Archive for 2016

SMOKE, FIRE, AND HUMAN EVOLUTION: “When early humans discovered how to build fires, life became much easier in many regards. They huddled around fire for warmth, light and protection. They used it to cook, which afforded them more calories than eating raw foods that were hard to chew and digest. They could socialize into the night, which possibly gave rise to storytelling and other cultural traditions. But there were downsides, too. Occasionally, the smoke burned their eyes and seared their lungs. Their food was likely coated with char, which might have increased their risk for certain cancers. With everyone congregated in one place, diseases could have been transmitted more easily.”

US MARSHALS KILL SNIPER SUSPECT IN GEORGIA SHOOTOUT: Not quite a late 19th century headline from a western territory, but close. The federal officers were trying to arrest the man suspected of shooting at Atlanta police on July 28. The shootout occurred August 5. Note the suspect probably had mental problems. Was he influenced by the Dallas atrocity, the one in Baton Rouge? A fair question since he started shooting at police. But who knows? His grandmother said her grandson (the suspect) thought “something” was trying to kill him. Heart breaking. All Lives Matter.


Minivans crumbled as the three-row utility vehicle took over, leaving a handful of nameplates to each produce healthy volume. TTAC’s claim earlier this week? Midsize sedans are now following the same track, crumbling as the smaller two-row crossover takes over.

Already, America’s fleet of midsize sedans is decreasing in size. We expect to see a greater reduction in the number of midsize offerings soon.

I’m on my ninth car and not one of them has been a sedan of any size, but I have noticed fewer on the roads. People seem to like bigger vehicles with greater utility, and today’s powerful, fuel-sipping engines make them financially viable.

SCIENCE: N.I.H. May Fund Human-Animal Stem Cell Research. “The purpose is to try to grow human tissues or organs in animals to better understand human diseases and develop therapies to treat them. Researchers have long been putting human cells into animals — like pieces of human tumors in mice to test drugs that might destroy the tumors — but stem cell research is fundamentally different. The stem cells are put into developing embryos where they can become any cells, like those in organs, blood and bone.”