Archive for 2016

CONFUSED? DON’T BE: One of my guest posters explain the Brexit in every way you might possibly want to know. Brexit: How, Why and What Next? 


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RIP, MICHAEL HERR. Author of Vietnam-era classic Dispatches, the co-screenwriter of Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket, and the man who wrote the narration for Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now was 76.

Herr’s biography of Stanley Kubrick, focusing primarily on the period the two men worked on Full Metal Jacket is a quick 112 pages, but one of the best portraits of the director I’ve read.

MEGAN MCARDLE: ‘Citizens of the World’? Nice Thought, But … “The inability of those elites to grapple with the rich world’s populist moment was in full display on social media last night. Journalists and academics seemed to feel that they had not made it sufficiently clear that people who oppose open borders are a bunch of racist rubes who couldn’t count to 20 with their shoes on, and hence will believe any daft thing they’re told. Given how badly this strategy had just failed, this seemed a strange time to be doubling down.”


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DISGRACEFUL: Yale Law Dean Robert Post writes oped accusing Exxon of “abusing the First Amendment.” They aren’t even trying to hide their totalitarian tendencies, are they?

A POSTER FAMILY FOR DIVERSITY. My Nigerian sister-in-law, who admittedly is also stunningly attractive, had her picture used 18 times in one university publication.

THE NEW YORKER WEIGHS IN ON BREXIT: “I do love that the July 4 issue is angrily advertising against independence,” Ben Shapiro tweets.
