Archive for 2017

BEING AMONG RIOTERS WHILE REPORTING ON THEM IS JOURNALISM. RIOTING WHILE A JOURNALIST IS RIOTING. WHICH IS IT? First inauguration rioting trial could send independent journalist, six others to prison. “The defendants face five felony destruction of property charges and a felony riot-incitement charge that carry up to 10 years in prison each, as well as two misdemeanors — rioting and conspiracy to riot — that carry 180 days each. Actual sentences likely would be less severe. Convictions would send a shudder through 187 other defendants scheduled to stand trial.”

The outcome, obviously, should depend on the facts proved, but I do hope we’ll end the culture of impunity that leftist rioters have enjoyed. A few shudders would be a good thing, I think.

AIRSTRIP ONE’S MINISTRY OF TRUTH FIRES UP THE AIRBRUSHES AGAIN: “The poppy has become a symbol of racism – I will never wear one again,” Robert Fisk* writes in the London Independent**.

For who are they commemorating? The dead of Sarajevo? Of Srebrenica? Of Aleppo? Nope. The television bumpkins only shed their crocodile tears for the dead of First and Second World Wars, who were (save for a colonial war or two) the last generation of Britons to get the chop before the new age of “we-bomb-you-die” technology ensured that their chaps – brown-eyed, for the most part, often Muslims, usually dark skinned – got blown to bits while our chaps flew safely home to the mess for breakfast.

Yes, I rage against the poppy disgrace every year. And yes, my father – 12th Battalion The King’s Liverpool Regiment, Third Battle of the Somme, the liberation of burning Cambrai 1918 – finally abandoned the poppy charade when he learned of the hypocrisy and lies behind the war in which he fought. His schoolboy son followed his father’s example and never wore his wretched Flanders flower again.

Classy stuff. But then, self-loathing*** has been a hallmark of the British left since the end of WWI.

* Yes, the same.

** Yes, the same.

*** QED.

21ST CENTURY MEDICINE: The ‘final nail in the coffin’ for Aids? A surge in the use of preventative drugs is reducing risk but with more than 36m people living with HIV a huge challenge remains.

Will Nutland is not infected with HIV, yet he has been taking an Aids drug for just under a year. As a doctor, he says his primary motive is to act as “a guinea pig” but as a gay man he is also taking it to prevent him contracting the human immunodeficiency virus that can lead to Aids. He takes Truvada, a pill introduced by the US drug company Gilead in 2004 as an antiretroviral treatment for people with HIV but since developed for pre-exposure prophylaxis — generally known as PrEP — for those at risk of infection.

Around the world, hundreds of thousands have been taking PrEP on a daily basis for several years, yet Dr Nutland, who bought his blue lozenge-shaped pills online, is only one of a handful of people in the UK taking the medicine.

The question for many — both activists and clinicians — is whether greater use of PrEP alongside more widespread diagnosis and early treatment could finally herald the end of HIV/Aids. The combination of the prophylactic for those who are HIV-negative with effective antiretroviral drugs, which suppress the virus in those who test positive, offers a chance to manage the disease out of existence, suggests Tony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

That would be nice, but I fear it won’t be quite that easy.

‘FEAR IS EVERYWHERE’: A QUIET PARANOIA HAUNTS POST-WEINSTEIN HOLLYWOOD. The industry is on edge as allegations of sexual misconduct reach dizzying heights. The question on everyone’s mind is: ‘Who will be next?’

The sexual revolution morphed into the French revolution so slowly, I hardly even noticed.

Speaking of which, as Richard Fernandez writes at the Belmont Club, “Whatever happens now the progressives have lost decades of ‘gains’ not to the alt-right, which is nothing special, but to the realization of their own human frailty. They will find equality intolerable.”

Richard’s post is well worth reading in its entirety.