a Doll, but You Can’t Make Him Play With It.

The problem with Egalia and gender-neutral toy catalogs is that boys and girls, on average, do not have identical interests, propensities, or needs. Twenty years ago, Hasbro, a major American toy manufacturing company, tested a playhouse it hoped to market to both boys and girls. It soon emerged that girls and boys did not interact with the structure in the same way. The girls dressed the dolls, kissed them, and played house. The boys catapulted the toy baby carriage from the roof. A Hasbro manager came up with a novel explanation: “Boys and girls are different.”

They are different, and nothing short of radical and sustained behavior modification could significantly change their elemental play preferences. Children, with few exceptions, are powerfully drawn to sex-stereotyped play.

And there’s nothing wrong with that, it just threatens the fragile psyches of neurotics who, for some reason, exercise more sway in the culture than they deserve.


What Changes Will We Make After the Giffords Shooting?

—Alec Baldwin, the Huffington Post, January 15, 2011.

HuffPost Editor Reveals New Year’s Resolution: ‘Kill All Men.’

—The Daily Caller, yesterday.

As Jon Gabriel wrote at Ricochet in June after a self-professed Bernie Bro shot Republican Congressman Steve Scalise, “Democrats want it both ways and, considering the media’s left-wing views, they usually get it. But it’s impossible for voters to believe their ‘love trumps hate’ slogans when hate is nearly all they offer.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Can Mitchonomics Fix The Broken Higher Ed Business? “Under [Mitch] Daniels, things have been generally cheery at Purdue. With return on investment increasingly important to students, given the price of attending and the corresponding debt, Purdue has something to sell: static costs and a good job if you graduate, especially in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.”

ANOTHER OPEN THREAD: Share your holiday cheer.


A source says, “Romantic relationships at work are not exactly unusual, but now NBC says it is taking a zero-tolerance approach. Staffers have been told that if they find out about any affairs, romances, inappropriate relationships or behavior in the office, they have to report it to human resources, their superior or the company anti-harassment phone line. Staffers are shocked that they are now expected to snitch on their friends.

“Plus, there’s been a series of ridiculous rules issued on other office conduct. One rule relates to hugging. If you wish to hug a colleague, you have to do a quick hug, then an immediate release, and step away to avoid body contact.

“Also there’s strict rules about socializing, including [not] sharing taxis home and [not] taking vegans to steakhouses.”

As I keep noticing, it’s amazing how the sex-harassment torpedo the Dems aimed at Trump has circled back around on them.

And, further demoralizing Trump’s enemies, is this reality:

The problem at NBC News wasn’t that people didn’t know, it’s that people who knew and should have done something didn’t. They didn’t because Lauer was a star with the power to damage almost anyone who represented a threat to him. No one wanted to take a shot at Lauer because there was a good chance you would end up fired and he’d remain untouched. That’s the same problem people at the Weinstein Company had. Everyone knew about Harvey but no one could afford to take him on.

The problem with procedural rules to deal with sexual harassment and abuse is that the rules are most likely to be applied in an unforgiving fashion to people low on the totem pole while they are applied sparingly if at all to the people most likely to see the harassment as a kind of office perk. You’ll know these rules actually mean something when another A-list host at NBC gets written up for violating the hug policy. My guess: It will never happen.

Yep. It’s all bullshit. As I predicted a while back, the end result of all this #metoo stuff is more HR seminars for powerless males, while the Matt Lauers continue to do what they want, until they’re disposable.