Archive for 2016

HOW DOES IT FEEEEEEEELLLLL? Mark Steyn writes that “This week Bob Dylan became the first songwriter to win the Nobel Prize for Literature — to general acclamation. But not from me, and I’d feel the same way if they’d given it to Cole Porter or Oscar Hammerstein or W S Gilbert…At any rate, here’s what I had to say about the great man upon the occasion of his 60th birthday way back in May 2001:

Visiting America a few years ago, Dave Stewart, of the Eurythmics, said to Dylan that the next time he was in England he should drop by his recording studio in Crouch End, an undistinguished north London suburb. Dylan, at a loose end one afternoon, decided to take him up on it and asked a taxi-driver to take him to Crouch End Hill. Cruising the bewildering array of near-namesake streets — Crouch End Hill, Crouch End Road, Crouch Hill End, Crouch Hill Road and various other permutations of “Crouch,” “End” and “Hill” — the cabbie accidentally dropped him off at the right number but in an adjoining street of small row houses. Dylan knocked at the front door and asked the woman who answered if Dave was in.

“No,” she said, assuming he was referring to her husband, Dave, who was out on a plumbing job. “But he should be back soon.” Bob asked if she would mind if he waited. Twenty minutes later, Dave — the plumber, not the rock star — returned and asked the missus whether there were any messages. “No,” she said, “but Bob Dylan’s in the front room having a cup of tea.”

Read the whole thing.


“REMEMBER WHEN LEFTISTS SAID MITT ROMNEY WAS A RACIST BECAUSE HE USED THE WORD ‘OBAMACARE’ IN A SPEECH? GOOD TIMES,” Avik Roy tweets, linking to a July 2012 Daily Beast article titled “Michael Tomasky* on Mitt Romney the Race Baiter at the NAACP.”

That was also the year that words such as “golf” and “Chicago” were declared racist by a division of Comcast.

To slightly modify a sentence from Glenn last month, both Romney and Tea Party people “were polite, and were betrayed and demonized. Trump supporters are angry, and are betrayed and demonized. What comes next?”

* And if you think Tomasky hates Romney, don’t even get him started on his voters, particularly those from the south.


None of the stories that horrify them now are new. They are years old. Decades, even. It is mind-blowing that no one decided to drop any of this before now. Unless, of course, you believe the idea that they sat on it in order to destroy him in the general. What’s more, that they did so at the request of the Clinton campaign. It is not only plausible, it is in fact the most likely scenario. It’s not like the journalists just sat on their hands for a year before dropping all this. A little research, a few phone calls, and all of this information would have been out there much sooner. But, that didn’t help the agenda.

So, while some folks on the Right can (and should) take some of the blame for creating the monster that is Republican Nominee Donald Trump, the Media cannot be allowed to feel horrified for the monster they too helped to make. This is on them. They had stories, they chose not to run them. They chose to favor a candidate. They were too afraid to lose a source.

“The Media cannot be allowed to feel horrified for the monster they too helped to make.” I don’t know if that sentence was written incorrectly, but in any case, I wouldn’t worry much – they don’t feel at all horrified by the monster they helped to make. Just think of the MSM as Democratic operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense.


By stymying the ability of the opposition to make use of its electoral majority to initiate overdue reforms that would undermine the country’s failed socialist policies, the Supreme Court has been a reliable ally in Maduro’s attempts to save Chavismo—the Supreme Court has undermined the power of the opposition-controlled National Assembly several times before. All this has taken place against the backdrop of a massive economic meltdown. Power outages, food shortages, and the arrests of “food hoarders” had triggered sizable countrywide protests.

The opposition, which has spent the year preparing for a recall referendum on Maduro, appeared buoyed. But one should never underestimate what a determined authoritarian government, with its paws on the various levers of power, can achieve.

Next steps are uncertain. Strains had already begun to appear in the opposition, between those who favor more direct street action and those who wanted to continue to press Maduro through the political process. Maduro and his people will almost certainly do everything they can to deepen those fissures.

It’s a mistake to pretend that you have a civil society when you don’t any more. That’s when it’s time to be most uncivil. Ceausescu wasn’t removed by judicially-approved referendum. Maduro won’t be either. Sic semper tyrannis. But it was a major error by the Bush Administration not to ensure that the anti-Chavez coup succeeded.

THE MOST IMPORTANT WIKILEAKS REVELATION ISN’T ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON: “This was October 6. The election was November 4. And yet Froman, an executive at Citigroup, which would ultimately become the recipient of the largest bailout from the federal government during the financial crisis, had mapped out virtually the entire Obama cabinet, a month before votes were counted.”

The password is: Corporatism.

ASHE SCHOW: U.Va. dean vilified in fake Rolling Stone article speaks out.

ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Friday played a clip from an upcoming feature about the fake gang rape story published in Rolling Stone magazine in 2014.

The clip features snippets of two interviews, one from GMA host Amy Robach speaking with University of Virginia dean Nicole Eramo, who was portrayed as dismissive toward sexual assault accusers at the school, and part of Rolling Stone author Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s deposition.

Eramo is seen reading some “mild” hate mail she received in the wake of the article, which claimed she did nothing to help a woman who said she was gang-raped at a fraternity at U.Va. when she was a freshman.

“Dean of rape … God will have his day with you and hold you accountable,” and “you’re a despicable human being,” Eramo read, timidly.

“I thought I – I was sure I was going to be fired. I was sure that – and I just didn’t know if I could do it, honestly,” she said, fighting back tears. “I mean, I went to work every day and I tried to do it but I wasn’t sure if I could do it.”

Eramo is now suing Rolling Stone and Erdely for the way she was portrayed in the article.

Next we see Erdely giving testimony in response to Eramo’s lawsuit. She claimed “Jackie,” the woman who gave her the fake account of a gang rape, “proved to be credible in so many different ways.” Erdely also said Jackie gave her “pieces of evidence to back up what she was saying.” We do not see whether Erdely explained what those pieces were.

Jackie could have given Erdely text messages between herself and “Drew,” the man she claimed took her to a fraternity party after a date and orchestrated the gang rape as part of an initiation. She could have shown Erdely a photo of the man she claimed was Drew. But those text messages and the photo were fake. Jackie used an online service to send the texts to her friends, and the photo she showed them of Drew was actually of an old high school classmate who was not a student at U.Va. and had nothing to do with any of this.

Remember, Obama, and even many Congressional Republicans, were ready to make national policy based on this hoax.

APOCALYPSE UPDATE: Syrian rebels supported by the Turkish Army have driven Islamic State fighters from the village of Dabiq, Syria. Dabiq figures prominently in ISIS propaganda. Here’s the background.