Archive for 2016

VA MANAGEMENT, UNION LEADERS SABOTAGE PRIVATE CARE OPTION, THEN CALL FOR REPEAL: Department of Veterans Affairs leaders in management and the employee union fought Congress when it adopted the Choice Card program in 2014 allowing veterans to get private care when a government facility couldn’t provide it within 30 days.

Now, the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group’s Luke Rosiak reports, there is substantial evidence VA  management and unionized workers purposely mismanaged the program because they fear it threatens their jobs. And guess who is pushing Congress to repeal the program? Lesson: When Big Government feels threatened, everybody in it puts aside differences and defends it.


Protesters who “feel the Bern” are camped out in front of CNN’s headquarters in Hollywood, Florida, complaining about the lopsided coverage the network has given to Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.

Sanders supporters united online, using the Twitter hashtags #OccupyCNN and #BernieBlackout. Reports have estimated that over 1,000 rallied to push back against allegedly biased reporting. Online, many Sanders backers noted that Time Warner, the company which owns CNN, has contributed heavily to Clinton’s political efforts in the past.

And they certainly have a point: CNN Commentator David Gregory’s Wife Is The Attorney For Hillary’s Ex-Aides In Email Investigation.

But given the very nature of the ideology, how can you be a socialist who’s against cronyism?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: A Nation of Laws—Sort Of.

If [Hillary] is not indicted by the Obama administration for violations of federal laws or conspiracy to obstruct justice, in the future it will be almost impossible to prosecute successfully any federal employee for violating government protocols about the handling of classified information. If Clinton avoids indictment, it will make a mockery of the Obama Justice Department that sought to prosecute Gen. David Petraeus for showing his personal journals, which contained classified information, to his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell. The government leveraged Petraeus on the basis that he knew his notebooks contained classified information though they were not formally identified as such; Hillary Clinton knew the same about her own communications, but unlike Petraeus was sneaky enough not to admit to that fact on tape or to associates.

Read the whole thing, which contains an “artist’s” illustration of what Hillary’s booking photo might look like.


ABOLISH GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY: Trial and Error: Report Says Prosecutors Rarely Pay Price for Mistakes and Misconduct.

The Innocence Project released a report Tuesday alleging that prosecutors across the country are almost never punished when they withhold evidence or commit other forms of misconduct that land innocent people in prison.

The Innocence Project, a nonprofit legal group that represents people seeking exonerations, examined records in Arizona, California, Texas, New York and Pennsylvania, and interviewed a wide assortment of defense lawyers, prosecutors and legal experts.

In each state, researchers examined court rulings from 2004 through 2008 in which judges found that prosecutors had committed violations such as mischaracterizing evidence or suborning perjury. All told, the researchers discovered 660 findings of prosecutorial error or misconduct. In the overwhelming majority of cases, 527, judges upheld the convictions, finding that the prosecutorial lapse did not impact the fairness of the defendant’s original trial. In 133 cases, convictions were thrown out.

Only one prosecutor was disciplined by any oversight authorities, the report asserts.

I had some thoughts here and here.

And, of course, there’s my Ham Sandwich Nation piece in the Columbia Law Review.

I ENDORSE THIS THEORY: The Costanza Approach:

In a famous episode of Seinfeld, George Costanza concludes that every instinct he’s had, every decision he’s made, has been wrong and that he should henceforth do the opposite of what he had routinely been doing. He implements this new philosophy and promptly manages to entice an attractive woman to go out with him by introducing himself as unemployed and living with his parents. He then gets a job with the New York Yankees by telling off its imperious and temperamental owner, George Steinbrenner.

We’ve long thought President Obama should adopt the Costanza approach in matters of national security and simply do the opposite of what his instincts tell him to do, since his policies toward Iran, Israel, ISIS, Russia, and others seem textbook studies of how not to conduct foreign policy. But Jeffrey Goldberg’s recent Atlantic article, “The Obama Doctrine,” relating a series of interviews with the president, makes it clear that a form of “Oppositism” or “Antitheticalism” (if you will permit a slight butchering of the English language) already defines Obama’s foreign policy. For Obama’s foreign policy is less about what he stands for than what he rejects—namely, much of what America has stood for and done over many decades. Obama’s doctrine, such as it is, consists of a few simplistic ideas that emerge from a shallow and ideological disdain for the American past. It marks a radical departure from the outlook of every recent American president, Democrat and Republican.

It has also been a debacle of the first order.