Archive for 2014

CAMP OF THE SAINTS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FICTION: Extraordinary moment Calais security guards turned a fire hose on hundreds of migrants as they stormed a P&O ferry in desperate bid to get to Britain.

The news comes as the mayor of Calais threatened to blockade the port unless Britain pays out to compensate locals for the money spent controlling large and unsanitary immigrant camps in the area.

Natacha Bouchart says locals have been ‘taken hostage’ by about 1,500 migrants who hope to cross into the UK because they see it as ‘an Eldorado’ with a lax attitude towards immigration.

And look what that attitude has done for them.

JAMES TARANTO: ISIS and the ‘Bitter Clingers:’ Why Obama can’t understand the threat.

Amid all this incoherence, there is one point on which Obama has been remarkably consistent. In that 2002 speech, he said: “Let’s fight to make sure our so-called allies in the Middle East, the Saudis and the Egyptians, stop oppressing their own people, and suppressing dissent, and tolerating corruption and inequality, and mismanaging their economies so that their youth grow up without education, without prospects, without hope, the ready recruits of terrorist cells.”

Last Friday, he struck the same theme, though without bad-mouthing our so-called allies: “We have seen, frankly, in this region, economies that don’t work. So you’ve got tons of young people who see no prospect and no hope for the future and are attracted to some of these ideologies.”

Compare these quotes with candidate Obama’s notorious 2008 remark: “And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” . . .

It bears emphasis that the problem here is not Obama’s conjectural lack of faith or insincerity. It is, rather, his utter incomprehension of religious sentiment. How does one develop a strategy against an enemy one cannot understand?

Obama can’t imagine people worshipping anything bigger than him.

YEAH, AS IT TURNS OUT NOT SO MUCH, CHAMP: Obama told a friend of mine before he was elected, “Wouldn’t it be great for the world if I were president?” “It could be that O really did believe his election marked a historical turning point in which the diminution of retrograde forces abroad was inevitable. And maybe that’s why a year’s worth of briefings on ISIS didn’t penetrate. Don’t they know they’re going to lose? Haven’t they seen his face?”

THE ANCHORESS: Do The Rapes of Rotherham Tell a Tale of Conquest? “One of the terrible after-effects of invasion and war has been the subjugation of the women, the rape of wives and daughters, the seed of the conqueror, inserted into a culture and a society — yet another tactic meant to subdue and eradicate. And yet, there has been no old-fashioned ‘invasion’ and no ‘war’ in the southern part of Yorkshire. This conquering was invited, and it was invited throughout Europe, where Rotherham will be discovered to have been replicated. Why wouldn’t it be? Who in Europe would dare to prosecute?”

When you have a ruling class that dislikes the nation it rules, the invitations will be issued, and the prosecutions will be foregone.

Plus: “Look at the bright side. Very soon we may be done dealing with a fake ‘war on women’ and the illusory crisis of free birth control. Let us find our mercies where we may.”

Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition? That’s not Joel Osteen Christianity, but something older. And perhaps newer?

I THINK THE VOICE HE’S HEARING IS ACTUALLY MY IMITATION OF MARK RIPPETOE. Ben Barton explores the Slovenian iron-pumping scene. Is most premium workout!

From the comments: “$20 says nobody curls in the squat rack there.”