Archive for 2016


From my perspective, as someone who was 13 years old in 1964 when Cassius Clay emerged in the popular culture, he seemed to have invented self-promoting bragging. My parents’ generation held values of modesty and sportsmanship. You shouldn’t verbalize your self-esteem, especially in a way that vaunted yourself over others. You should achieve and be admirable and then, perhaps, other people will praise you.

As my parents and their coevals saw it, Clay was teaching the young people the wrong values, including the idea that you can push beyond your area of actual achievement — in Clay’s case, boxing — and insult your opponents about something unrelated — such as the way they look. You could not only call yourself beautiful, but the other person ugly. To young people, like me, that seemed very funny and fun and liberating.

(I don’t really want to mention Donald Trump in this post, but the connection is too obvious. Who are we? How did we get here?)

Cultural devolution is fun, until it isn’t.

FUNDAMENTALLY TRANFORMED: Is Not Recycling More Immoral Than Porn? Teens Say Yes.

Flashback: “Would you rather your teenager smoke or cheat?” Dennis Prager asked back in 2003:

Decades of lecturing around America and of speaking with parents on my radio show have led me to an incredible conclusion: More American parents would be upset with their teenage children if they smoked a cigarette than if they cheated on a test.How has this come about? This is, after all, an entirely new phenomenon. Almost no member of my generation (those who became teenagers in the 1960s), let alone a member of any previous generation, could ever have imagined that parents would be angrier with their teenage child for smoking than for cheating.

There has been a profound change in American values. In a nutshell, health has overtaken morality. Or, if you prefer, health has become our morality.

Which makes sense, given the age of moral relativity we live in. Prager’s article was written in the decade in which Gaia replaced God amongst American “progressive” elites, and concurrently, global warming was an infinitely more important battle for them than global terrorism.

And teenagers don’t “learn” that not recycling is more “immoral” than prØn without plenty of help being steered in that direction by school and pop culture.


Related: John Podhoretz from December of 2001 on Will Smith’s Ali biopic. As Podhoretz writes, Smith was a perfectly cast actor at the height of his career wasted in a stillborn movie because Michael Mann wanted to tell the story of Ali the radical Islamic Vietnam War draft dodger, rather than Ali the charismatic superstar heavyweight champ. That 9/11 intervened while the film was in production sealed its fate.

JOHN SCHINDLER ON HILLARY AND TRUMP: “As I’m a member of the #NeverHillary faction, The Donald will have my support this November if he is anointed the GOP’s nominee in Cleveland, which looks virtually certain to be the case. That support is not without certain reservations — Mr. Trump’s views on national security frequently seem half-formed while his reliance on advisers with ties to Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin troubles me, as I’ve noted many times on Twitter — but given the choice, it’s not a tough call for me. As I observed in my column yesterday, Mr. Trump may not be quite up on some key issues, but at least he’s not under investigation by the FBI for espionage and corruption.”

FEEL THE BERN:  Sanders chooses two virulently anti-Israel activists to put on the DNC platform committee, Betsy Newmark writes, quoting extensively from Charles Krauthammer’s latest column, before concluding:

Sanders’ choices say a lot about him and what he believes. They also say a lot about what the left wing of the Democratic Party believe about Israel. Good is bad and bad is good. Terrorism is acceptable if it is aimed at Jews in Israel. That the DNC accepted these two men to be on their platform committee tells us where the party is headed and how it is abdicated the long-held support of Israel begun when Harry Truman, no Jew-lover, was the first national leader to extend recognition of the new state.

For the left, terrorism is also acceptable domestically if it’s aimed at opponents guilty of doubleplus ungood oldthink. Neither is all that new a development, but the clarity at least is a welcome change.