Archive for 2015

BUT HECK, ISN’T EVERYTHING? Agriculture is “capitalist, racialized patriarchy,” declares Ithaca College professor:

Zillah Eisenstein, a professor politics at Ithaca College, declared in a lecture last Friday that agriculture is “capitalist, racialized patriarchy.”

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Though an author of 12 books with titles such as Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism and her memoir Manmade Breast Cancers, Eisenstein has never worked in or studied agriculture. The professor explained that she was speaking as part of a seminar series on women in agriculture by stating, “[m]y point here is you’re thinking agriculture and I’m thinking capitalist racialized patriarchy.”

With those qualifications, she’s a shoe-in for the next Secretary of Agriculture in Barry, Bernie or Hillary’s administration.

BRITISH GOVERNMENT CONFIRMS PASSENGER JET DODGED A MISSILE IN EGYPT EARLIER THIS YEAR: “In other developments, European aviation experts who have examined the two flight recorders from the doomed Russian jet are categorically saying the crash was not an accident. And the head of the Egyptian team investigating the crash says a noise was heard in the last second of the cockpit recording that could indicate a bomb going off.”


Of course, it’s the sketches he’s not appearing in where SNL could inflict their damage — as then-writer Rosie Shuster (who was also married to the show’s producer and creator Lorne Michaels) said when Gerald Ford’s press secretary Ron Nessen appeared in the show’s first season, “The President’s watching. Let’s make him cringe and squirm.”

They did just that, as Doug Hill and Jeff Weingrad, the show’s early historians wrote in 1985. “The writers knew that Nessen would be on guard for material that was politically dangerous. Thus, they went in a different direction — ‘feinted left and went right,’ as one put it — by writing instead some of the raunchiest material ever presented on Saturday Night.”

On the other hand, Trump’s personal brand is already just a tiny bit more downmarket than Gerald Ford’s was prior to NBC savaging him on a weekly basis, so he’s probably bulletproof. The other issue he’ll have to deal with: “’Saturday Night Live’ on Heckling High-Alert for Donald Trump Appearance,” the Hollywood Reporter claims.

I wonder if Lorne is weighing the pros and cons of watching his host heckled on national TV, and Trump sending his security guards out on national TV to deal with hecklers, ala the Jorge Ramos incident. It would certainly make for great theater.

11 WAYS TO NOT BE A TOTAL JERK ON AIRPLANES: “Seriously, just don’t be a psychopath.”

For most passengers, all of this is common sense. Of course, the problem with articles such as this one is that the people who need the advice the most will never see it — or they’ll assume they’re not the person it was intended for.


At the end of the day, what are we left with? An admirable though imperfect man who rose from abject poverty to the pinnacle of one of the most challenging professions in the nation — all while never forgetting his roots, maintaining grace and humility even as he earned riches and honors. In fact, his life story — and his character — would make him one of the most inspiring Americans ever to occupy the Oval Office. But he’s a direct threat not just to leftist narratives regarding race and class but also to the leftist stranglehold on the black vote. And for that reason alone he must be destroyed.

A “high-tech lynching” is again underway, but if recent history is any guide, the Left’s attempt to strike down Carson will only make him stronger. The media can launch its attacks, but it cannot change the fundamental facts: Ben Carson is a good and decent man, an American hero.

Related: The Audacity of Myth: How the Media Ignored Obama’s Lies About His Own Biography and Memoir.

IN THE MAIL: DBT® Skills Training Manual, Second Edition.

Plus, today only at Amazon: Sony XBR55X900C 55-Inch 4K Ultra HD TV with a Blu-ray Player $1798 (31% off). I paid (much) more than that for a 46″ HDTV (no Blu-Ray, no 4K!) ten years ago.

And, also today only: iDevices iGrill2 Bluetooth Thermometer, $65.94 (34% off).

Plus: 18:27:10
Aylio Coccyx Orthopedic Comfort Foam Seat Cushion, $29.99 (67% off).

And: Up to 40% Off Select Security & Surveillance Cameras.

PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: Politicians, press pile on Politico. If the GOP is smart, they’ll unite against their common enemy — the press. If they want to win, it’s important to establish now, during the primaries, that no Crowleyism will be permitted in the general election, and that individual reporters and editors will pay a price for trying.

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? EU Projects Three Million Refugees and Migrants in 2016.

If this is true, Europe will explode. This is triple the 2015 yearly rate of about a million (which itself was an over three-fold increase from the 282,000 that came in 2014). That current rate has already led to the rise of the far right, serious stresses on national and local governments, and the partial breakdown of the Schengen system. So far, many of these stresses have been manageable and perhaps reversible—but if things get three times as bad as they are right now, that will all change. Strong polls for the far right will likely become an election (or elections) in which a party like the Sweden Democrats or Front National takes office; Schengen hiccups could become an outright collapse of the system; and both inter- and intra-national tensions will skyrocket.

The majority of immigrants are streaming to Germany and Sweden, with the Germans expecting to accept this year 800,000 newcomers or more into a nation of 80 million. As we have noted before, that’s about the same rate as the U.S. took in during the “Great Wave” of immigration, our historic peak, in 1880-1924. That wave eventually resulted in a popular backlash in the U.S. that shut down immigration almost completely for two generations. If Europe, which is far less culturally, legally, economically, and popularly prepared to take in immigrants than the United States was then, is hit by a rate triple that, expect politics as the Continent knows them to change dramatically.


THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: Hackers breach FBI-run site, email account of top bureau official. “The hackers, who call themselves Crackas With Attitude, on Friday posted personal data of law enforcement officials that appears to have been stolen from the Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal. The site connects local and federal law enforcement officials and allows local, state and federal agencies to share information, including of ongoing investigations. Three U.S. law enforcement officials confirmed the site, also known as, was breached and user personal data was stolen.”

ASHE SCHOW: College student speaks out about ‘rape culture,’ ‘hookup culture.’

A student at the College of William and Mary took to the opinion pages of the student newspaper to express his views about so-called rape culture.

The student, sophomore Thomas Briggs, insisted that America doesn’t have a “rape culture,” but it does have a “hookup culture” where students get drunk and engage in sexual activity. Briggs described what he sees as rape culture in the Middle East, and provided an example of a Saudi gang-rape victim who was sentenced to 200 lashes for being in a car with a man. She was punished for her suffering on the false pretext that she had caused her own rape.

“What aspects of our society lie within the realm of a rape culture?” Briggs wrote. “There is simply no systemic tolerance for rape, no prosecution of victims and the general disgust for rape and rapists may only be trumped by the general disgust for pedophilia or murder; indicating that it is not, contrary to what many say, an institutionalized part of our ‘culture.'”

Briggs wrote that by redefining hookups as rape, society has started to “overlook the true contributing factors in these instances: alcohol and the disregard for personal responsibility and safety that hookup culture so shamelessly advocates.”

The comments section on Briggs’ post is exactly what you would expect, with some vehemently denying his premise and insisting that rape culture exists and is prevalent, with others supporting his article.

Much of the dissent seems to focus on “victim-blaming,” the act of supposedly telling a victim they are at fault for the crime perpetrated against them. This is an abhorrent thing to do, as everyone can agree, but what gets labeled as victim-blaming these days includes a broad range of issues, including common-sense crime prevention techniques such as being aware of one’s surroundings. These prevention measures are still suggested for every other crime, but when suggested as techniques to prevent rape, they’re called victim-blaming.



Like many of you, I look at Europe, and think: this cannot end well. I can imagine civil order breaking down in Greece, riots, political paralysis, and a coup. Is it absurd to imagine Italy splitting? A German co-prosperity sphere with Euro-rule transferred from Brussels to Berlin? Perhaps I’ve been watching too many WW2 documentaries lately, but they have a necessary reminder: things fail. And another: tribalism is bred in the marrow. Everything modern about Europe is transnational – the architecture, the politics, the thin smear of high culture that passes for art, it has a brash modern style divorced from national identities. Divorced from Europe’s sullen husband, History.

People don’t want to be cut off from national identity; the more you suppress it, the nastier it gets when it’s let out of the hole. I think the idea of war in Europe is ridiculous – the question of “over what” is matched only by “with what,” but it just seems as if some Great Shuddering is due.

—James Lileks, the Bleat, June 20th, 2012.


—Headline, Director Blue, this past Thursday.

Related: Found via Kathy Shaidle, Mark Steyn adds,”Frau Merkel will have achieved what Bomber Harris and the Red Army couldn’t: she will have wiped Germany off the map.”