Archive for 2017

OCTOBER MAY SURPRISE: Macron hack details ‘must not be spread’.

The French media and public have been warned not to spread details about a hacking attack on presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron.

Strict election rules are now in place and breaching them could bring criminal charges, the election commission said.

A trove of documents – said to mix genuine files with fake ones – was released online shortly before campaigning ended on Friday.

The centrist Mr Macron faces far-right candidate Marine Le Pen on Sunday.

Why is there a ban on spreading the data?

It is part of the restrictions that came into force at midnight local time on Friday.

No campaigning or media coverage of it that could sway the election is allowed until polls close at 20:00 local time (18:00 GMT) on Sunday. Some overseas French territories have already begun voting.

The election commission warned it could be a criminal offence to republish the leaked data.

Enforcing that restriction in the internet age is problematical at best.


HEY, PLACEBOS OFTEN WORK. The Placebo Politics of Healthcare.

In other words, the House passage of the AHCA represents the start of the healthcare fight, not the end of it. The final product, if there is one at all, will likely bear little resemblance to the legislation passed today.

President Trump’s Rose Garden performance, along with the cheering of his media allies (Drudge’s homepage banner has a picture of a “Promises Kept” sign at a Trump rally), doesn’t yet reflect a real policy victory. It looks once again that Trump is engaging in another display of placebo politics—an attempt to make his constituents feel like they are winning without massive upheavals to the status quo.

But there is a further canniness to this strategy. By taking a victory lap, Trump has increased the sense of momentum, and has ratcheted up pressure on any Republican Senators (and later, once again, House Republicans) to not stand in the way of a “win”. But at the same time, legislators by now know that Trump is not a details guy; he just wants a win to sell to his constituents. He is confident in his skills as a salesman. After all, they have served him well thus far.


HIGHER EDUCATION CHOOSES SIDES: Butler University is now offering a full-on anti-Trump course.

During the Fall 2017 semester, students at Butler will be able to take a “special topics” course called “Trumpism & U.S. Democracy.” In the course’s description, students are told they’ll be taught the real reason Trump won the 2016 election and they’ll be provided “strategies for resistance” to the Trump administration’s evil agenda.

“Donald J. Trump won the U.S. Presidency despite perpetuating sexism, white supremacy, xenophobia, nationalism, nativism, and imperialism,” the course description reads. “This course explores why and how this happened, how Trump’s rhetoric is contrary to the foundation of the U.S. democracy, and what his win means for the future. The course will also discuss, and potentially engage in, strategies for resistance.”

Butler’s anti-Trump rhetoric isn’t surprising, of course.

The overwhelming majority of U.S. colleges have been infested with leftism for decades, but even by liberals’ standards, this course sounds extreme.

Note: When this sort of thing is the norm — and it is — you can’t complain about legislators “politicizing” higher education funding. Well, you can complain, but not many people will listen.

ANALYSIS: TRUE. The World Is Not Ready for the Next Pandemic. Maybe if “public health” people spent more time on infectious disease, and less on nutritional junk science and politicized gun control lobbying, we’d be better prepared. Just a thought. Crazy, I know.

WHEN DID BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BECOME SUCH A CESSPIT OF PC LOSERDOM? Baylor University Frat Suspended for “Racist” Cinco de Drinko Party.

As I’ve said before, if you treat “cultural appropriation” seriously, you’re self-identifying as an idiot, and that clearly applies to Baylor University’s administration. I think the fraternity should occupy the office of Kevin P. Jackson, “Vice President for Student Life,” until the suspension is lifted and they receive an apology.

Also in embarrassing developments for Baylor: They have a “Vice President for Student Life.”