Archive for 2017

YOU KNEW THIS WAS COMING: Why Should We Hire Women?

When James Damore was asked for feedback from his supervisor and internally circulated his google memo, it got leaked, he got fired and women stayed at home the next Day because “for emotional reasons”
A ten page summary of data and analysis from Damore was enough to “emotional distress” the women at the company.

I’m not arguing here about the validity of the memo — we can talk about that on a separate occasion — my point here is that a ten-page document with written words that suggested possible gender differences cost multiple sick days!

Feminists used to mock Victorian ideas about the fragility of women. Now they embody them.


TO BE FAIR, IT MEANT THIS BEFORE KOZINSKI, TOO: After Kozinski: Cleaning up the 9th Circuit means splitting it up. “Whatever one makes of the allegations (ranging from groping to showing pornography to clerks and others), their sheer extent and duration indicate a level of administrative chaos in keeping with the court’s general anarchy, and its undermining of judicial process. Congress must finally accept the decision reached 40 years ago by its Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System: The 9th Circuit must be split up. The current situation harms litigants, including accused criminals and victims awaiting final disposition of their cases, along with the businesses, civil associations, and local governments that depend on clear, consistent, and known rules.”

FLASHBACK: Matt Welch: The Media’s Hypocrisy About Gary Johnson.

Is Gary Johnson qualified to run for president? Let’s talk about that, but first let’s talk about this:
Two weeks ago, the foreign affairs select committee of the British House of Commons released a detailed, damning report about one of Hillary Clinton’s signature achievements as secretary of state: The 2011 US/UK/French-led military intervention into Moammar Gadhafi’s Libya, which was sold as a necessity to prevent (in President Barack Obama’s words) “a massacre that would have reverberated across the region.”

“This policy,” the conservative-led committee concluded, “was not informed by accurate intelligence. In particular, the [British] Government failed to identify that the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element. By the summer of 2011, the limited intervention to protect civilians had drifted into an opportunist policy of regime change. That policy was not underpinned by a strategy to support and shape post-(Gadhafi) Libya. The result was political and economic collapse, inter-militia and inter-tribal warfare, humanitarian and migrant crises, widespread human rights violations, the spread of (Gadhafi) regime weapons across the region and the growth of ISIL in North Africa.”

You might think that a deeply sourced report from an allied government about trumped-up intelligence leading to yet another destabilizing Middle East war might make some headlines in the country where the administration’s leading proponent of said intervention is poised to become the next leader of the free world. . . .

Ah, yes, but did you hear the one about Gary Johnson not being able to come up on the spot with the name of his favorite foreign leader? Disqualifying! And also, oddly, nearly ubiquitous in the same media that couldn’t be bothered to reexamine a Hillary Clinton policy that has adversely affected countless human lives.

But she’s the Smartest Woman Ever.

Related: Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets. Thanks, Hillary Clinton.


Well, that’s one way to bridge the gap between Trump and the pro-Communist, red star-wearing Antifa.

It’s also crying wolf once again:

NYT’s Frank Rich: ‘The G.O.P. [Tea Party] Stalinists Invade Upstate New York.’

—Media Research Center, November 2009.

Chris Matthews Compares Conservative Republicans to Murderous Khmer Rouge Regime.

NewsBusters, February 1, 2010.

Andrew Sullivan calls George W. Bush the far left “Weimar President.”

Ed August 25, 2007.

But in any case, really, what’s the problem? Decades ago, Walter Duranty of the New York Times copped a Pulitzer (which the Times has never returned) assuring Americans that all of Stalin’s murders were all just a myth. This year, the Times told us how awesome all that sweet swinging sex was back in the USSR.

SECURITY: Specially prepared photos shown bypassing Windows Hello facial recognition.

Microsoft added an “enhanced anti-spoofing” mode in the Windows 10 Creators Update earlier this year that properly defeats the attack, but it’s neither enabled by default nor compatible with all Windows Hello hardware.

The obvious question with any kind of facial recognition-based biometric authentication system is, how easily can it be tricked with a photograph? Since it’s easy to take a picture of someone’s face, often without them even knowing, a facial recognition system that can be fooled by a photo isn’t much use. The Windows Hello system has two main parts: there’s the physical hardware, which for Hello is a webcam with infrared illumination and detection, and the software algorithms, which are part of Microsoft’s Biometric Framework. With this design, Microsoft can refine and improve the algorithms, and the improvements should work for any compatible hardware.

Windows Hello’s infrared requirement should protect it from being spoofed by regular photos. So what the researchers from SySS did was use a photo taken with an infrared camera. This photo was then adjusted to change its contrast and brightness and printed at a low resolution on a laser printer. The resulting picture was successful at authenticating a user with Hello on two separate devices: a Surface Pro 4, using its integrated camera, and a laptop, using a discrete LilBit USB camera.

Like several similar biometric security hacks, this one doesn’t seem to be much of a real-world security threat.

NEXT QUESTION: WHAT IF NAPOLEON HAD A B-52 AT THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO? In a Mass Knife Fight to the Death Between Every American President, Who Would Win and Why?

“Zachary Taylor: ‘Old Rough and Ready’ had a 40-year military career fighting men armed with hatchets. I like his odds in a knife fight. I really do. Top 10 for sure. Top 5 is not unrealistic. This is a man to watch, folks. If Lincoln and Jackson give him an inch, he’ll bury six inches between their ribs before Roosevelt righteous-indignation’s him to death.”

See, this kind of deep-think is what the Internet was supposed to be for.