Archive for 2014


President Obama is a singularly ungracious and non-self-reflective person. In his press conference today he refused yet again to acknowledge reality. . . .

If ever there was a display justifying more robust congressional stewardship of national security, this was it.

In Hillaryland, you wonder what they make of this. Will they be forced to defend a clueless president still unmoved by voters’ resounding anti-Obama message? The more antagonistic he becomes toward the majorities in both houses, the more dangerous it will become for Hillary Clinton to remain aligned with him and his policies. She cannot run and win offering a third Obama term.

All in all it did not bode well for the next two years, but it does provide an attractive target for Republicans to run against in 2016. (We can’t take this anymore!) It also suggests that the voters were right to hamstring him and send minders to keep things from getting far worse internationally and more lawless at home. It was, most of all, a reminder of why he is unpopular.

Yeah, he’s kind of a self-centered jerk when you get right down to it.


Before the election, Obama said his policies were on the ballot. Which policies? And why won’t he acknowledge that those policies were rejected? Because he was bullshitting when he said the polities were on the ballot? If his people had won, he’d have claimed we endorsed those policies, that he had a mandate. So when the reverse happens, how can he evade the reverse meaning?

Well, he’s expecting the press to cover for him, but they seem to be starting to lose patience.

ANOTHER UPDATE: A reader emails:

Obama is the political equivalent of Captain Queeg in the film “The Caine Mutiny” … and we all know how that turned out. Soon he will be looking for strawberries stolen from the WH Kitchen and fidgeting with marbles in the Oval Office.

Yeah, I’m a little worried about how his emotional state will turn out.


The Associated Press and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed.

You don’t need to know, peasants!

DAVID FRENCH: When Thugs And Liars Lose. “But we can’t allow election triumphs to lull conservatives into thinking such tactics are doomed. After all, we’re only two years removed from a successful Democratic presidential campaign that launched the absurd war-on-women rhetoric, and Scott Walker’s victories shouldn’t blind us to the fact that even now Texas governor Rick Perry is fighting his own battle with absurdly politicized law enforcement.” Punch back twice as hard. They’ll stop these tactics when stopping is less painful than continuing.

BRYAN PRESTON: Liveblogging President Obama’s Reaction to the Democrats’ Epic Mid-Term Destruction. “The president’s remarks are expected at 2:50 PM Eastern, according to the White House schedule. But he’s usually late to these things. He may be extra late today.”

UPDATE: Good God, Obama is still talking. . . . “He’s setting up a constitutional showdown. It’s going to be an interesting two years.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Blackmail Is The Official White House Policy. “At his press conference, Obama has repeatedly stated his intention to impose an executive amnesty if Congress doesn’t do his bidding on immigration, and generously offers to roll back his prospective action, once it’s in effect, when Congress does his bidding on immigration.”

So what do you do to blackmailers? Related: 2006 Obama Has Some Advice For 2014 Obama.

ACTUALLY, WE SHOULD BRING BACK THE DRAFT, BUT ONLY FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE: Jon Stewart: Bring back the draft — for civil service too. This would reduce the Democrats’ hegemony among government workers. And since the bigger the government, the more likely people would be to be drafted, it would encourage voters to keep government small.

ED MORRISSEY: Senate GOP for 114th Congress has not reached its ceiling yet. “There is a potential ceiling here of 57 seats for the Republicans, and certainly 56 is within the realm of probability. That would make it very difficult for Democrats to win back control in 2016, as the odds get much longer after one gets to R+53 in the Senate. King would flip back if they got close enough for it to matter, but Manchin wants to win re-election in West Virginia and the progressive tilt of Democrats and the legacy of Barack Obama practically force Manchin to realign himself, and sooner rather than later. I’ll predict that the 114th Congress starts with at least 55 Senators in the Republican caucus. Those are the consequence of wave elections, and of setting precedents for abusing the minority in the years preceding them.”


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I interviewed her for PJTV a while back. Her favorite economist is Bastiat.

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Ex-NFL Cheerleader Indicted For Raping 15-Year-Old. “Officials say Shattuck began seducing the boy back in May after she saw his picture on Instagram — and first got physical with him in the back seat of her car in a middle school parking lot.”

MICKEY KAUS: The Democratic Carnage Brought About By Immigration Reform Proposals.

Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas voted for the Gang of 8 bill. He’s GONE.

Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina voted for the Gang of 8 bill. GONE.

Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado voted for the Gang of 8 bill. GONE

Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska voted for the Gang of 8 bill. Almost certainly GONE

Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana voted for the Gang of 8 bill. She will probably be GONE after a January runoff.

Alison Grimes supported the Gang of 8 bill in Kentucky. DEFEATED

Michelle Nunn supported the Gang of 8 bill in Georgia. DEFEATED

Greg Orman supported the Gangof 8 bill in Kansas. DEFEATED

Bruce Braley supoorted the Gang of 8 bill in Iowa. DEFEATED

Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and Mark Warner of Virginia voted for the Gang of 8 bill and BARELY SURVIVED against longshot challengers.

Do you sense a pattern in there somewhere? Schumer would probably be chairman of the lucrative Banking Committee if he hadn’t pushed his amnesty bill. . . . Do you think that, say, Oregon’s Democratic Senator Ron Wyden will be eager to vote on the Son of Gang of 8 next year? He’s up in 2016. Yesterday, his state’s voters rejected a bill to provide drivers’ licenses to illegals — it lost by a margin of 68 to 32, with more votes cast against it than were cast in favor of any candidate. It lost big in Democratic areas and lost in Republican areas. I don’t think Wyden wants to vote for another “comprehensive” bill.

The question is, will the GOP take the lesson?

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE UPDATE: Could US Troops Stay in Afghanistan Past 2016?

President Obama has set the date for total U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan for 2016. But according to General John Campbell, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, America’s longest war could go on a bit longer. . . .

While concerns about precipitous American military withdrawal are exacerbated by recent experiences in Iraq and the rise of ISIS, the situation in Afghanistan seems different. Where Nouri al-Maliki was a deeply divisive Prime Minister presiding over a deeply divided country, Ashraf Ghani apparently enjoys an approval rating as high as 86%. While the Taliban controls large swathes of territory, violence remains high, and the opium trade is out of control, there is less concern in Afghanistan about rapid collapse of the government or loss of territory. That’s in part because while Sunni-Shia relations in Iraq have been broken for some time, Mr. Ghani has made a point of reaching out to the Taliban to negotiate an end to the fighting.
