Archive for 2017

OBAMA’S LEGACY: 21 arrested as hundreds of Trump supporters and counter-protesters clash at Berkeley rally. And the Antifa folks may have met their match:

Stewart Rhodes, founder of the citizen militia group known as the Oath Keepers, said he came from Montana with about 50 others to protect Trump supporters. They were joined by bikers and others who vowed to fight members of an anti-fascist group if they crossed police barricades.

“I don’t mind hitting” the counter-demonstrators, Rhodes said. “In fact, I would kind of enjoy it.”

See, it’s better if everyone respects everyone else’s free speech. If that’s not the norm, then axe handles are a fashion accessory.


The Antifa goons were so thoroughly outclassed, they were chased down and given wedgies.

WAR ON MEN: Why American men may have less luck finding a job than women.

If you’re searching for a job, the odds of finding one may depend on your gender.

Overall, occupations that are more than 80% female are projected to grow at nearly twice the rate of jobs that are at least 60% male between 2014 and 2024, according to research out this week from the jobs site Indeed and its chief economist, Jed Kolko. The site researched Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that many are jobs that are traditionally dominated by women — including occupational therapy assistants, physical therapy assistants and nurse practitioners — are growing at the fastest rate. They will grow at about a 40% rate, compared to an overall rate of 6.5% for all jobs.

In fact, all of the fastest-growing jobs for women were healthcare-related.

Hmm. Notice that this isn’t presented as a crisis demanding immediate action, as it would be if the problem were reversed.

SOUTH KOREA’S JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: Latest North Korean missile test failed.

The communist state attempted to launch an unidentifed missile from the port city of Sinpo on its east coast in the morning, and the launch is presumed to have failed, the JCS said.


IF IT WEREN’T FOR FAKE HATE CRIMES, HOW MANY HATE CRIMES WOULD WE HAVE? Yet Another Hoax: KKK Trump-Supporter Who Made Racist Threats Turns Out To Be … Black.

After Trump humiliated the national media by winning the 2016 presidential election, the media went all-in on a campaign to prove that Trump’s victory had emboldened his racist supporters across the country to commit a series of hate crimes. The only problem is that like the above incident in Tennessee, most of these hate-crimes turned out to be hoaxes, or just plain old lies perpetrated by Trump-haters as a means to make the President and his supporters look bad.

The Muslim woman robbed of her hijab in Louisiana? Never happened.

The black woman racially-harassed at a Philadelphia gas station? Never happened.

The Asian student racially-taunted in Minnesota? Never happened.

The bisexual student receiving hate-notes in Chicago? Never happened.

The black church burned to the grown and defaced with “Vote Trump!” Committed by a black man.

Asian store firebombed by a white Trump supporter? Committed by a black man.

Michigan student told to remove her hijab or be lit on fire? Never happened.

Racist note left for Hispanic students in North Carolina? Written by a Trump-hating Hispanic.

The Jewish Community Centers serially-threatened with anti-Semitic bomb threats? One perpetrator was a Jewish man, the other was a left-wing member of the very same media that spent weeks blaming Trump for these crimes.

Donald Trump is not inspiring hate crimes, he is not even inspiring the hoaxes. What is inspiring the hoaxers is an irresponsible and rabidly partisan American media addicted to any kind of Fake News that confirms their twisted worldview.

Yeah, pretty much.

SORRY, BUT ALL OF THESE TRENCH COATS ARE TOO SHORT. Often absurdly so. It’s a trench coat, not a trench jacket. It needs to be long enough to keep your legs dry in heavy rain. A mid-thigh-length trench coat is an abomination.

VP PENCE REASSURES ALLIES AS NORTH KOREA MAKES MORE THREATS: Pence is in South Korea at the moment. He will visit Japan.

Meanwhile, the Yonhap news agency reports the South Korean military believes that North Korea’s April 15 parade included new types of ICBMs. Read the article for details.

Seems South Korea is fed up with the North’s threats and tantrums:

On Friday, the North’s military issued a statement threatening the “toughest counteraction” to destroy American military bases and South Korea’s presidential compound in case of aggression against Pyongyang.

It argued that the Trump administration’s “serious military hysteria has reached a dangerous phase which can no longer be overlooked.”

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff strongly denounced the North for the latest threat.

It urged the North to immediately halt such threats and “rash” acts, saying it will only face the “strong and resolute retaliation” of the South Korea-U.S. alliance and the destruction of its own regime.

Here’s more background on the Kim regime, its weapons programs and Kim Jong Un’s increasingly belligerent behavior.

ANOTHER GUN COMPANY MOVES TO TENNESSEE: Firearms maker setting up shop in Blount County, bringing 350 new jobs. “The facility will occupy a 68-acre campus, and the land alone has a price tag of $1.7 million. Another $22.5 million with go into the building, which will also hold offices and the company’s shipping department.”