Archive for 2015

IT’S POTEMKIN DIPLOMAS ALL THE WAY DOWN: Law School Rankings, Not Skills Training, Drives J.D. Employment Outcomes. “To summarize the paper’s key finding: there is no statistical relationship between law school opportunities for skills training and JD employment outcomes. In contrast, employment outcomes do seem to be strongly related to law school prestige.”

MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY is trying to fire a politically incorrect faculty blogger. If I were him, I’d start a MarquetteWatch muckraking blog, start taking donations to hire an investigator, and then ask the Marquette administration if they really wanted me to have a lot more free time. . .

Here’s more from FIRE. “The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has called for McAdams’s reinstatement in light of Marquette’s egregious violations of his rights.”

SUITS OF ARMOR for your cats.

THE ANTI-AGING PILL: “The startup is being founded by Leonard Guarente, an MIT biologist who is 62 (‘unfortunately,’ he says) and who’s convinced that the process of aging can be slowed by tweaking the body’s metabolism. The problem, Guarente says, is that it’s nearly impossible to prove, in any reasonable time frame, that drugs that extend the lifespan of animals can do the same in people; such an experiment could take decades. That’s why Guarente says he decided to take the unconventional route of packaging cutting-edge lab research as so-called nutraceuticals, which don’t require clinical trials or approval by the FDA. This means there’s no guarantee that Elysium’s first product, a blue pill called Basis that is going on sale this week, will actually keep you young. The product contains a chemical precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD, a compound that cells use to carry out metabolic reactions like releasing energy from glucose. The compound is believed to cause some effects similar to a diet that is severely short on calories—a proven way to make a mouse live longer.”

I already take the main ingredients: nicotinamide riboside (in the form of Niagen) and pterostilbene, which I’ve lately been taking along with resveratrol in a combination called Pteromax. Do they help? I don’t know. I feel pretty good, but maybe I would anyway.

THE WASHINGTON POST’S ERIK WEMPLE: The Brian Williams scandal is an NBC News-wide scandal. “Why did it take pushback from ‘some brave men and women in the air crews,’ however? Do these folks have to fight our wars and fact-check NBC News? A production crew accompanied Williams on the helicopter outing. The Erik Wemple Blog has asked NBC News who and how many people were on that crew. But where have they been as Williams has gone about misremembering the episode in media appearances in recent years?”

Williams is a bigfoot. A mere crew person who told the truth about him would never work again in TV news.

UPDATE: “Brian Williams, 2013: I Have to Tell You, Alec Baldwin, That When My Bird Went Tango Uniform One Niner Fiver Kliks Outside of Najaf, I Pondered My Own Mortality With Manful Quietude.” Heh.

FROM CLAIRE BERLINSKI, AN OLD-FASHIONED FISKING: A Frolic with Fethullah Gülen. Ah, for a moment it was 2002 again, and the world was young.

WELL, THIS IS A COUNTRY THAT ELECTED OBAMA TWICE, SO THAT’S A FAIR QUESTION: Are We Smart Enough For Democracy? “Like the antidemocrats going back to ancient Athens, Wilson’s ideas reflected contempt for the people who lack this specialized knowledge and so cannot be trusted with the power to run their own lives. Today’s progressives, as Jonathan Gruber’s remarks show, share the same distrust of the masses and the preference for what French political philosopher Chantal Delsol calls ‘techno-politics,’ rule by technocrats.”