Archive for 2017


One set of images she remembered was of college-age students at a party where ‘some people were inexplicably naked while everyone else was clothed.’ Another was a sort of digital flip book that allowed users to mix and match heads, torsos and legs to create an image of a naked woman.”

The “pornography” wasn’t related to any legal case. I’m putting “pornography” in quotes because I don’t think of photographs of a naked person is “pornography.” Is this Renoir painting pornography?

It’s bad — it’s atrocious! — but it’s not pornography. If I ask you whether you find those Renoir women sexually attractive, am I sexually harassing you? Is the workplace hostile if X lets you see that he’s looking at a picture of a naked person and asks if you find that naked person sexually attractive? I mean, anybody can see from the vantage point of today that it’s a bad idea to interact like that in the workplace, but I think a proportionate reaction would be to agree that we shouldn’t be doing that and move forward.

The Weinstein/Spacey type stuff is one thing, but we’re now down to the level of stuff that trivializes the problem. And lots of male judges (and others) will look at this and say well, I’m never going to act like Weinstein, but who knows what some female clerk or employee will decide was offensive years later, and want a non-proportionate reaction, so the only safe thing to do is not hire female clerks or employees.

GREAT MOMENTS IN DISPASSIONATE MEDIA OBJECTIVITY: “Hillary, please don’t reject romance novels — you are a romance novel heroine” states a headline that actually ran in the Washington Post yesterday.

Shades of the embarrassing Dear Leader fanfic published by the New York Times in early 2009 and headlined “Sometimes a President Is Just a President,” written by author Judith Warner. Warner began her column by imagining Obama emerging from her shower, before noting that “Many women — not too surprisingly — were dreaming about sex with the president.”

In May of last year, a parody “Man Enough for Hillary” campaign ad featuring a brawny-looking Shutterstock model went viral; it was realistic looking enough to fool those ace fact-checkers at, err, GQ. Iowahawk challenged his Twitter followers to produce a Photoshopped Harlequin romance novel cover based on it, so I quickly slammed the image below together. But as Muggeridge’s Law states, there is no way a satirist can keep up with real life for its pure absurdity.

I LOVE BUZZ ALDRIN: Now he has a new “Astral” fashion line.. I loved his wife Lois, too, but I kinda understand why she, wanting a quiet retirement, left him a few years ago. He’s 87 and hasn’t slowed down.

Meanwhile, one might hope that a New York Times writer, even for the fashion section, would know the difference between “interplanetary” and “interstellar.” But such hope would be in vain.

STICKY FINGERS: A New Biography Explores the Seedier Side of Jann Wenner.

My (lengthy) review of Joe Hagan’s controversial new book is online over at Ed While there’s no way Hagan could have anticipated the Harvey Weinstein scandal when he began writing his bio of Wenner, he perfectly describes Wenner as the linchpin between the sexual revolution of the 1960s and its current French Revolution-esque aftermath.


Although in a way Trump is managing it, by driving them crazy simply by existing.

PREDICTION: THE CHIEF RESULT WILL BE FEWER WOMEN HIRED. Congress reeling from sexual harassment deluge. When every accusation is believed, and when an accusation can ruin a career, why run the risk?