Archive for 2014

“MEANWHILE, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS TURNED INTO PEYTON PLACE.” Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats’ War On Women. “If the targets of back-biting were Republican women I have little doubt that the media would hop on the ‘war on women’ bandwagon. Really, why is poor Wasserman Shultz taking blame when the male president is responsible for the party’s bad fortunes? And how [many] of these ‘personal questions’ about Clinton have to do with her age — a sign of sexism in a world in which men grow distinguished and women grow old? (If you think this is pure silliness, you know how Republicans feel when accused of misogyny.)”

UPDATE: From the comments: “More like The Harper Valley PTA, it would seem.” Heh.

NANOTECHNOLOGY UPDATE: Novel multifunctional nanoparticle for diagnosis and therapy. “A variety of nanoparticles have been designed for multiple nanomedical purposes. An article at presents news from UC Davis of a ‘nanoporphyrin’ platform for developing multifunctional nanoparticles based upon treelike dendrimer structures made using porphyrin, cholic acid, amino acids, and polyethylene glycol.”

DONATED BLOOD AGAIN TODAY for the UT vs. Florida competition. (Yes, this is an old picture, because I forgot to get them to take one this time. But the process looks about the same). Once again, there were a lot more women donating than men. And once again, the questions they asked were more detailed than the last time. I was talking to Doug Weinstein the other day, when he’d just donated, and we concluded that we’d better keep giving because it seems like we’re pretty much the only ones left who are allowed to donate blood.

Seriously, all these Mad Cow Disease questions — is that really still a thing?

THIS ISN’T COMFORTING: Australia Raids Thwarted ISIS Beheading Plot. “Police on Thursday said they thwarted a plot to carry out beheadings in Australia by supporters of the radical Islamic State group. They raided more than a dozen properties across Sydney and were holding six people and have identified the suspected ringleader, officials said.”


So, what will happen after tomorrow’s vote in Scotland? Success for “Yes” will likely give strength to independence movements elsewhere. In particular, it may encourage some of the more moderate regionalist and nationalist parties seeking forms of devolution and autonomy within the state to “up” their demands to full secession. A “yes” result in Scotland may strengthen those who oppose the constitutional stipulation that France, Italy, and Spain are indivisible, and trigger a “demonstration effect”, even if many of the pro-independence movements currently lack for the foreseeable future the political momentum or popular legitimacy necessary to realize their ambitions.

A “no” vote is very likely to strengthen the arguments of those who oppose independence and may similarly show the regions that they are better together within their states, especially in these trying economic times. However, it wouldn’t likely herald the end of efforts to achieve constitutional changes, either in Scotland or elsewhere. The pro-UK parties have all promised to grant the Scottish Parliament further constitutional powers if “no” wins. If they play their cards right, independence-seeking parties in France, Italy, and Spain may use this fact to pressure their national governments to do the same, strengthening demands to devolve even more powers.

Is it really imaginable today that if part of the United States genuinely wanted to secede, it would be stopped with the kind of violence we saw in the American Civil War?

AMAZON INTRODUCES A BUNCH OF NEW KINDLES. I like the Kindle Fire HD Kids Edition, where if the kids break it, they replace it free, no questions asked.

There’s also the new Fire HDX 8.9, designed to compete head-to-head with the iPad and Surface.

And the Kindle Voyage, designed to replace my Paperwhite, but with better display and extended battery life.

Plus, the Kindle Fire HD is just 99 bucks, and the base Kindle (now with touchscreen) is just $79.