Archive for 2016

JACK HELLNER: Trump’s Dirty Talk vs. Hillary’s Corruption. It’s no surprise that the political class is less offended by the corruption:

In the past week:

– Justice drops the case against a gunrunner from Hillary’s Libya fiasco whose testimony would certainly have harmed Obama and Hillary.

– Evidence surfaced that the White House participated in the cover-up of Hillary’s violation of national security laws with her private server even though they said they absolutely knew nothing about the server and would not interfere with an investigation.

– We have learned more this week about how the investigation of Hillary by the Justice Department and FBI was a pure sham as they gave immunity to so many, took so much stuff off limits, and even carried out the destruction of evidence. The email investigation was pretend, just like the IRS investigation and any supposed investigation of the Clinton Foundation. It is clear that the White House, Justice Department, State Department, and IRS are working specifically to protect Obama and Hillary instead of working for the American people.

– Aleppo and Syria are deteriorating rapidly despite Obama and Kerry being extremely tough and telling Russia and Assad to stop it.

– Obama partially blamed the Civil War in Syria on a drought he says was caused by humans. That is one of the most ignorant statements ever. The war is because Assad is a tyrant, and the Mideast is essentially a desert that has had continued droughts for millennia.

– An NBC News man topped Obama’s stupidity by saying the worthless Paris climate agreement would stop hurricanes.

– Obamacare is collapsing rapidly. The multiple lies to pass the law are more obvious every day. The law is greatly harming the middle class and small employers and reducing the potential for full-time jobs.

– An NSA contractor who committed the same crime as Hillary by keeping classified documents at home on several nonsecure devices is under arrest. Why isn’t Hillary?

The media, of course, don’t focus on any of these things. Instead they trot out a tape of Trump talking dirty about women eleven years ago.

Well, a ban on dirty-talking doesn’t threaten the whole feedlot. A ban on corruption and incompetence would put them all out of business. . . .

2016, MAN:


NICK KRISTOF: “In fairness to Trump, other senior men in politics and business — John Kennedy and Bill Clinton come to mind — also sometimes showed a sense of entitlement toward young women.”

John Hinderaker: “Second, it can be useful to ask, What would the Democrats do? Here there is no need to speculate: we saw what they did in the 1990s. They circled the wagons and defended their man to the hilt, using whatever smears and lies were helpful, even though he was credibly accused of rape and multiple instances of sexual harassment. Indeed, that is what the Democrats are doing now with Hillary Clinton, as revelations much more material to her performance in office than the Trump video have come out over the past year or two. See, generally, Clinton Cash. Republicans are always held to a higher standard than Democrats, but why? Maybe this is as good a time as any to reject the double standard and fight fire with fire. E.g., this Drudge headline: ‘KATHLEEN WILLEY CALLS FOR HILLARY TO RESIGN FROM CAMPAIGN…'”

UPDATE: Hey, Trump was a Democrat when he said this stuff, you know.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Giuliani: Trump Ready for GOP Insiders vs Outsiders War.

MORE: Toward a Strategic Theory of Donald Trump and the GOP: A meditation in approximately 1 quadrillion tweets.

STILL MORE: Thoughts from Scott Adams: “If nothing new happens between now and election day, Clinton wins. The odds of nothing new happening in that timeframe is exactly zero.”



R.I.P., Brock Yates. “Yates told you that the speed limits were bad, and then he broke them in public, and then he wrote about it. He was bold, daring, cool and collected.”

And in the end, he won.

UPDATE: At a suggestion in the comments, you can buy his books here.

FISH DISCOVER NEED FOR BICYCLE: The Gray Gender Gap: Older Women Are Likelier to Go It Alone.

Even among men over 85, nearly 60 percent are married. By that point, only 17 percent of women are.

Life expectancy explains only part of this gap, said Deborah Carr, interim director of the Institute for Health at Rutgers University who has studied marriage and widowhood.

Yes, women tend to live longer and to marry men older than themselves, so they’re more likely to be widowed.

The other factor, though, is that “men are much more likely to remarry than women,” Dr. Carr said. With 2.55 women for every man among unmarried people over age 65, and 3.27 unmarried women for every unmarried man over 85, “a man who wants to remarry has a very large pool.”

At older ages, these differences can have significant repercussions.

Consider living arrangements. Among people over 75, the report points out, 23 percent of men live alone. For women, the figure is twice as high. . . .

And many older unmarried women do face economic difficulties.

“Women take more of a hit financially from widowhood and divorce,” said Deborah Umberson, director of the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin.

How much of a hit? Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, has calculated poverty rates based on the federal Current Population Survey. Her findings: About 8 percent of married older adults are poor or “near poor.” Among unmarried men, the percentage rises to about 20 percent. For unmarried women, it’s 27 percent.

Research has long demonstrated a health benefit from marriage, too. “Divorce and widowhood are terrible for your health,” Dr. Umberson said.

Hmm. I remember when the problem was old men living too long.

HMMM: America, You Have No Right to Judge Donald Trump:

I find this reaction to Trump’s private conversation rather ironic. It’s ironic coming from a secular culture that long ago declared objective morality dead. It’s ironic coming from politicos and media bottom-feeders who defended the abusive and disgusting behavior of Bill Clinton, not when he was a private citizen but when he was a sitting president.

It’s ironic coming from a Republican political elite that has told its religious base that social and moral issues don’t matter in politics. “It’s all about the economy, stupid. Leave your morals in the church but don’t voice them in the public square.”

The creep of moral relativism in America has been steady for many decades, increasing in speed to the point that the “slouching toward Gomorrah” has become a sprint. The notion that there is objective truth or absolute morality has been universally panned to the point that everything is tolerated except standards of right and wrong. “Everyone decides for himself what is right, especially when it comes to sex” is the mantra of today’s culture.

For years, Christians in particular have been attacked and silenced as they’ve tried to challenge the immorality that is pervasive in today’s society. When they tell people casual sex is wrong, they get the inevitable, “You have no right to tell me what I can or can’t do.” If they oppose sexual immorality in any form, including adultery, they’re maligned as sanctimonious puritans by lovers of libertinism.

How ironic, then, that a culture which rejects moral standards has suddenly become so pure and pristine, sitting in judgment of someone they deem too immoral to become president because of something he said in private. As a logical person, I have to ask these paragons of newly found virtue where this standard by which they’ve judged Trump is found.

As Andrew Ferguson wrote last week, neatly predicting the DNC-MSM’s fireworks this weekend, “puritanical is precisely the tone of the Trump haters on the left:”

(We Trump haters on the right are another story.) But why? Consider Trump himself. Here’s a man who’s famous for his wide-ranging sex life, his disdain for conventional marriage, his eager embrace of divorce, his public use of profanity, his non-judgmental attitude toward unconventional sexual minorities—a man whose way of life seems unrestrained by religious impulses of any kind—a man who, in short, is a walking summation of our present-day cultural principles. Yet on each of these scores, from his many marriages to his cursing in public, he is vilified by journalists, politicos, TV starlets, right thinkers of every kind. After years of egging on potty-mouthed rappers and scolding religious believers, our cultural guardians suddenly sound like the General Conference of Methodist Bishops circa 1922.

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


I used to think we were destined for a trainwreck October in which Trump trailed far behind Clinton, the RNC dumped him, and then he spent most of the month attacking Priebus, Ryan, and the rest of the “rigged system” for supposedly sabotaging his campaign. He would need a stabbed-in-the-back storyline to scapegoat someone else for his own failures. But Trump hung in there all summer and was basically tied in the polls with Clinton before the debate two weeks ago, suggesting a more traditional October in which the party was united for victory. Now it looks like we’re going to get a trainwreck after all. Forget the debate tomorrow; Trump’s next rally will be amazing.

Read the whole thing for an update on where things stand with Trump and the RNC. As for an Allahpundit-esque exit question, didn’t the Trump campaign know that these stories were guaranteed to drop in October? Shouldn’t they have prepared a response plan, ala the Clinton war room’s “Bimbo Eruption” pushbacks in 1992?