Archive for 2017


TEACH WOMEN NOT TO STALK AND MAKE UP PHONY RAPE ALLEGATIONS: Professor Accused Of Stalking And Making Up Phony Rape Allegations Against Firefighters.

A former Northern Arizona University professor is facing federal charges for allegedly stalking and making up false rape allegations against firefighters. As AZ Central shares, 36-year-old Melissa Ann Santana is being charged with stalking or making false statements against at least 11 people.

Santana was an associate professor of interior design at the time of the incidents, which ranged from Feb. 1, 2015 to Sept. 22, 2017. She allegedly sent threatening messages to three crew members (including that they “go die” at their next fire), an NAU student and more, per the federal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Coconino County last month.

Some victims met her online and others were family members of men she knew. At least one of her male victims said that he had a relationship with her that had ended. He claims that his car was vandalized and he received several negative texts after their affair ended. Some victims said she stalked them on social media or Tinder. One alleges that she started a “smear campaign” against him, falsely posting that he has sexually transmitted diseases.

Santana, who is married, also allegedly sent false allegations against firefighters by email or text to their supervisors, stating that they had sex with an underage, 15-year-old girl.

The victims say that she harassed them using different identities, email-addresses, social-media accounts and temporary phone numbers. Authorities reportedly traced the accounts to her through search warrants of her phone and electronic communications.

Charming lady.

KURT SCHLICHTER: Let’s All Savor The Democrats’ Pervgate Pain. “Liberals have always been a bunch of lying posers pretending to be allies of women, and some of us always knew it was a scam. To see the truth so gloriously revealed, and to watch their humiliating back-pedaling and equivocation, is wonderful. Get-me-a-cigarette-and-a-cuddle wonderful.”

CONRAD BLACK: Donald Trump Is The Most Successful U.S. President Since Ronald Reagan: “It is too early to predict whether he will be a successful president or not. But no one relying on the Canadian media would be aware that he has more than doubled the economic growth rate, reduced illegal immigration by about 80 per cent, withdrawn from the insane Paris Climate accord, helped add trillions to U.S. stock market values, created nearly two million new jobs, led the rout of ISIL, and gained full Chinese adherence to the unacceptability of North Korean nuclear military capability. He will probably pass the greatest tax cuts and reforms since Reagan, if not Lyndon Johnson, by Christmas, and may throw out the most unpopular feature of Obamacare, the coercive mandate, with it.”

Well, you wouldn’t learn much more from following U.S. media. But for the moment I think Trump is happy to have this stuff going on under the media radar. When he wants it to be news, I suspect he’ll figure out a way to make it news.

AS RICHARD FERNANDEZ SAYS, THE MEME-TORPEDOES HAVE CIRCLED BACK AROUND: Eight women say Charlie Rose sexually harassed them — with nudity, groping and lewd calls.

Eight women have told The Washington Post that longtime television host Charlie Rose made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd phone calls, walking around naked in their presence, or groping their breasts, buttocks or genital areas.

The women were employees or aspired to work for Rose at the “Charlie Rose” show from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011. They ranged in age from 21 to 37 at the time of the alleged encounters. Rose, 75, whose show airs on PBS, also co-hosts “CBS This Morning” and is a contributing correspondent for “60 Minutes.”

There are striking commonalities in the accounts of the women, each of whom described their interactions with Rose in multiple interviews with The Post. For all of the women, reporters interviewed friends, colleagues or family members who said the women had confided in them about aspects of the incidents. Three of the eight spoke on the record.

Related: Progressive Groups Call on Franken to Resign amid Groping Allegations.

Now we can see why lefty media folks think America is a “rape culture:” The part of America they inhabit is.

UPDATE: Note that these guys usually seem to have female accomplices/enablers: “She would just shrug and just say, ‘That’s just Charlie being Charlie.’ ”

JONAH GOLDBERG: The real problem with the new liberal awakening about Bill Clinton isn’t the hypocrisy, it’s the historical revisionism.

Read this article from the New York Observer — if you can stomach it — titled, “New York Supergals Love That Naughty Prez.” They covered all the weighty issues, e.g., is oral sex cheating? And would you do him? “The consensus, as [Erica] Jong expressed it, was that a Presidential ‘f*ckabout’ was far better than a ‘fascist pig’ like Kenneth Starr.” The “only person who minds that Bill Clinton’s having sex without being in love,” said Elizabeth Benedict, “is Ken Starr.” Susan Shellogg, a former dominatrix, offered the only substantive criticism: “I think the President is reckless for not practicing safe sex if she has stains on her dress. She was not using a condom. That’s a big story.”

In an even more embarrassing Rolling Stone symposium, rapper DMX said,

All [Clinton] did was get some p***y, you know what I’m saying? . . . He’s a dog, man. Men are dogs. The fronting ones are the ones who don’t act like dogs. Those are the ones you watch. He’s doing his job. Whether he gets impeached should be determined by that, not where his (manhood) is at.

Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner, a man of famously Caligulan sexual appetites, summed up the attitude well:

What we have is a Republican majority in the House, held hostage by hate-drunk zealots and McCarthy-esque character assassins arguing the proposition that the president’s personal life must be absolutely flawless, [and] that should he have less than such moral purity, he has no right as a sworn officer of the Constitution to personal privacy.

In the same issue, Nicholson called the investigation a “coup d’état” and compared Bill Clinton to abolitionist zealot John Brown.

It was amidst all of this talk that the idea of Bill Clinton being “the first black president” was born, because, you see, he was being persecuted for not following bourgeois morality, or something. Jane Smiley, writing in The New Yorker, argued that Bill Clinton was so much more preferable to George H. W. Bush, because Bush was a warmonger who liked launching missiles more than having sex. . . .

Now, not all of these people excused, say, Juanita Broaddrick’s utterly plausible claim that Bill Clinton raped her. But one reason they didn’t was that NBC News kept that allegation secret throughout the impeachment hearings because they believed it was true.

They’ll say anything, or cover up anything, if they think it helps the cause — which is always lefty/Democratic Party power, whatever other language it’s wrapped in.

BIG BANG THEORY’S MAYIM BIALIK: ‘I Don’t Like Thanksgiving’ Because of ‘Genocide.’

But of course. Bialik was attacked by many of her fellow leftists last month in the immediate wake of the Weinstein Rebellion. The Jerusalem Post noted at the time,  “Actress Mayim Bialik has apologized following a backlash against her New York Times op-ed suggesting that dressing and acting modestly is protection against sexual assault and harassment.”

Or as Yoram Hazony, the author of The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture tweeted, “Translation: Actress recants traditional Orthodox Jewish views after being publicly shamed for expressing them.”

Bialik was defended by many conservatives for her Times column; massively virtue signaling that she’s not one of those people is the fastest way for her to return to Hollywood’s good graces and greatly increases the odds of continued employment once the show goes off the air.

Curiously though, despite Bialik’s personal beliefs, I’ve never seen her character sit out any of the Big Bang Theory’s Thanksgiving-themed episodes, or read about the actress demanding that the writers use these segments to trash half the show’s audience. But then, as always, Bill Whittle’s “Lou Grant Rule” from 2003 concerning modern actors remains true:

The talented Ed Asner, the actor who played Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, is politically to the left of Mao. Put Ed Asner and Lou Grant in a steel cage, let them talk politics for five minutes, and Lou Grant would kick Ed Asner’s ass. Even Murray Slaughter would be handing up folding chairs: “Hit the bastard again Lou, he’s still talking about income redistribution!” Dana Scully is a brilliant, courageous, skeptical physician who is handy with an automatic; Gillian Anderson is deep into crystals and has trouble with her shoelaces. Jack Ryan crawls through the bowels of a stolen Russian submarine fighting a dirty shadow war to keep America free, and Alec Baldwin…doesn’t. He seems to find the whole idea of a Jack Ryan deeply embarrassing. This list, sadly, goes on too.

Thanksgiving with the Big Bang Theory characters? Lots of geeked-out fun! Thanksgiving with Bialik in full PETA proselytizing mode? What a turkey of a day.

THE REVOLUTION EVENTUALLY DEVOURS ITS OWN: Jeffrey Tambor Departs Transparent Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations.

As Jonathan Last tweets, “Actor on aggressively political SJW show gets Borked by the even more aggressively political SJW crew. Film at 11:00.”

Gene Siskel had a famous test for whether or a movie was worth watching: “Is this film more interesting than a documentary of the same actors having lunch?”

I’ve never had any desire to watch Transparent, but I’d watch the documentary about how Tambor’s show imploded (and/or the current French Revolution phase of Hollywood in general) in a second.