Archive for 2016


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Okay, this is pretty funny too:

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My basic point of view…went back to  my  early  teens,  and  has  never changed in any essential during the half  century  since.  Under  the  influence of my father…I emerged into sentience with an almost instinctive distrust of all schemes of revolution and reform. They were, to me, only signs  and  symptoms  of  a fundamental hallucination, to wit, the hallucination  that  human  nature  could  be  changed  by  passing  statutes  and  preaching gospels—that natural law could be repealed by taking thought.

—H.L. Mencken on socialism in 1910, as quoted by Edward Short in “Heavens on Earth, the creation of perfection, American-style” at the Weekly Standard, a review of Paradise Now — The Story of American Utopianism, by Chris Jennings.

THE LATEST CAPITAL CRIME IN NORTH KOREA: Using a cell phone messaging app. North Korea’s dictatorship says using messaging apps like Kakao Talk, Line, and WeChat are criminal because:

…Those caught using these apps on Chinese cell phones may be executed. The reason is that these apps enable users near the border to send messages so quickly, and then hang up, that even the high-tech cell phone detectors used by the border guards and secret police, cannot catch the culprits.

Read the whole thing.

THE HOUSE CUTS THE IRS BUDGET. “Basically, this backs out the one-time spending approved last year to fight identity theft and continues a hard budget freeze at the agency. Keeping spending at this level means that the IRS will have to prioritize their resources away from things like Obamacare implementation and harassing ordinary families and small businesses. The IRS will still have plenty of money to go after actual criminals and tax cheats, but hopefully not enough money for fishing expeditions elsewhere.”


BUILDING A BETTER WORLD THROUGH BOOZE! James Lileks looks back at mid-WWII ads promising battle-weary Americans better tomorrow, brought to you by “The Men Who Plan Beyond Tomorrow!” “Remember: men who think up things like this prefer Seagram’s.” Specifically, Seagram’s V.O., which was my dad’s favorite hooch.

Give Seagram credit for living up to their motto; all that V.O. the ads sold built a pretty nifty piece of mid-century modernism a decade later  — designed by the drinkingest modern architect of the 20th century, appropriately enough.

FOR THE LEFT, YOU ARE A PROBLEM TO BE POLICED: Plus a reminder that something that can’t go on forever, won’t. “As I like to say to my American hedge fund friends the Hamptons is not a defensible position … Very hard to defend a low-lying beach. Eventually people will come for you.”

All leftwing revolutions devour their own, eventually.

DOMINANCE GEOPOLITICS: Why Russia Published Footage of an FSB Agent Beating an American in Moscow .

Well, we have an incumbent President who told Putin that he’d have “more flexibility” after the election, and who then proceeded to flexibly hand big chunks of Eastern Europe and the Mideast to Putin. And of the two presumptive nominees for President, one is the hopelessly-compromised Hillary, whose email Putin has been reading for years, and the other is Trump, who likes Putin just fine.

And just as Hillary and Obama like to do with their political enemies here at home, Putin is rubbing our noses in it. Because he can.