Archive for 2016


The idea of Donald Trump entering the Oval Office six months from now is something that makes Barney Frank shudder. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, upon which The Donald and Barney agree.

Well, almost nothing … except when it comes to sharpening surveillance on a walking time bomb like Omar Mateen.

Trump delivered one of the reddest of his red-meat speeches yesterday, and Frank was in meetings in Washington and did not see a rant that was anchored around Sunday morning’s massacre in Orlando, Fla. So, I quoted the following passage:

“But the Muslims have to work with us. They know what’s going on. They have to cooperate with law enforcement and turn in the people they know are bad.

“They know that he (Mateen) was bad. They knew the people in San Bernardino were bad, but you know what … they didn’t turn them in.”

“Well,” Barney sighed, “I gotta say Trump’s argument on this particular issue is legitimate. There is a small tragic sliver that is consumed with hate that has to be focused on with greater intensity. And enlisting other Muslims to help in that effort, whether it’s with law enforcement that can go undercover, is something that has to be looked at seriously.”

For Barney Frank, the slaughter inside Pulse nightclub was personal.

“It could have been me,” said the former 16-term congressman, who stepped out of the closet more than three decades ago to earn the respect of colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

Okay, so maybe he’s not ready to join Trump’s Rainbow Coalition, but the fact that Trump is saying things that even Barney Frank agrees with, but that nobody “responsible” will say explains why Trump is doing so well.


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THEY SHOULD BE SUED LIKE THOSE CHRISTIAN BAKERS: Trump supporters denied service at Cook Out.

Shannon Riggs and her cousins expected some push back from protesters when they attended presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rally in Richmond Friday night. They did not expect what happened when they stopped for dinner on the way home.

Dressed in Donald Trump shirts and hats, the family walked up to the window at the Cook Out on Boulevard in Colonial Heights to order burgers and milkshakes.

“As soon as we got to the window, someone inside said ‘Hell no! I’m not serving them,'” Riggs recalled.

After a few minutes of discussion behind the window, their orders were eventually taken.

“Everyone was laughing and giggling,” Riggs said about the uncomfortable situation.

She said at one point, an employee yelled out an order was ready, but when her cousin went to the window to claim the food, she was told, “Oh not for you!”

“You should not be discriminated based on who you support, whether it be Bernie, Hillary or Mr. Trump,” Riggs said.

If you discriminate against them, you’re a bigot. If they discriminate against you, they’re demonstrating moral seriousness.

KURT SCHLICHTER: So, What Difference Does It Make?

Nothing matters. No one cares. LOL.

Do you know why Donald Trump is defying the odds, defying the predictions of doom and defeat? Yes, by the time this runs, the people gleefully thinking that the tempest in the margarita glass that is the whole Trump U judge thing will FINALLY BRING DONALD DOWN! are going to realize, once again, that nothing matters.

No one cares.


Someone else came up with the “Nothing matters. LOL” formulation to describe this election year, and he deserves a nice shiny quarter, unless he is a Hillary Clinton fan in which case someone should smack him for supporting that cancer on our Constitution.

And he can also thank himself and his idiot ilk for helping bring us to this point. Without the avalanche of distraction, hypocrisy, willful ignorance, and outright lies that the liberal elite and their human centipede press corps employed over the last few decades to ensure their corrupt, mouth-breathing, and/or perverted Democrat heroes are never held accountable, Trump would not be possible. We might still care about quaint things like character, competence, and not being a loathsome piece of human refuse.

But we don’t. Not anymore.

Hillary’s formulation of “Nothing matters, no one cares” is just a little different. For her, it’s “What difference, at this point, does it make?” You know, that comment she made when some congressmen – not including any Democrats – tried to hold her to account for getting four Americans killed and lying to not only their families’ faces but to our faces about it.

And the people who aren’t in Hillary’s trick bag are supposed to care that Trump’s a jerk?

They don’t, by and large. Sure, Trump makes what we conservatives all agree is a distasteful comment insinuating that a federal judge’s rulings would be governed by an inherited characteristic, in this case his ethnicity. The mainstream media goes nuts at how horrible Trump is for assuming that an inherited characteristic might govern someone’s actions in public office. Then a day later, the media experiences a collective climax over the fact that a woman has been nominated, and they think it’s great because that inherited characteristic will govern her actions in public office.

When the “have you no decency?” crowd demonstrates an utter lack of decency every single day, its complaints lose their sting.

WHEN THE TRIAL LAWYERS COME for the Robot Cars. “To avoid the chilling effect that excessive litigation might have on this life-saving innovation, Congress may need to provide a certain amount of legal immunity for creators of driverless car technologies, or at least create an alternative legal compensation system for when things go wrong.”

FLYIN’ HIGH: These Three Senators Bust the Budget on Air Travel.

Sen. Charles Schumer spent $292,000 in public money flying private airplanes last year. His protégé Sen. Kristen Gillibrand spent more than $150,000 on charter travel.

The two New York Democrats were the top spenders on private air travel between October 2014 and September 2015, an analysis of Senate office-account records shows.

Third place is held by a lawmaker from the other side of the political aisle and the other side of the country: Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming spent more than $75,000 in the last fiscal year flying charters.

Frequent charter flyers are the exceptions in the current Senate. Few senators regularly sprung for luxury corporate travel in the 2014-2015 period. Schumer and Gillibrand stood out from their colleagues in another way: by racking up the largest credit card late fees in the world’s greatest deliberative body.

Must be nice.

CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: After Orlando, Dem Katie McGinty hammers Pat Toomey over anti-terror gun bill.

McGinty called on Toomey to now support the measure in the aftermath of the Orlando massacre, hours after Senate Democrats promised to bring the plan back up for debate.

“Pat Toomey has worked to allow suspected terrorists to buy guns in this country and that is just an outrageous position,” McGinty, challenging Toomey in one of the country’s most critical Senate races, said in a telephone interview. “Of all the kind of tough issues, this one should not be a tough call.”

Before electing her to the Senate, Pennsylvania voters might want to ask Katie McGinty what other constitutionally protected rights she would suspend under mere suspicion.

ROBERT SAMUELSON: Obama’s Social Security Failure.

President Obama unintentionally damaged his legacy recently by urging an expansion of Social Security benefits and, thereby, reminding everyone (and particularly future historians) that he failed to deal with one of the largest issues facing the country: an aging society.

“It’s time we finally made Social Security more generous, and increased its benefits so that today’s retirees and future generations get the dignified retirement that they’ve earned,” he said in Elkhart, Ind.

Actually, it isn’t.

Obama perpetuates the popular but outdated myth that, by and large, the elderly are a poor, needy group. That they deserve more financial help. The 65-and-over population exceeds 46 million. Some fit this description. Most do not. . . .

What’s missing in the skimpy discussion of these issues — it’s hardly a debate — is candor. Only the president can challenge outdated ideas. Obama didn’t do so. He has not used the “bully pulpit” to educate the public about the demands of an aging society: the pressures on government budgets; the need for Americans to work longer, accommodating greater life expectancy; the conflicts between generations.

None of this will escape historians, who will — in the future — observe the powerful economic, social and political effects of an aging society. It will affect their verdict on the failure of Obama and congressional Republicans to reach a Grand Bargain on the budget, a failure reflecting both Republican resistance to higher taxes and Democrats’ unwillingness to make meaningful reductions in Social Security and other “entitlements.”

The historians will ask: Why didn’t we better prepare for a predictable future? Obama’s record does not provide a flattering answer.

When President Bush tried to fix Social Security in 2005, Democrats blocked him, and applauded their own success at doing so. Obama is merely continuing the tradition of deliberately blowing things up.