Archive for 2015

HEH: Anchorman: The Legends of Brian Williams. “As it turns out, it didn’t even take bloggers committing daring aerial stunts while dodging rockets to uncover how events in Iraq were very different from Williams’ description. It simply took a group of veterans calling him out ‘On the internet’.”

Williams’ macho posturing looks especially pathetic today. And it didn’t look particularly good when it was fresh.

CLOWNS TO THE LEFT OF ME, JOKERS TO THE, ER, LEFT: Jon Stewart leaves the Daily Show, and NBC Suspends Brian Williams for 6 months without pay.

NOT SURE IF YOU NEED A MEASLES VACCINATION? Go Ahead And Get One. “It is possible to have a blood test to look for antibodies, which will tell whether you are immune; if you aren’t, you can get the shot. However, it is cheaper, easier and faster to just get the shot. Even if you were vaccinated or did have measles, there is no harm in being vaccinated again.”

SURPRISE! Obama Administration Still Stonewalling On IRS Scandal. “The Obama administration is refusing to publicly release more than 500 documents on the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups. Twenty months after the IRS scandal broke, there are still many unanswered questions about who was spearheading the agency’s scrutiny of conservative-leaning organizations. The Hill sought access to government documents that might provide a glimpse of the decision-making through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The Hill asked for 2013 emails and other correspondence between the IRS and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). The request specifically sought emails from former IRS official Lois Lerner and Treasury officials, including Secretary Jack Lew, while the inspector general was working on its explosive May 2013 report that the IRS used ‘inappropriate criteria’ to review the political activities of tax-exempt groups. TIGTA opted not to release any of the 512 documents covered by the request, citing various exemptions in the law.”

DOING THE JOB AMERICAN POLITICIANS WON’T DO: The Media May Ignore Them, But They’re Fighting ISIS and WINNING. “While we in the west were regaled with stories of Europeans and Americans rushing to Syria to join the jihad, no one mentioned that there were also men and women from the west who were rushing to fight against it. It wasn’t until I began following them on social media that I saw just how many there were. These were not young kids looking for adventure, but seasoned veterans who were resolute in their determination to fight evil.”