WELL, IT’S NOT A BAD ONE: Trump’s List. Again, from the top, a country without borders isn’t a country. It’s at best a vast commons ready to fall into tragedy.
Archive for 2017
October 10, 2017
THIS IS MY SHOCKED FACE: Marriage troubles linked to health problems for men: study.
REALLY? ASTONISH ME: Sex doll brothel owner says visitors have disturbing requests.
October 9, 2017
KURT SCHLICHTER: HOLLYWOOD IS AMERICA’S CONSCIENCE OR SOMETHING. “The hell with Hollywood. It’s all lies, it’s all a pose, it’s all a scam, and we aren’t falling for it. But at least for the first time in a long time, Kimmel and his Tinseltown pals have us laughing again. Just not why they’d hoped.”
Read the whole thing.
THE 21st CENTURY IS NOT TURNING OUT AS I HAD HOPED: California To Have Harsher Penalty For Pronoun Violations Than For Knowingly Spreading HIV.
CATHARINE MACKINNON’S DESTRUCTIVE LEGACY: How Sexual Harassment Scandals Can Spook Men and Hurt Women.
AT AMAZON, save on Wheels and Tires. Winter is coming.
Twitter advertising policies indeed forbid “Inflammatory or provocative content which is likely to evoke a strong negative reaction,” though it’s hard to see what political ads these days wouldn’t “evoke a strong negative reaction” or be seen as “inflammatory or provocative” by some. . . .
Internet site operators, such as Twitter, have the same First Amendment rights as newspapers and other fully protected media, and that would include the right to choose what not to publish.
Nonetheless, how users should react to private company decisions such as this is an interesting and important question; and it will also be interesting to see how Twitter applies its policy to other political ads.
My prediction: Unfairly and dishonestly.
DONNA KARAN WILL BE WALKING BACK THIS HEADLINE IN 3…2…1…: “EXCLUSIVE: Fashion designer Donna Karan comes to Harvey Weinstein’s DEFENSE suggesting his victims may have been ‘asking for it’ by the way they dress calling the shamed mogul and his wife ‘wonderful people,’” screams the London Daily Mail’s homepage tonight:
She told a reporter: ‘I think we have to look at ourselves. Obviously, the treatment of women all over the world is something that has always had to be identified. Certainly in the country of Haiti where I work, in Africa, in the developing world, it’s been a hard time for women.
‘To see it here in our own country is very difficult, but I also think how do we display ourselves? How do we present ourselves as women? What are we asking? Are we asking for it by presenting all the sensuality and all the sexuality?
‘And what are we throwing out to our children today about how to dance and how to perform and what to wear? How much should they show?
I’m not sure those are questions a couturier to the (very leftwing) stars should be asking publicly if she wants to keep those commission checks flowing in.
UPDATE: Meanwhile, since crazy pills seem to be abundance on the left, the ordinarily sane, often quite readable center-left Jewish-themed Website Tablet went Stormfront so slowly, I hardly even noticed: “The Specifically Jewy Perviness of Harvey Weinstein,” screams their headline today. Screenshot here, in case it changes.
As Jon Gabriel tweets, “Damn. I’m a Finn and I’m offended.”
(There are no italics in twitter, but I’m pretty sure Jon’s OK with my adding them here.)
NEWS YOU CAN USE: 9 Ways To Start A New Sexual Relationship After The Loss Of Your Spouse.
AT AMAZON, save on bestselling Office Products.
JOHN HINDERAKER: Liberals Respond As Usual, By Bullying.
THIS IS A GROSS INSULT TO ITALIAN-AMERICANS: “A white paper cover now covers the sculpture of Christopher Columbus and the block it stands on, and the entire display is now surrounded by a chain-link fence.”
SOMEBODY SKIPPED THEIR CIVICS CLASSES: Late-night “comedy” writer Bess Kalb of the Jimmy Kimmel Show deleted this tweet, but stupidity leaves a digital footprint. It explains a lot, really…
PHOTOS: In Texas People Take Their Guns Everywhere with Them. You know, back in the 1970s the left began a campaign to “denormalize” firearms ownership. For a while it looked like it was working, but not so much anymore.
MY USA TODAY COLUMN: Trump space plans could restore U.S. optimism. It worked for Columbus and Europe.
RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FROM JUDGY BITCH: “In truth, it’s not that hard to compete with sluts. What you’ll need are some domestic skills and a sense of loyalty to match your man’s.” “Food, clean clothes, tidy room, sex and a shoulder to lean on. Yep, it’s really that simple. That’s how you compete with sluts. Be a wife. Be a woman.”
This sounds like it might lead to something hardcore and revolutionary, like sandwich-making.